Brooklyn Winters ⇒

"You totally lied," Kris accused me when I managed to get the basketball through the hoop for the fourth time in a row. "Said you were no good."

"It's luck, I swear!" I insisted. He was laughing, even as his friend bumped him out the way to shoot the ball.

"I must be your lucky charm," he said proudly and with a wink, but I knew he was joking so I played along.

"Where would I possibly be without you, Kristopher?" I put my hand to my forehead in mock weakness. I couldn't believe how much I warmed up to him, how much he warmed up to me. Was it really always this easy to have a conversation with him? The nobodies of this school, which of course included me, never dared to come close to Kris Hamilton. It was practically taboo, like a servant elevating and equating himself to the likes of royalty, feeling the audacity to become friends with a king.

But now I realized it wasn't him.

It was Corbyn. People were scared to approach Kris because his boyfriend would murder them. Therefore, only popularity could bring a person close to this god beside me.

"You'd be hopelessly lost. So. You ready for the cast list tomorrow?" He inquired, stealing the ball from his friend, Levi, and expertly shooting it through the hoop like he could do it in his sleep.

"Uh, yeah. I-I don't think I'll get the part I wanted," I averted my eyes. I hated lying to him, just when we were getting to know each other.

"I'm sure you will."

I pulled my eyebrows together in confusion. "What about Corbyn?"

"Look, at first I wanted nothing more than to be on stage with my boyfriend, but... then you auditioned and that changed." He snatched a ball out of midair and passed it to me. "Your go."

I was still speechless by his statement, and I'm sure it was the reason why I couldn't seem to throw all of a sudden. "I-I can't."

"Jaden..." he approached me. "You did it four times already. Here, maybe this will help." He gently took the ball from me, his fingers grazing mine. I tried to keep my shudder at bay. "Your feet should be shoulder-width apart. Put one a little bit in front of the other to help you shoot."

I did as he said and tried not to laugh. "I'm not trying out for the basketball team if that's what you're trying to accomplish here."

He gave me the ball and stepped behind me, but I didn't break my position. "No, but... we have gym all semester long. It'd be nice if you played with us everyday, or whenever you wanted to." I felt his body warmth at my back as he stretched his arms underneath mine to help me position the ball. "Leave a small space between the ball and your palm. I find it helps."

I nodded, trying to focus on the ball and failing spectacularly. I darted my eyes to his friends who were playing but they were oblivious. Kris stepped away from me, about to give me more instructions but I didn't let him. I threw the ball because it was killing me-he was killing me-and I made the hoop.

"Alright then, show off. Five in a row." He caught the ball.

I blushed. "Thanks for the tips, but I'm much better at the violin. I'll stick to that."

"Can't be afraid to try new things. Hey, I never saw you in the drama club. Why did you audition anyway?"

"Oh, yeah, I'm not in drama." I bit my lip, not wanting to admit that I auditioned because I was crazy for him. And that glorious kiss scene! "I auditioned because I wanted to challenge myself, I guess."

"You were great. So was your singing."

"Corbyn didn't seem to think so. He was amazing."

"He's a performer, Jaden. That's something he's been doing since he was four or five. Don't compare yourself to him. I think you were great, and if you got the part then you got it fair and square."

No, I got it because Corbyn was an asshole to the playwright.

"Why did you decide to be the lead? I heard you got it because doing the play was your idea."

He shook his head. "It wasn't. I think you can guess whose idea it was. But I enjoy doing different things and I've always had a knack for acting, so I agreed to the part."

"A jock who likes drama. Interesting combination."

He smiled at me, running a few fingers through his gorgeous hair. "I wanted join the drama club my freshman year, but football keeps me very busy."

'Do you sing? Considering this play's a musical..."

"I do. Not as good as you are though."

"I'm not that good," I laughed.

"We'll agree to disagree then." He softly bopped my nose with the ball, making me giggle. "Shoot."

I took the ball from him, a full grin on my face, and took another shot.


I was on clouds the rest of that day, and I probably would be for many more days to come. It was unfortunate that I didn't pass by Kris in the halls after gym class. I wanted to know if he would smile at me or wave or say hi. Or if he saw me at my locker alone, would he approach me?

He was like a phantom prince, so well known and well loved but never seen. Even new students heard whispers of his name; they knew he was charming and beautiful but did he really exist?

I considered myself lucky that we were able to spend time together like we did.

I stayed behind to practice a few songs on the violin, and I was the only one in the orchestra class by the time it was past five o'clock. I packed up my instrument and walked out of the room, then out of the building. I was pretty sure my dad was worried sick concerning my whereabouts, so I was about to call him and ask him to pick me up.

"Need a ride?"

I whirled around to see Corbyn and Brooklyn walking past me, and she was laughing about something he may have told her. Whatever it was, she hushed up pretty quickly when he asked me that question.

"I'm sure he has parents, Corb. Let's go," she tugged his arm, but he only gestured me closer.

"Well, don't just stand there. Come on."

Of course, I hesitated. When had Corbyn ever been nice to anybody? "I can call my dad, thanks," I turned down. I doubted his offer was from the kindness of his heart. But the good thing out of this was that there was no way he knew about me hanging out with his beloved boyfriend; otherwise, he'd be ripping me into two.

"We could have an interesting conversation, don't you think?" he persisted.

I sighed, walking up to them and hesitantly still, I nodded. I was curious. "What do you have to say to me?"

Corbyn smirked, holding out his phone. "Type in your address and follow me."

Everything in me screamed not to trust him, but I ignored my sanity. "You're not gonna murder me and dump my body somewhere right?"

Brooklyn popped her gum. "Yes, that's exactly what we're planning because we don't already have better things to do."

I swallowed, following them. She was sarcastic and sassy, I could tell.

"Hm. We could give his blood to that demon I told you about and maybe he'll leave me alone," Corbyn said to his best friend then turning to me to smile, quite playfully might I add. Almost as if we were friends.

Okay, first the invitation and now a ride home? I gave him back his phone while we entered his car. I got in the backseat, of course.

"I still can't understand how he snagged an invite. It wasn't me, I swear."

"It's okay, Brooklyn, I know that. You're the most like me, so I'm sure it was that incompetent Liv or Camille. Whatever." He started the car.

"He better not show up or I will ruin him in this school."

Oh, they were talking about Nico. What did he do? I didn't give him my invitation to go show it to my enemy.

Corbyn laughed as he pulled out of his parking spot, which he somehow managed to 'spice up' and even took up two spaces. "It's funny, Brook, when you think you have that power."

"I can ruin anybody I choose!" she asserted.

I cleared my throat. "Why two parking spots?" I was surprised I managed to get my voice above a whisper. Brooklyn shot me a weird look, as if to ask why I was even speaking.

"Because idiots tend to park too close to my car. It's a brand new model, you see, and I don't want it scratched or dented."

"Someone parked in Corbyn's spot once, so he paid some emo kid to bash in the person's windshield with a crowbar."

My eyes widened. "Are you serious? You broke someone's car?"

"Relax, goody two-shoes. I only paid him to do it, but he didn't. Stole my money instead."

"So we humiliated him. Don't ask how. It's not for sensitive ears." She popped her gum again, facing the front with a smile stuck on her pretty face. "He had to transfer."

"Thank god he did; that god awful haircut was painful to look at. It still haunts me sometimes. Anyway, what did you say your name was? In fact, don't tell me. I won't remember anyway."

I rolled my eyes. You'll remember my name when you see that cast list and the image of me kissing your boyfriend fills your mind. I suddenly couldn't wait for tomorrow to come. I couldn't wait to talk to Kris some more, for him to get to know me. Maybe--and this was farfetched--but maybe he'd take a liking to me. Maybe he'd find me better company than his boyfriend.

"Why did you sing that song during lunch a week ago?" I asked Corbyn.

"Brook, be a dear and answer our passenger."

She turned to me again. "'Too Cool' is an inside joke. It's like an anthem between all our friends. It has a simple message: we're the leaders of our school, and we like to make sure nobody forgets it. And they don't."

"Really? I thought the leader was the principal, or maybe that's just me."

Corbyn scoffed. "What good is a principal when your mother's head of the board of education?"

I honestly never knew that. It explained why he never seemed to get into any trouble. Our principal probably quaked in his shoes at the mention of Corbyn Starr's name. Son of the mayor and education board's leader. Must be nice.

"Personally, I think the song was... beneath you," I criticized.

He shrugged one shoulder. "Of course it is. Then again, a lot of things are beneath me. Don't you think I know the song was cheesy? And was that a challenge I heard?"

"Excuse me? Challenge where?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"You so just challenged him," Brooklyn sided.

"If you have such strong opinions about my singing and song choices, perhaps you'd like to have a sing-off then? Let a crowd be the judge of who's better."

"That was criticism, not a challenge. I never said you couldn't sing."

"Oh come on! You're just gonna chicken out? Where's the fun in that?"

"You're a better singer than I am," my voice was small because I didn't want to admit it, but he'd crush me in that department.

"Oh, honey, I already knew that. Like I said, we'll let the crowd judge. It could actually be fun. Look, you're not a bad singer."

"But you laughed during my audition."

"To throw you off your game. Don't you know how show biz works?" Brooklyn butted in, swiping away on her phone.

"Brook, just swipe right and get laid. You've been pretty uptight lately. Anyway, what do you say, passenger? We can show off our talents tomorrow, at lunch."

I swallowed. At first, I was nervous, but I found the perfect loophole in his declaration of war. Then I smiled. "Okay. A battle it is." I tapped the girl's shoulder. "Brooklyn, you should know that Mae Struss never wanted your cheerleading spot." I'd been dying to say it. I was shocked when the evil boy in front of me laughed, but I ignored him. "So you shouldn't have kicked her off the team."

"Oh, sweetheart." the blue eyed bombshell turned toward me again, the look in her eyes meaner than Corbyn's, if that was even possible. "I know."

"Then why won't you take her back?" I shot.

"She'll be replaced by Monday. We don't need her, so I suggest you let her know she can find a new hobby. Maybe join the stupid band so I can have a good reason to push her into lockers."

I balled up my fists. "Pull over; I wanna get out."

"We're two minutes away-" Corbyn began to say.

"I'll walk the rest of the way. Just pull over!"

"Suit yourself." He slowed down and pulled to the side of the road. My hand was on the handle when he stopped me. "Wait. I just wanted to tell you good luck. You must be looking forward to the casting, just as I am. Your audition wasn't half bad. Nowhere near mine, but... good luck all the same."

"I don't need it," I assured, getting out of his car. I didn't thank him; he didn't deserve my gratitude.

I watched the car speed off and frowned. That was the worst ride in my life.

I opened the door to my house when I arrived there, only to be hit with the aroma of food--delicious food. No way in hell was that my father. He couldn't cook to save his life. I sped into the kitchen to find him standing near my mother, whose hair smelled like that soothing shampoo she always used before. She was wearing a casual, stay-at-home dress and socks, like she'd never left. I had to keep myself from believing I'd been transported back in time.

"Mom?" I gasped.

"Jaden, you're home. I was worried," Dad said. My mother turned around and sent me a smile.

"So was I. Did you walk, baby, you're all sweaty!"

I clasped my hands, so happy that I wanted to embrace her. Wow, I couldn't believe I actually missed getting told what to do all the time. She was always a little more uptight and worrisome than dad.

"I'm sure you're wondering why your mom's here. She thought it'd be a good idea to come cook dinner for all of us since I fail at doing so."

"Oh, and are you learning?" I teased.

"He's learning all right!" Mom confirmed, shooting Dad a playful smile. "But I'm convinced your dad's the only person who can burn ice."

"Okay, the ice evaporated. It wasn't entirely my fault!" he defended himself. "Anyway, how was school?"

I snapped out of my amusement in watching them interact. "I hung out with Kris during gym!"

"Did you now?" Dad's eyebrows flew up. "So you haven't given up on him?"

"Jaden has a crush and I didn't know about it?" Mom's eyes accused me.

"Mom, you've known about Kris Hamilton since forever."

"Oh, the Hamilton kid. Man, his parents are wildly rich."

"Yes, and his boyfriend, the mayor's son, is also King Bee. Which means he basically holds everyone's reputation in his hands. I'm sure he hates me."

"J, it's only high school. You're not going to fade into oblivion just because this boy wants you to. You don't have to be afraid of him or anyone, ever."

"Thanks, Mom. I'm a part of the school play and... well, you should come on opening night."

"A play? Since when were you into theater?"

"Since 'Hamilton kid' became lead. And guess what? I'm his love interest."

"I have to be there. I'm sure your sisters would like to watch you. You'll come as well, right? With me maybe?" Dad turned to my mom expectantly, and she smiled yet again, nodding.



I rubbed my hands together, doing breathing exercises to ease my nervousness. "It's D-day."

"Dick day. I knew it," Kari whispered, ripping open a pack of skittles.

My friends, which now seemed to include Tiana, and I were slowly walking down the common hallway that Friday morning.

"Okay, we all have to make sure this works out according to plan," Tiana warned. "I'll be putting the list up on the school's biggest bulletin board by the cafeteria. It's a big poster; I want everyone to see it easily. It's gonna be available at the start of our lunch period. Jaden, you should be nearby when I put it up. As usual, Brook and I will be following Corbyn like puppies. Mae, you have to find some excuse to get Kris to follow you. You guys should be walking down the same hall while Corbyn flips his shit."

"And I'll be eating my skittles a few feet away. Sadly, I couldn't bring popcorn," Kari said, shrugging. "I'll manage."

"Anytime you say skittles, my mind goes to dirty places." Mae pouted. "So it just sounded like you said you'll be eating your own vagina, which would be very strange, Kari. I implore you not to do that in the hall where everyone can see."

We all stared at Mae as if she was on toxic drugs, but she didn't seem fazed by our looks.

"Anyway, timing is of the essence, guys."

"You talk like an author," Mae complimented, smiling at Tiana. If she knew Mae had a crush on her, she certainly didn't show any reaction to it.

"And like an author, if you need a creative idea, I've got you covered. Jaden, you realize your life's kinda changing today, right?"

I sighed. "Corbyn will make me miserable until graduation in two years. I'm very aware."

"Not just that. Like I said, the bulletin board by the cafeteria is not only the biggest one, but the most common. Everyone will see your name, everyone will quickly figure out you're the love interest and not Corbyn. I'm pretty sure you'll be social media buzz come lunchtime. You up for that?"

I must've turned pale. I couldn't even feel my heart.

"Oh god, he's gonna barf." Kari stuck a blue skittle into her mouth, staring at me with wide eyes.

"N-no, I'm not. Guys, I need to tell you something. Don't ask how or why, but Corbyn and Brooklyn offered me a ride home yesterday and long story short, King Bee challenged me to a sing-off."

"A sing-off?" Kari repeated, a genuine interest in her eyes.

"I'm having a difficult time processing this," Tiana commented.

"Look, we're having a battle and it's today. At lunch, might I add, so practically right after that sign up sheet goes up. No doubt his anger is only gonna drive him to perform even better, so I may be toast."

"Dude, he'll crush you. J, you're a good singer but Corbyn has a gift, which is very annoying because it gives him bragging rights. But it's true. He's outstanding."

"Well, that's just it. Singing is his gift, and I have one too. He mentioned that we'd be showing off our talents, so I thought, why don't I use mine?"

"The violin," Mae figured, grinning. "That's smart thinking!"

"At least this way I stand a chance."

"Jaden, if Corbyn really is serious about this battle thing, you gotta remember not to go easy in any way. It's not a recital. It's a large crowd of confused, judgmental teenagers who worship Corbyn and have little to no comprehension of the passionate art of the violin's music!"

Kari almost choked on a green skittle. "Wow. You really do speak like an author."

"They don't worship Corbyn because they like him. They fear him. He's ruined so many people in this school, and I... I refuse to be one of his victims."

"That's easier said than done. One of my friends literally went into therapy because of him."

"Man, Tiana, I'm sorry to hear that." Mae pouted, holding her hand. Tiana glanced down at it then smiled at her.

"Thanks, Mae."

"Listen, getting that role has given me some confidence. That and the possibility of Kris being on my side in all of this. I know it sounds ridiculous but we hung out at gym and... PE is two periods before lunch so I can ask him to have my back."

"I know Kris. He's blinded by his feelings for his boyfriend, feelings that no one may ever understand. I mean, Corbyn used to be much more tame and actually pretty funny. So maybe that's why, but only they know how deep their relationship really is."

"Dick deep," Kari answered.

"I think that can change," I asserted. "With that boy's ego growing bigger by the day, it's only a matter of time before Kris realizes how toxic he is. For the first time, I have hope that my crush might actually like me. Even if only as a friend; that's more than I could ever ask for."

Mae smiled. "So! What song are you playing?"

"No idea. Tiana, what do hormonal teens like to listen to? I can learn the violin rendition if I go practice right now."

"Omg. Three words. Viva la vida. It's probably not a current teen fave but who cares? They won't appreciate anything anyway."

I nodded. "No, I think that could work. Thanks, guys! You're all so awesome!" I darted off, quickly walking in the direction of the orchestra room. I had 20 minutes to learn the song and put my own twist to it. Easy peasy.


Author note!

Hey guys. I'm gonna start something new in every chapter, or most, I'll be adding songs and violin covers. This is a musical story after all. There will be songs by some of my fave violinists and singers (especially Glee)!

Thanks for the support!
