Chapter eight- Hale

SONG- Skylar Gray__ Words


._ We don't fall in love, we grow in love. Everything that falls gets broken and everything that grows get stronger.😌


Two years ago

It has been four mouth since Ben kissed me on the mountain. Four mouths since we started going out secretly. Four months of beautiful moments, and each second Ben never fails to make me fall in love with him even more, but we haven't confessed our love yet.

Today Ben is taking me to his uncle's lake house for the weekend. I told Blake and my mom that i am going to meet a friend who just came from Europe. I don't know how they believe my lies so easly. Either they know every thing, but don't know how to confront me, or they don't have a clue on what's going on.

I walked around for an hour after we got in the lake house. Pointing things out with excitement of a kid on Christmas morning. I was so exited. Well my father and mother were not rich enough to give me and Blake a luxurious life. The closest to vacation i had was on my mountains and the closest Blake had was football camp.

I was very giddy that i am going to experience this with Ben.

My excitement has caused a little since we got here. We just ate dinner and i took a shower while Ben built a fire pit. I brought a blanket to the fire pit with me and curl up next to Ben on the patio sofa. He pulles me even closer wrapping an arm around me. He tucked the blanket around both of us.

I turn to look at Ben, i never seen him this peaceful. I love how he looked at the something when he is deep in thought,  like it answers all the questions he had on mind.

He lookes at it with concentration.

I smile, it's been four months since we started dating. Sometimes I look at him and feel such an overwhelming appreciation for him.

Its funny how you can be so happy with someone and love them with all that you are, like you never want to see them hurt and fear that you might lose them.

My father said once, if you love a certain some one with every ounce of selflessness, never let that certain some one go, and I'm quite sure that this certain someone is Ben.

I lay my head back on his shoulder. "What do you want to be in the future. I mean after we graduated from high school."

"This is going to be embarrassing but i wanted to be a writer." He answered. I was shocked with his answer. I was expecting a football player or something else.

"Have you always wanted to be a writer?"

"Yes, its kind of embarrassing how excited i am to be a writer"

I love him, i love him so much.

"Be whatever you wanted to be,  only thing you shouldn't be is embarrassed." I said wholeheartedly.

"And Ben you certainly have an imagination for everthing. I think you should write a book. Benton  the author. It has a nice ring to it."

Ben is smiling at me with unfamiliar look on his face. I was about to ask him about it but he spoke first.

"I love you berry. I've never felt this way towards anybody except you."

It was so spontaneous. He probably hasn't even though about it. He is still looking at me with hope in his eyes. I wait for him to laugh becouse he accidentally blurted it out without thinking. But he stayed silent waiting for my reply.

"What is going to be your first book title. Tell me everything." I said trying to change the subject. He understood that.

"I will probably write about you. I will write to the whole world about our forbidden love. I will write about how selfless and full of love you really are." He answered.

"But why me, i though that the main characters in a book should be beautiful."

"But you are the prettiest among all. I known this is going to sound stupid, but you have the most beautiful cheekbone structure. The most beautiful brown eyes that always make me think about chocolate, and you know how i love chocolate. And most of all your rosy lip that every girl envy. Now do you believe me."

I kiss his shoulder. "You always say the sweetest things. Sometimes I want to pause the moment and write it down on a piece of paper."

"Then do that." He says. "Write me a love letter."

I felt giddy about the idea.

"I will write you a love letter if you write me one too. You probably have tons of love letter." I said with a pang of jealousy.

"You won't believe me but no one's ever written me a love letter before."

"I don't believe you. What about the time Venessa gave you in the cafeteria."

" 'meet me in the parking lot, i need you' Don't count as a love letter Berry."

"I don't believe that."

"I am serious. I've always wanted one and I promise to write you a love letter too."

I laugh. "Ok ok I'll write you a love letter, you sappy man."

"It better be more than a page long. And i want you tell me every single thing. And i want you to spray your perfume on it like all the girls do in a romantic movie."

"Any other requests."

"I wouldn't mine if you slip a nude picture in the envelope."

"Don't push your luck Ben. That will never happen you perv."

"No need to be shy now Berry. I am going to be your future husband. I will see everything sooner or later." He said.

"That confident about marrying me what if i say no." I asked

"Na you won't say no. We are soul mates Berry." He said dramatically.

"You are the most weirdest boy. I never knew you had this side." I said putting my arms around his waist.

"But I am your weirdest boy. And i know you love it."

At that time I knew that I loved him. Even more than i loved him one hour ago.


What do you think about Ben and Beron?


Hey my lovely readers. Thank you for your support so far. Please let me know about any of my mistakes.

Question- what is your favorite book out of wattpad?
November nine by Colleen hoveer.

Pride and prejudice by Jane Austin.

Raw by Bella Arora.

They are my favorite of all times. If you can, check them out especially November nine.❤❤❤

And if you love the book lit up the star for Ben's and Beron's love.*****

Love, your devoted writer 💓 💓 💓
