6| Interior Design

There was something funny about the way Steve McGarret was fumbling over the boxes in his new office.

Detective Williams stood outside the door, with his hands on his hips. He was still surly after he was told that he'd be working with Commander McGarret. He was obviously a big fuck up, look at him.

After a string of some obscene curses, Steve finally stopped trying to move his things.
The saying about cussing like a sailor was accurate, it seemed.

Detective Williams took this opportunity to make his entrance. Steve jumped at the sound of the door opening. He spun on his heel to see his new partner.

"Danny," he said.

"It's detective to you," Williams snapped.
Instead of clapping back with some more of his sailor words, Steve flushed a deep red.

Detective Williams strutted the room, inspecting the office that Steve already claimed for his own.

"This is yours?" He sneered.

"Yeah what's the problem?" Steve frowned.

"You have no sense of design,"

"Why would I need sense of design? I'm a former Seal and commander, I don't work at Pier 1 Imports," Steve said.

"Whatever," Detective Williams sighed.

*  *  *

It was the end of the week and the two men were sitting in their own offices. They had caught their murderer, it was some Walmart cashier who hated small children.

Steve was staring at his desk, wondering why Danny didn't like him. Was it because of how he organized his own office? Was that it? It was weird, but if that's what it took, then so be it.

He stood from his seat and examined the layout as it was. The desk was in the center of the room, there was a book shelf in the corner and some of his own stuff was spread all about. It wasn't much so this wasn't going to be complicated.

Steve cleared the desk and pulled it to the side of the room.

Danny heard the commotion and sighed. His partner was always into something. Steve was probably lost in his office and was trying to paw his way out. Eventually, his curiosity got the best of him and he went to go see for himself.

Steve was pressed up against the wall and was staring intently at his desk.

Danny rapped on the glass.
"What the hell are you doing McGarret?"

Steve jumped.
"I'm practicing my 'sense of design',"

"But why?"

"Because I thought you'd like me better if I had some," Steve shrugged.

Danny felt his face heat up at Steve's honest response.

"Why do you want me to like you?" Danny asked.

"Because we're going to be working together and well.. don't you think it would be nice if we got along?"

"Right, I think you like me, McGarret," Danny stepped forward.

"What? No-,"

Danny reached up and tugged on Steve's collar, bringing them nose to nose.

"Watch yourself McGarret,"

Ayo sorry that I'm taking so damn long to update :(( im trying to pick up the pace but I'm also working on some other stories at the same time so yeah, but I swear I'm gonna dish out some more McDanno
