lenas call

After facetiming kai I fell asleep for a good 2 hours then woke up from a call for Lena? How tf did this bitch get my number , I only knew it was her because at one point Mattia kept repeating her number

Y/n: how tf did you get my number

Lena: dont worry about that right now , that's not what I called you for

Y/n: why'd you call me then?

Lena: I know you and Mattia have something going on

Y/n: you're just like Cynthia

I laughed

Lena: huh?

Y/n: the girl he was last dating thought the exact same thing.. and you know what? that ended their relationship

Lena: ...

she stayed silent

Y/n: now dont ever fucking call me again and let me go to sleep

I ended the call and went back to sleep.

I woke up for school and got dressed

with white air forces  , kai came to pick me up today

Y/n: sup bitch

kairi: yo , were picking up

Y/n: really? after-

kairi: yes , hes still my bestfriend

Y/n: I get that-

then the call from Lena came up in my head

Y/n: yo I have to tell you something at lunch

kairi: why not now

Y/n: cuz Mattias gonna be with us all day and I wanna tell YOU not him

Kairi: alright

we picked up Mattia and went to school

|skip to lunch cuz that when you tell kai|

kairi: what happened?

we both walked away from the table

Y/n: last night after you called me lena called me 2 hours later and-

Kairi: hold tf up , howd she get your number?

Y/n: I have no clue I literally asked her and she was like that's not the point so she tells me the same shit Cynthia told me when she was with Mattia

kairi: i-

Y/n: right , so I tell her I'm like that's what the last one said and guess what , they ended , she then stayed quiet stayed quiet and i told that bitch to not call me again

we then went back and Mattia was on his phone texting someone which I'm assuming is Lena

he then looked up and stared at me for a sec then the boys

Mattia: aye imma skip the these 3 past classes

alvaro: can I come?

Mattia: fuck no

Y/n: I'd be better if you stayed Alvaro

I looked at Mattia knowing he was probably gonna go do some stupid shit with lena..

I quickly looked away as Kairi tapped on my shoulder

kairi: let's go get food

Y/n: this food sucks ass tho

roshaun: let's go to McDonald's across the street

alvaro: I'm down

robert: same

Y/n: alright let's go...

robert: wait I needa go to the bathroom I waited for robert inside while the boys went in with him besides Mattia

I was sitting on the ground next to the door and I got a notification from snapchat.. ofc from lena

wow that insecure to send me everything they're gonna do?

kai walked out asoon as I opened it

kairi: yikes

Y/n: yup.


hey then all came out the bathroom 5 minutes later

Y/n: alright let's go

as were walking out I see lena pull up and pick up Mattia the first thing they do is kiss. she was looking around for a bit , guessing she was looking for me

she then found me and winked as I was walking and I flipped her off as she drove away

as we finished eating ready to head back to class

roshaun: hold on lemme go get something from the store I'll be back quick

so we waited for him outside the store that was also across from school and came back with one egg

Y/n: where tf did you get that

Roshaun: I got jimmy 2.0 fuck kimmy

Y/n: and you only got one

roshaun: yea I stole him

alvaro: I didnt give birth to that bitch-

Roshaun: were switching roles now

he then ran away to class without us.

|Skip to after school|

lena sent me multiple pictures of them together and them doing random shit which ofc she would shes that insecure of the relationship and wants me to post about it on my spam to give her clout but I'm not gonna do that.

we all met up at the front of school and all get in kais car , as were driving mid way to kais house but Robert had to go home so he dropped him off

as were almost at kais house he gets a call from Mattia

kairi: alvaro answer it

Alvaro picks up the phone and answers Roshaun from next to me in the back is petting his egg

Y/n: weirdo

Roshaun: stfu leave me and my baby alone

mattia: come pick me up

alvaro: why cant lena take you home

Mattia: she just can't drive rn

alvaro: he said to pick him up

kairi: alright tell him to send his location

alvaro: send your location

mattia: alright

he ends the call

alvaro: he sounded outta breath , you think hes had to run away or something

we drove to pick up Mattia and as he sat next to me in the car he was sweating and still outta breath

the first thing that came to my mind was...

Y/n: ew did you-

he just nodded his head

Y/n: weirdo

kairi: nasty ass

alvaro: why didnt she take you home

Mattia: 2 reasons , I left her shaking and her mom caught us

Y/n: who fucking does it with their parents in the house

I mumbled under my breath
