Chapter Eight

After introducing the twins to Oyaji and the rest of the crew, things on the Moby settled down a bit. A lot of them took turns babysitting when they weren't busy in order to give Marco and I a break. Especially Thatch. The ginger, to my surprise, was great with the girls. Always playing with them when he had the chance. He had freaked out even more than Marco when Sakura, after taking her first steps, had fallen down. Though the child simply laughed and tried again, not at all phased by it.

Now, having just turned four, the twins liked to run around the galley or halls as someone chased them.

Oyaji had kept a low profile for the most part. He hadn't wanted to attract any unwanted attention to us. Not to say that we hadn't run into any trouble in the past four years. We just mostly kept to the calmer areas of our territory until the twins were a bit older.

Sakura, with her blonde curls and grey eyes, was the more outgoing of the two. She loved helping her Uncle Thatch in the kitchens, often getting into trouble by helping the cook with pranks on the others. It drove Marco mad sometimes, but I knew he secretly loved the mischievous streak she had gotten from me.

Camilla was calmer. She usually had her teal eyes on a book as Marco taught her to read, his hand running through her raven hair. She still liked to cause trouble with her sister but definitely took after her daddy more than me. I often found the two seated together as he read to her out on the deck.

Hadrian, now 13, had grown to take his place as a big brother very seriously. He was now quite talented with a sword, too. Vista had trained him well, and he could now hold his own against over half of the crew.

I had also started teaching him actual magic after his eleventh birthday. Without a wand, he struggled slightly, but he was a quick learner. He would probably be on par with a sixth year student in everything but potions. I had just started him on seventh year material this year.

"How is the kid we picked up?"

I paused on my way to the galley at the sound of Izou speaking to someone. A few days ago, we had taken in the Spade Pirates after their captain had taught with Jinbe for five days straight.

Oyaji had been keeping an eye on the boy since his first bounty showed up. Now, him and his crew were on the ship, though they didn't seem happy about it. Who could blame them with Oyaji's habit of surprise adopting strays, though? It could be overwhelming for anyone.

"He tried to kill Oyaji again, yoi. I think this makes attempt number twenty," I heard Marco reply.

The boy, Ace, seemed hellbent on defeating Oyaji since he had woken up. I hadn't met him yet, but I did admire his determination.

Deciding to keep on my way, I walked to the galley where I knew the twins were with Hadrian. I was keen on getting some food for Ace and the other Spade Pirates since Thatch had told me the boy refused to eat anything given to him. After speaking with Deuce, Ace's first mate, the man had asked me to make sure that he was okay.

Grabbing the food, I asked Hadrian to take some to the other Spades as I let the girls follow me to where I figured the young captain was. I wasn't worried about them too much. While he was an angry kid, I was almost positive that the guy wouldn't harm them. He didn't seem the type from what I could gather. And Sakura had already met him while she had been hiding from Marco during one of their games. She had told me that he was really nice and had given her a cookie that he had 'stole' from the kitchens.

I hummed softly as I made my way to the back of the Moby, pausing when I saw Ace all but sulking while looking out at the sea. His aura held so much self-loathing that it made my heart ache for the child. All of 18 years old and already so troubled. It was sad.

Deciding that he might handle it better, I knelt down and handed the plate of food to Sakura.

"Can you take this to Ace, sweetie? He looks hungry," I told her with a smile.

The blonde nodded with a toothy grin, taking the plate from me. "Okay momma! Come on, Cam! Let's go!"

I watched, slightly hidden by the stairs leading to the upper deck, as Sakura dragged her sister over to where Ace was sitting. The moment he turned to look at who had come over, his angry expression softened, and he gave the twins a smile. He obviously had a soft spot for kids.

"Hey there, squirt. Whacha got there?" he asked.

"Momma made you food! Said you was hungry and should eat!" Sakura responded, holding out the plate for him.

I noticed the slight hesitation before he took the plate.

"Well, tell your momma I said thanks." He set the plate down next to him with a slightly softer smile. "I'll eat it in a bit."

"No! You gots to eat it now!" The four year old put her hands on her hips and I almost laughed. She really was my daughter with her attitude. "Daddy says that you can't eats hot food cold! That's how you get sick!"

"Uh-huh!" Camillia nodded along with her sister's words, too shy to actually speak up as she partially his herself behind Sakura.

Ace seemed to be at war with himself for a moment before he sighed and grabbed the plate again. I smiled as he slowly started to eat as the girls both smiled at him.

"So Sakura, who's your friend?" Ace asked.

"Can is my sister! We twins!"

Camillia waved shyly at him as Sakura moved to sit down next to Ace.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Ace."

I watched them talk for a bit before deciding to walk over.

"So this is where you two went off to," I said calmly with a smile. "Did you get him to eat? I was worried when Uncle Thatch told me that he refused any food given to him." I looked at Ace as he quickly got up, his face changing to show irritation that didn't really meet his eyes.

"Uh-huh! He eats it all really fast momma!"

At Sakura's words, Ace's face shifted again to just a frown. I raised my eyebrow at him before addressing the twins.

"Why don't you two go find daddy? It's time for him to take a break," I said. Both of them seemed to light up at that and took off with loud giggles towards Marco's office. I watched them go before turning back to Ace, who had a slight uptick to his lips. "So, are you really that determined to beat Oyaji? Even though you keep losing and getting hurt?"

I watched the teen huff and turn away from me, crossing his arms over his chest. His aura was wild with his emotions. Anger, frustration, self-loathing, loneliness. All of them bundled together in him. My heart ached as my maternal side longed to comfort this obviously troubled teen.

"Are you trying to prove yourself?" I continued, moving to stand next to him and look out at the sea. "That you're better than someone else?"

I noticed him shift out of the corner of my eye, moving to put his hat on to cover his face. Interesting response.

"I knew someone like that once. He hated his parents, his family, so much. He was so determined to be a better person than they were." I leaned forward to rest my arms on the railing. "He ran away and came to live my family when he was sixteen, finally able to get away from their influence. That didn't stop people from assuming things about him. The disgraced heir to his family who rebelled against everything he was taught was still called dark and evil just because of the blood in his veins." I let a smile grace my lips as I thought about Sirius. "You remind me of him a bit. Even though he didn't show it, he had so much hated and self-loathing in his heart. I asked him once why he hated himself. His answer just about broke my heart since I looked at him as a little brother." I finally looked over at Ace, his face hidden by his hat. His shoulder shook with silent sobs as tears trailed down his cheeks. "He told me that it was because he had dirty blood that made him the spawn of evil. He said that he didn't deserve love, happiness, kindness. That he was no good. Didn't deserve to live. Should never have been born. He said all of that and waited for me to agree with him. To confirm it all to him. Would you like to know how I responded?"

I waited, keeping my eyes on his face as he tried to hide it away under the brim of his hat. With how he stood, I could clearly make out the band that went around it. Only years of masking my emotions kept the surprise off of my face at the familiar sight. I had seen the faces adorning his hat many times. They were the exact same symbols that were on Hadrian's lower back. What were the odds?

I wasn't about to meddle though. They would meet soon enough.

"What...what tell him?" Ace finally asked, his voice strained with emotion.

I hummed softly and turned to look back at the sea. "I told him that lineage does not determine who we are as people. We make those choices all on our own. We are the ones who make ourselves who we are. There are things we get from our parents, yes, but we are not them." I paused for a moment as I felt Marco land on the deck above us, watching. "I reminded him of the people who see the real him. The mischievous boy who cared with his whole heart for those he was close to. That he was family to us no matter what he did. That we loved him. Wanted him there. My parents saw him as their son even before he ran to our house when his mother disowned him. I saw him as a little brother the moment my actual little brother introduced him as his best friend." I smiled softly and looked over at Ace. The teen was now staring at me with wide, brown eyes, his mouth hanging open slightly. "Why do you feel the same as he did?"

It took him a few minutes before he finally spoke, asking a question that I could only guess had been asked more times than he could count.

"What would you say...if the Pirate King had a son?"

My expression softened considerably. I had gotten to this world after Gol D Rodger's death, so I never met the man, but Oyaji and Marco had told me what they knew of him. And of how the World Government and Marines had slandered his name while looking to kill his supposed child. It had made my anger and hate towards them increase significantly.

"If Gol D Rodger had a son? Hmm...I would hope that he survived the Marine's attempt to kill him. No child should be blamed for the sins of their father. Children are innocent until they themselves commit a sin."

I watched more tears fall down his cheeks at my words. Had no one ever been kind to this boy? After a moment, I placed my hand on his shoulder gently.

"Think about Oyaji's offer to join. It's genuine, and I think it would do you some good. I'll bring you some food at dinner time, Ace."

With that, I turned and made my way to the main deck to find a spot to just relax. The memories of Sirius were hard to deal with as the anniversary of James and Lily's death approached. It made me miss them all the more.

Letting out a sigh, I shifted into my animagus form and jumped onto a barrel, curling up with my nose buried in my tail. The form brought me some comfort as I often shifted when I was upset about things. Or angry with Marco and refusing to speak with him.

Ace was such a troubled boy. I just hoped that he would take my words to heart. Then I could give him the love he so obviously craved from a family.


I spoke with Ace a few more times over the next month, talking also with Hadrian and Marco after my son realized just who Ace was to him.

It took them over a week to finally admit that they were soulmates, and Ace took even longer to accept Oyaji's offer to join. Once he did, he got the old man's mark on his back right above the black lightning bolt that was his soulmark.

Due to him being Hadrian's soulmate, he had decided to call Oyaji Jii-chan and had asked Marco and I if he could call us his parents. We agreed, and I couldn't keep the smile off of my face the first time he called me mom.

Not long after he joined, Ace was made commander of the second division. This resulted in a large party being thrown in his honor.

I watched as he opened up to others and became so much happier. He still had his moments, but he often came to either me or Hadrian at those times. I also watched as the two boys became closer. They were soon the best of friends and spent most of their free time together. It was precious to watch.

Soon, a year had past since Ace had boarded the Moby. He often sat in on Hadrian's lessons with me, fascinated by magic. He also often talked with the other commanders, becoming fast friends with Thatcher and Haruta. While he was often teased about being their nephew now, it didn't stop the friendships he formed. He really had grown thanks to the love of our family.

"Mom! Hey! You gotta see this!"

I chuckled as Ace ran over to me, holding a piece of paper with a wide grin on his face. What had gotten him so happy?

"Ace, honey, what's got you so excited? Did your bounty go up again?" I asked with a smile.

"Nope! But look! My little brother got his first bounty! Highest in the East Blue!" Ace exclaimed, holding up the paper in his hands while trying to stay still.

I looked at the bounty poster that depicted a smiling young man with a scar under his left eye and a strawhat on his head.

"So this is that brother you always talk about. 30 million, huh? That's higher than your first bounty." I took the bounty poster and smiled. "Now that he's set out, I cannot wait to meet him."

"I know, me either! You'd love him, mom. I'm sure of it!"

"I'm sure I will."


After Ace went around showing everyone Luffy's bounty poster, he and Hadrian went off to train while I finished up the last of my paperwork with Marco. That done, the two of us spent some time alone, enjoying the quiet that we didn't often get with how hectic our lives were.

"You're such a good mother, yoi," Marco whispered, his arms wrapped around me from behind as we laid in our bed. "You really helped Ace come out of his shell."

"Mmm, I had help though. You're a great dad to the kids. Have been ever since we first met." I twined our fingers together and smiled. "You've never treated Hadrian different from the girls, and you've always seen him as your own. That fact made me fall in love with you even more than I already had."

I turned around in his arms and kissed him softly. I really had fallen for this man that first night. Now, here we were eleven years later. A total of four kids now that Hadrian had found his soulmate in Ace. A wonderful family that I never thought that I would have after the death of my brother.

"What's mine is yours, yoi. And what's yours is mine. Hadrian will always be your little kit. How could I not come to see him as my baby bird?"

I laughed at that. While he didn't do it often, Marco had started calling all of our kids his baby birds or little chicks. It really fit his Devil Fruit. Just like me calling them my kits or cubs fit my animagus form. We really were made for each other.

We laid there for a while, sharing kisses and talking. At least until we were interrupted by frantic knocking on our door.

"Come in, yoi!" Marco called out.

A distressed Vista came in looking like he had seen a ghost.

"I...I don't know what minute they were there and the next...but only you and the kids can do magic..."

I felt myself go pale as Vista spoke, dread filling me.

"Vista, what happened, yoi?" Marco sat up and I could tell that he was just as worried as I was.

"It's Ace and Hadrian. They're gone. Disappeared in a bright flash of blue light."


I was full on panicking at this point. It had been three hours since Vista had told us what had happened and we had told the rest of the crew. My precious boy had been taken back. He had been taken back to our world. Why? Why now? It had been thirteen years. Why get him back now?

I had been pacing the meeting room as Marco spoke to Oyaji and the other commanders, informing them on everything that he knew. My magic was going haywire around me as I was that frantic over my little kit. My only comfort was that he had Ace with him. Ace would be sure to protect him if the situation called for it.

"Liz, how long would it take you to get us to your world, yoi?"

I paused my pacing at Marco's question. How long would it take? From what Death had told me years ago, it would be similar to aparating. If I took everyone to Potter Manor, it wouldn't be an issue. The property sat right on the coast, so I could land the Moby there. Would it work?

As I thought, I began to feel a familiar chill that often followed Death when he checked in. I guessed that he would have my answer.

"My child, it seems that it is time to return," the primordial being said from my right. "Take them to your home. I will help by providing the power you do not have so that you do not faint upon your return. All you must do is stand in the center of your ship and think of your location. I will do the rest, child."

I took a deep breath, calming myself, and looked at Marco.

"Ten minutes. I need ten minutes before I can do it. The property I am taking is to is on the coast of my homeland, so the Moby will be coming with." I clenched my fists as my magic flared around me. "Once there, I will take Marco with me and to find who took our boys. They will pay."

A/N: So sorry for the delay! Life has just been keeping me busy. Also, yay! Ace has joined! I hope the changes from cannon are okay. I couldn't really have Ace calling Whitebeard Oyaji or Pops when his soulmate calls the man Jii-chan, which means grandpa. Also, yes, I am having him call Liz and Marco mom and dad. Sue me. Anyway! It's off to Hogwarts next! Wonder what's gonna happen now.

