Chapter 38 - Arron to the rescue

Hey guys, here's the new chapter! There's not much to say except thank u like always! Also, this chapter is particularly bad with spelling and other mistakes and I apologize for it. On the bright side, it's a long one so I hope you enjoy!

Arron's POV

One hour. It was too long. I decided I couldn't wait longer. I got a bucket and filled it to the rim with ice cold water. I walked back over to the spot that Zander had fallen on the floor and dumped it on him.

Before hand, I had flipped him over so that the water hit him square in the face. His eyes widened only a couple seconds after the impact. The floor was completely soaking wet but I didn't care. I just needed answers. To help Daphne.

He started blinking rapidly and I bent down and slapped him. Not hard of course. (Insert dark chuckle) He looked at me confusedly for a second. Then, he opened mouth to say something but I beat him to it.

"Where's Daphne?" I ask anxiously.

He looked at me blankly. Oh dear godess please tell me he remembers.

"What?" he asked, rubbing his head.

"Let me make myself clear," I say grabbing him by his shirt and forcefully making him stand, "Where is Daphne?"

He shrugged me off looking mad but then his expression changed to shocked. It seemed that it had finally dawned on him what I was talking about.

"She's at my house. We have to help them!" he saids, panicing.

"Where's your house, and who's them?" I ask, looking at him straight in the eyes.

"My house is a bit far from here, it's in Burkley Street. And by them, I mean Daphne and Kat." he saids, annoyed.

I wanted to punch him but knew better than to lose more time. I had already lost enough and still needed more to devise a plan. I walked past him and grabbed my phone. I called Ben and Luke to come to my office so that they could help.

Five minutes later I could hear them coming down the hall. Luke was the first to enter, running may I add, and slipped on the water. If it had been any other circumstance I would have died laughing but, right now all I was worried about was getting my girl back and safe. Of course, I'm only speaking for myself as I heard Zander laugh, covering his mouth with his hand. Luke groaned and sat up. Ben came from behind and helped him up, trying to supress his laughter. Ben glared at both of them.

Ignoring the little incident that just happened, I went straight to the point.

"I know where Daphne is and we need a plan to help her," I say seriously.

"And Kat," Zander saids, now, not laughing.

I sigh and say, "Yeah, her too."

"Okay so what are we going to do? And why is there water on the floor?" asks Ben, rubbing his back.

I roll my eyes and respond "First of all, that's what we're going to figure out. Second, there's water on the floor because of him."

I point my finger to Zander.

"Oh sure. Blame the vampire." Zander saids flatly.

Ignoring him, I say, "Let's get to it."

Zander's POV

We've been talking for what it seams like half an hour thinking of a plan. I suddenly remember the letter that I grabbed from the vault and get anxious to read it. I make up the excuse that I need to go to the bathroom and leave the office. My shoes made 'squish' noises as I walked down the hallway. My clothes were still soaping wet so it stuck to my body. Ignoring it, I opened random doors until I found the bathroom. Luckily there weren't people in the rooms that I opened. I went into the bathroom and took the note out of my pocket. I unfolded it and read.

My dear Zander,

I'm afraid that by the time your reading this, I'm not with you anymore. If that's so, it seems that you father has finally gotten rid of me. Which is why this letter is evermore important. My darling, I have had a vision that something big is going to come your way. Only you and the human girl will be able to stop it. You need to be careful, I sense many deaths and some, that won't be able to be stopped. In the vault, I have something that will help when you need it the most. I have to warn you though, it will only work with a vampire. You'll know when the time comes. I also put a special a special blade, that if used by a kind heart,will end the suffering and finally bring peace. Take good care of these things. If they're in the wrong hands, everything will fall to its doom. Use them wisely and remeber, I will always love you and will always be looking out for you.

With love,


I was absolutely speechless after reading the letter. I leaned on the wall and slid down to the floor. I felt my cheeks getting wet. I hadn't realised I started crying. I mean, I'm a vampire but, I still had feelings too. I couldn't believe my own father killed my mother. His beloved. He really is a true monster.

I felt rage start to consume me. That monster killed an innocent woman. My mother. I got up of the floor and wiped my tears. I gritted my teeth and put on a stone cold expession. He needed to be stopped. I will stop him. I know that the only way to do so was getting into the vault. So that was what I was going to do.

I went back to the office and stood infront of them.

"Let's do this," I say, determination lacing my tone.

Arron's POV

We are currently outside of Zander's house and I can feel the nerves start to sink in. I see that there are some guards stationed at the entrance. I then notice that they change into leprechauns and start to skip around a pot of gold. Then, one burps and a small rainbow comes out. A unicorn suddenly appears and the leprechauns hop on and ride away.

Stop it!

Yep, that was my dumb mind, as I told you before, my mind goes to crazy places when I'm nervous. I slap myself inhe face. Keep it together! For Daphne. I refocus on the guards, and give the signal for the first two wolves to go forward and take them down. I see the two warrior wolves shoot forward and easily dislocate the heads of the unexpected guards. Then, group two goes in to take care of the vampires that could get in the way of getting to Daphne. After five minutes, group three, the one I'm in, go inside. It's Luke, Zander, two other warrior wolves, and me. We head over, passing many bodies, with Zander leading the way. We reach a wall. Dead end. Just as I was about to ask what the hell he was doing, Zander lifted his hand to the wall and it opened. To my surprise. I was about to go in when he held out a hand.

"I need to go do something important," he saids,looking ahead.

"Wha-" I started but got cut off by him.

"I need to do this. Just pomise me one thing," he said looking me in the eyes now, " Save Kat too."

I nodded curtly and ran past him. I went far in and was stopped by bars. I looked towards the other guys and they nodded. They got an ax that was conveniently on the wall and broke the lock. That's when the alarm went on.

"Shit," I cursed under my breath.

I ran in and went to the only occupied cell. I could smell the sweet scent of my mate and only hoped she was okay. When I saw her, I couldn't help but suck in a breath.

"Daphne!" I yell.

"Arron," she whispers lowly, stumbling over to the bars.

I call my men over and order them to break the lock.

"Stand back baby, you're safe now," I say, not moving my eyes from her.

My men break the locks and I shoot in, going straight to my mate. I bring her close to my chest andher knees give out. I pick her up and cradle her close to my body. I look up and see that we're not alone. In here, I see Kat and another woman. She looks tired and sick but looked really familiar. It was then that I noticed that she looked like Daphne. It couldn't be her mom could it?

"We need to save them," my girl croaks.

Knowing that by 'them' she meant Kat and the lady, I ordered my men to go and help them. We all got out of the cell and then the wall. I felt on edge, knowing that this rescue was way to easy.

Of course, as expected, a vampire jumped out and attacked me, making me fall.I twisted on the way down so that I would recieve impact and not Daphne. I groaned and placed Daphne beside me. I quickl got up and startedto fight the vampire while I linked my men to get them out of here. They did as told and got distracted for a second when I saw Daphne struggling with my warriors to reach me. That distraction costed me and the vammpire hit me on the jaw. I fell to the floor and saw that the vampire hissed at Daphne and was heading straight for her. I jumped up and grabbed him by his legs. He fell and twisted, trying to bite me. I hit him in the stomach but he didn't react. I felt my claws elongate and I grabbed him and slammed him on the ground, creating an indent. I was going to rip his head off but, remembered Daphne watching and left the unconscious vampire on the ground. I ran to Daphne and picked her up. She was starting to look even more pale and knew that this wasn't a good sign.

"It's okay baby I'm here. You're safe and are going to be okay," I say softly as she starts to cry.

I pull her close and start walking to the car. I get her in and strap her seatbelt. i zoom to the the house and take her to the pack doctor. They ask me to wait in the waiting room while they checkked her out. On the way, she had fallen unconscious so I knew better than to argue. I needed be out of the way, no matter how much I wanted to stay with her so that they could do their job.

While in the waiting room, I couldn't help but think that this attack....

was only the begining of the war.
Question of the chapter: So... what's going to happen?!

Whoo! So yeah that was the chapter! And like always, I love u guys and thanks! 😘
