It's Just You and Me Now

"What if she doesn't keep her word? We can't take them all." Octavia asks low enough for just me to hear. In a way, I haven't thought that far ahead and yet I am expecting it to happen. 

"we're not leaving without Bellamy, even if I have to behead the queen myself." 

"I hear that." she glances over her shoulder slightly at my mother and Kane. "I trust you, Clarke. I know you'll do what you have to despite the outcome, but you know they won't let you especially your mom." 

"Promise you'll have my back then. If it comes down to it." 

"Clarke. I'll always have your back..."

"No. You need to promise me that you'll get Bellamy, my mom and Kane out, no matter what." 

"Clarke it won't come to that." 

"I trusted Lexa once, I won't underestimate her again." I start to quicken my pace, we're getting close. 

"I don't know what I'd do if I lost you."  he pushes a strand of hair away from my face in response  "Don't say that, you'll never have to know." I run my fingers through his hair twisting the existing curls as I go. He gives me a smirk moving up onto his elbow "I love you Clarke, more than you know." I move closer to his body burying my face into his bare chest taking comfort in his warmth. 

"I love you too." 

 "Glad you could make it," Lexa says addressing my mother and Kane. I look to Octavia who appears uninterested in any small talk. Makes two of us. Lexa nods to both of us before motioning for us all to follow. 

I have no interest in being apart of this I want what I came here for. Octavia bushes past me "Where's my brother?" 

"I'll release him once we have all come to an agreement. You have my word."  

"Well sorry if your word means nothing to me. I'm going to need proof." Lexa looks to me hoping that I'll convince Octavia to trust her. I give her a hardened stare "As I told you before I'm not apart of Skycru, so this has nothing to do with me anymore. A deals a deal and I want what's mine." 

Lexa looks between Octavia and me sensing an already losing battle "Very well." she turns to the guards behind her "Bring the boy up." she turns her attention back to my mother and Kane "I guess this is between us then. This way."  

I can hear my heartbeat in my ears as I watch my mom and Kane leave with Lexa. I see Octavia shifting anxiously out of the corner of my eye causing me to do the same. I look to Octavia who stops her shifting to look at me as well "Clarke..."

"O?" Octavia and I both turn quickly letting out a breath "Bellamy!" we say in unison as we run to him pulling him into a tight embrace. His chin rests on both of our shoulders "You're here." 

Octavia pulls back first freeing Bellamy's other arm to hold me even closer "you're here." I pull back slightly resting my forehead against his "let's go home."  


"You promise you'll visit this time?" 

"Yes O, I promise," Bellamy says pulling Octavia in for a hug 

"I promise to visit too," I say turning to my mom which causes her to give a quiet relieved sigh. "Clarke...I wish you would..." 

"I know mom." I look to Bellamy "but my home is here." he reaches for me taking my hand in his. I move to interlock my fingers with his squeezing it tight. He pulls me into the side of his body leaning his head down into the side of my neck. 

"We should go before nightfall," Kane says looking up at the sky. 

"I expect to see you both soon," Octavia adds following my mom and Kane out towards Arkadia.  

"You will." 

"I promise." I look to my mom reassuring her. 

We watch all three of them disappear taking in the silence and the pleasure of one another's company. I turn my gaze up at the sky watching it change into a deep orange.

"So. I guess it's just you and me now." I smile in response to his words running my thumb over his. 

"Yeah. It's just you and me now." 
