Part 9

"I want you to bring him back by nine" Misha stops us right as we are going out.

"Leave them alone" Vicky rolls her eyes then looks back at us with a sweet smile on her face. "Enjoy the night guys"

"Use protection" Jared taps Alex on the shoulder but winces when Gen walks by, pinching his side.

"Don't be annoying" Gen scolds him.

"But if you don't, name the kid after me" Jensen comes in with a sandwich in his hand. Well, mostly in his mouth.

"Okay, we are just gonna go" Alex opens the door, letting me walk out first.

"Bye" I wave back before walking out, Alex right behind me.

He hurries pass me to open up the car door for me. "My lady"

"Oh, thank you" I kiss him on the cheek before stepping inside the car. "If you behave, you'll get more of those"

"And what do I have to do for more of this?" He bends down to kiss me on the lips and without waiting for me to react, he pulls back.

"You are such a dork" I giggle as he just winks at me before closing the door of my side.

He runs back to the other side, climbing with a huge smile on his face.

"Someone is excited" I grin as he starts he car.

"I've been wanting to ask you out for a while now" He admits, a pink shade over his cheeks.

"Why did you never asked?" I frown, placing my hand over his knee.

"I just never thought you'd agree" He looks at me shyly before turning back at the road.

"Really? We were always flirting" I chuckle, giving him a little squeeze.

"Yeah but I wasn't sure, I thought you were just joking around" He bites the side of his lip and I try to hold myself back from kissing him.

"Well, better late than never" I look out the window as we drive by an amazing view of the sunset.

"So, it's too early for dinner so do you want to get some frozen yogurt before?"

"Yes, sounds great" I nod as he grabs my hand that's resting on his knee.

We drive for a couple of minutes, exchanging a few smiles and giggles as he catches me staring at his gorgeous face.

Alex stops the car in front of a frozen yogurt stand but there is nowhere to park. "Why don't you go ordering while I look for a place to park?"

"What do you want?" I ask him as I pick up my bag from the floor of the car.

"Just get me whatever you are getting" He smiles before giving me a quick kiss.

I get off the car and thankfully the shop is not too crowded. As I wait in line, I notice there's a group of girls staring at me, whispering between themselves.

"Excuse me" One of them steps a little closer. "Can we get a picture?"

"Absolutely" I give them a bright smile as they all move closer to me.

We take a couple of selfies and I sign a few things they have in hand like a napkin or their phone cases. They start asking a few questions so I decide to send Jared a text to see if he can send me a video of him alongside Jensen and Misha saying hi. Like a minute goes by and then I receive it so I show it to the girls. With a big thank you, they walk away, thankfully not gathering too much attention from other people.

I order two frozen yogurts with my favorite fruits and treats and I go sit by a empty table as I see Alex walking towards me, running his hand through his hair.

"Hey there handsome" I give him a wink as he pulls the chair next to me. "Here you go"

He grabs his cup, giving me a quick kiss before leaning back on his chair. "Thanks"

"So, do you think we should talk to Eric and Rob and the others?" I ask, bringing the spoon to my mouth.

"Do you want to?" Alex looks at me, placing the cup on the table. "Because we have to be sure because it'll be like becoming a serious thing"

The words sting a little more that I thought they would. Does he not want it to be like a serious thing?

"That came out wrong" Alex closes his eyes then opens them to find me looking at the floor. "Hey, look at me"

He grabs my hand so I bring my eyes up to meet his. "I told you before, I like you and I want this to be a serious thing. This is not just a hiatus fling, I'm in this, I just want to be sure that you are"

"I am, I really like you and I want to see where this gets us" I feel my breath coming back to its normal state.

"Then we'll talk to them when we find the time" He gives my hand a light squeeze. "We just have to make sure no paparazzi catches us"

"We'll have to cross our fingers for that one"


"I just think they should make Blaire and Jack a thing" Alex laughs as he deeps his fork on the cheesecake we are sharing.

"I think you just want an excuse to kiss me more" I smile cheekily, bringing a piece of dessert to my mouth.

"Maybe" He leans in to kiss me, a grin spread across his face.

"Y/N?" Someone interrupts us before I can even lean in. I turn back only to find someone I never thought I'd see.

"Trent?" I gasp, standing up to hug the blonde haired guy in front of me.

"How've you been?" Trent asks me as I take a step back.

"Great, I'm doing amazing" I smile, blushing a little.

"Yeah! I started watching that show you are in just so I could see you" He stares at me for a couple of seconds before speaking again. "You are looking as beautiful as always"

"Ahem" Alex's voice makes me snap back.

"Oh, sorry!" I turn back to Alex. "Alex this is Trent, a high school friend. Trent this is Alex, my-"

"Oh, you are her coworker" Trent stretches his hand to shake Alex's.

"I'm actually the boyfriend" Alex forces a smile as he extends his hands.

He is my what?

"Oh" Trent swallows before turning back to me. "And what are you doing here?"

"We are just on vacations with a some of the cast" I sit down back at my chair as Trent pulls one from a near by table. "And you?"

"My sister's wedding" He replies as I notice Alex roll his eyes.

"Wait, Miranda is getting married?" I beam, remembering when I used to go shopping with her.

"Yeah, the whole family is here" He leans in, a little closer than usual. "You should come with me one day to see them before we leave"

"We have a pretty busy schedule so I don't think that'd be possible" Alex steps in, playing with his straw.

"We only have a few days left but thanks" I look back at Trent as he and Alex share a look I can't read.

"Mom really misses you" Trent places a hand on my arm. "She says that you will always be her favorite daughter in law"

Alex chokes a little as he places his glass back on the table. "You two dated?"

"We were a thing through high school but we broke up because we had to go to different colleges but we remained good friends" I explain to him but Trent immediately jumps in.

"We were voted most likely to get married" He gives Alex a cocky smile before turning to me. "I can't believe we ran into each other"

"How lucky" Alex gives him a forced smile before leaning back in his chair, not meeting my eyes.

"And how's your mom?" Trent asks, trying to keep up the conversation.


"Alex" I poke his side as he stares at the road.

"Hmm?" He doesn't even look at me, just stretches his neck to the side a little.

"Why are you so quiet?" I ask, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Nothing" He mutters so I start placing light kisses on his cheek then on his jaw and on the side of his mouth.

"Tell me" I insist, moving so that I can kiss his lips.

"Were you really voted most likely to get married?" He asks, biting the inside of his cheeks.

"You are jealous" I laugh so his face goes hard again.

"Whatever" He growls, holding the wheel even harder than before.

"Babe" I smile, sitting straighter. "It was high school, besides I didn't know you back then otherwise I would have been all over you"

"You are looking as beautiful as always" Alex mocks him, doing a funny face. "What a pretentious dick"

"Aleex" I grin, pulling one of his hands from the wheel to hold it between mine. "You don't have to be jealous"

"He took all of your attention" His voice gets a little rougher so I know he is not joking anymore. "It was supposed to be our first date"

"You are right, I'm sorry" I bring his hand to my lips to kiss it slightly. "I'll make it up to you"

"Jealousy is not a really nice feeling" He pulls over at the entrance of the house.

"Tell me about it" I roll my eyes, remembering the day at the beach. "Seeing those girls at the beach with their arms around you wasn't exactly my cup of tea"

"Wait, you were jealous?" He is the one smirking this time.

"Shut up" I try to stop the grin forming on my face as he leans in to kiss me. "Hey, you called yourself my boyfriend"

"I did not" He huffs, turning off the car. "You are imagining things"

"Alex" I shove him away but he moves closer anyway.

"It just felt natural" He looks back at me a little nervously. "I'm sorry"

"You were trying to mark your territory like some sort of dog but I forgive you" I squeeze his hand before noticing Misha is staring at us through the window as Jared turns the lights on and off.

