Chapter 2

Sarah's Pov

'Something about this scent felt irresistible like I have to have it, it's like I need it to survive or that I won't be able to live without it. This is an exciting and terrifying feeling. The smell is wonderful, why is it that I only now seem to acknowledge it why hasn't this effect me before, what is different today and where is it coming from.

Shara are you feeling okay you look pale almost like you have seen a ghost.

Huh. What.. Oh uh no I

when I turned I saw the Alpha of the Red Moon Pack I walked towards Alpha Rayon and greeted him with a handshake and felt sparks when touching him I guess he felt it too because of the way he looked at his and my hand. Both of us freezed not knowing what to do that's when Rose kept yelling Mate Mate He's our Mate we found him,WHAT then I wisperd' "Mate " 'and he did the same .' 'Everyone around us froze end gasped no one dared to say a word.'

Rayon's Pov

'Ray my wolf instantly got exited and cept on yelling MATE , She is our MATE and our mate is an Alpha that is when I heard her wisper Mate and so did. I after that it whent silent so quiet that you could hear a needle fall that's how quiet it was.Rayon we found our mate we found her , I wonder what her wolfs name is and what she looks like I bet she and her wolf is a strong and kind as I think they are. Okay Ray hold your horses but I bet your right your always right . Look at those beautiful osean blue eyes why I could stare at them for hours . Hey Rayon do you think our mate's wolf has such blue eyes or do you think they would be different because your eyes are brown and mine are green . I don't know we will just have to find out .

This is how I imagine Ray (Rayon's wolf )would look like .

And this Rose ( Sarah's wolf)

Sarah's Pov

'Wow I never thought that Alpha Scott would look this handsome and those amazing brown eyes and dark brown hair with a streak of red '. 'Uh I mean we didn't call this meeting to admire Alpha Scott's appearance' . 'So we need to pull ourselves together and get to business'.' We went to the living room stil not saying anything the silence around us was amazing it was like no one was even here.'

Rayon's Pov

'I wanted to break this akward silence but someone did it for me , a guard ran right into the living room where all of us were and started yelling we are under attack'. 'Alpha Sanders or should I say my beautiful mate jumped up giving orders to everyone ,I immediately went to my mate's side ande told her that I want to help .'

Sarah' s Pov

'One of the guards ran up to me and started Yelling that the rogues are attacking us I jumped up ordering everyone to take cover and the rest to attack '." Take all the children and elderly to the save house and into the basement for safety" ' and Alpha Scott came to my side and asked if he could help I said yes we would appreciate all the help we get quite frankly we need all the help we can get ' . 'I ran out the doors jumped into the air and shifted but what doesn't make sense is how many rogues are here. when I landed we started to fight but soon we were surrounded by rogues one rogue came running at me and hit me against a tree Rayon came and pushed him of me and shifted back to his human form and he tried to comfort me it was so cute how he was trying to comfort me but failed a little'.' Both of us didn't see the rogue running in ful speed at us until it was to late he threw Rayon into a tree and he bit into my side'.

Hey guys it's me just wanted to say you can let me know what you think of this chapter in the comments and dont for get to vote
