Chapter 20: buddy incident

giggling and laughter awoke me up the following morning. I slowly opened my eyes, my vision was unclear, but I knew exactly who they were.

"Oh shit," snuffy murmuring said. When I turned around, Joey was still sleeping.

"Quiet, don't you try wake him up," I murmured, smiling. Derek and Ted both looked at me.

"I expected this," Ricardo said as the four guys left. Thank God Billy was still asleep.

"Go on, children, walk away," I urged, motioning for them to leave faster and prepare.Joey awoke and turned to face me.

"Was last night a dream?" He inquired. He cracked a smile as I shook my head. I stood up to change my outfit.I stood up to change. I put on some old jeans and a shirt that had previously belonged to Joey. The boys had all moved around to face the opposite wall, and they were changing as well.

Evons outfit:

When we were authorized to leave our dorm to brush our teeth, I rushed down to breakfast. Joey and I were standing right next to each other the entire time. After they took a head count, we ate breakfast.

Joey and I held hands underneath the table through breakfast.

Since there was just one teacher remaining in the building, Luis let us move outside for our lessons today.

The other boys were having fun outside playing frisbee and primarily playing soccer. The youngest boys, the freshmans, were getting taught by the headmaster.

I observed Derek and ted sitting down while being taught, they spotted me and i nodded my head at them, in reaction they nodded and waved and i smiled and waved back.

Ricardo, Hank, and Snuffy examined the explosives. A guard approached them, and I heard Ricardo mutter something to Hank, which caused Hank to straighten up straight and pretend as if he was not doing anything.

Joey, Billy, and I began heading over to this boy who appeared to be exercising, and the three of us knelt down to talk with him.

"Hello, Gube." Billy said to the shirtless blonde, "I heard you brough at breakfast tray up to the lookouts in West Hall." Joey brought a notebook and a pencil with him to write down notes.

"Yeah," Gube said.

"What room were they in?" I questioned.

"They were in the infirmary," replied Gube.

"How many?" Joey inquired, taking careful notes.

"Two," Gube said.

""What kind of stuff do they have?" Billy and I both inquired at the exact same time.

"What do you mean?" "What stuff?" Gube asked us, he stopped working and then sat up normally.

"Guns, grenades.." Billy started saying.

"All that machine gun stuff..." I finished Billy's sentence.

"Man they had tons of it, all kinds. And, as you mentioned, they had a large machine gun," Gube replied. "Wait a minute, I'm not going to get in trouble for this, am I?"

"And do you two always finish your sentences?" Gube was glancing between Billy and I.

"Yes we do" me and my brother responded at the same moment.

Billy asked Gube, "Describe the machine gun."

Gube explained the machine gun, and I observed Joey as he wrote everything down.

When he was finished, we returned to the three other guys.

"Hey, Evon." "I think that guy over there is checking you out," Snuffy said. I turned around to see a guy our age staring at me up and down.

"Disgusting," I said in a disgusted tone.

When I turned back to face the group, I noticed jealousy in Joey's gaze. I was able to clearly feel him being less cheerful as he had been before, the guys turned towards me.

"I'll murder that motherfucker" Joey muttered.

Suddenly i felt someone touch on my shoulder, it was the guy who had been watching me.

"Hey, whats up?" He asked me, glancing at my boobs. "eyes up up here buddy" i told him. He brushed aside my clarification and put his palms around my waist. 

"Get your hands off her!" Joey insisted and i pushed the guy. 

I smacked his face and headed away with joey. 

"Come on let's go" joey whispered in my ears dragging me while we headed to a corner, the guys looked at us in confusion. 

"What the fuck goes on here?" Billy ran over and inquired about it. I giggled and wrapped my arms around Joey's torso thanking him. 

"Nothing im good now" I replied, Billy glanced at me and Joey. Billy nodded "Joey if you hurt her i ought to kill you man." Billy stated quite seriously.

"Its fine billy, let's meet up at the hall again later" i told him.

I headed with joey to the hall, holding hands and him having a big grin.
