Chapter 5

Eon was particularly fashioned unto people pleasing where he lived, the orphanage was his only home, even though he wasn't truly from there. The origin of his existence caused him to be looked at and treated differently, every interaction was usually filled with rushed conversations and interactions. To Eon it seemed normal, as long as he was able to get along with a few people it should be fine. He was a brave person, When his uncle finally explained it to him he only let out a tear, but he wasn't discouraged. Instead he set out to prove to others what he was.

"Hello?, Space station to Eon, what are we going to do about the dog?" said Sam with a cheerful chuckle. Eon snapped out of thought and readjusted his line of sight on Sam. "We need to disappear. We need a distraction, or maybe we could . . . hmm. That couldn't work. Any suggestions Sam?" "Haha only that we've got a little less than twenty-five minutes to figure this out." "We could start a food fight, that serves as a distraction does it not?" Sam suggested with a devious look on her face. "A food fight, are you seriously looking for more trouble." Eon watched Sam's expression melt into what seemed to be a few shades of disappointment. "There has to be a way where we could do something without causing that much of a ruckus" "Fine Mr Eon, how do we suggest we disappear then?" "Any ideas Whyte?" Eon thought. "I wish I was more of an assistance in this matter, perhaps a food fight is really our best option." "Wait, actually, I think there's another way" Eon tapped Sam's Shoulder as he pointed earnestly towards the corner of the school where the bushes and the school wall met. There were no teachers and it was sufficiently far enough from the lunch area that they could sneak the puppy out for a few moments without getting noticed, Sam turned to look at what he pointed at and looked back confused "Huh? what's that?" "No time, lets go" He dragged Sam along with him as he quietly shuffled over to the space of opportunity. "Oooh, I get it. Whispered Sam." "Great" He zipped open his bag and carefully carried the main weight of his backpack onto the floor.

Sam's eyes sparkled once again just like how they did when she met them. The puppy surprisingly was found sleeping in Eon's hands but only for a moment, The eyes of the brown sickly puppy opened its tail raised above its back. Eon's eyes were lit with new found curiosity, There was a new voice in his head. "Where are we? What happened." expressed the new voice anxiously. "Don't worry, we are safe. We escaped the Garden." "Well, That's great. I still would like to know where we are, however." Said the voice sounding more relieved than before. "Whoa, Sounds like you guys have been on a journey." "Yes, Quite the Journey Eon." "Who's Eon? '' said the voice curiously." "We'll discuss this later, Right now I think it's time for us to notice that a teacher is walking in our direction." At this Eon looked up to see a teacher on lunch duty walking up to us. "Psst, Sam, We gotta go." "We can't," Sam said pointing to the puppy "He's taking a leak beside the bushes." "What, we don't have time for that." He zipped his bag and rested his knee on the dry ground beneath him. "Can't you hold it in? I think he saw us." Sam was clearly opposed to the notion as she struck a disappointed gaze at Eon suggesting he should come up with a better idea, or better still just wait. "Fine, I guess we'll just be caught then" "But we don't have to" Said Sam as she pointed to the bushes with a wide smile.

"Coast clear, let's head-out Sam." Sam whined "I wanted to say that" "What does it matter, you'll get your chance later, I promise." "Was it Eon and Samantha?" It was Arthur. He pushed his glasses up his nose as he approached them "What were you guys doing in the bushes?" Eon's face flinched with concern. "Oh we just dropped some things back there, nothing to interesting." Sam winked back at Eon as she pushed Arthur towards the crowd of tables in the center of the Canteen. "phew, that was a close call." "It seems you lack the ability concealing facial expressions, perhaps this is a common trait among humans?" "No not really, I try sometimes but Uncle always knows how I'm feeling." "He gets me even when i don't want to cheer up." 
