Chapter 7

Peter and Felicia's Apartment

Peter was suddenly awoken from his deep slumber by the blaring alarm in their bedroom. He opened his eyes, slowly trying to adjust to the daylight that was lighting the room up currently. He turned his head and saw Felicia reach over in her sleep to turn off the noise that was annoying both of them They both didn't get a lot of sleep last night. Once they had made up they sat on the couch for several hours just talking about how to tackle the father situation for Felicia. They had decided that for Felicia to try and sort through all she was feeling, she should go and spend some time with him and try and get answers from him.

"Good morning birthday girl." Said Peter as he rubbed her shoulder gently. He smiled as Felicia turned over and planted her head into his chest trying to fall back asleep. Peter laughed as he kissed the top of her head.

"Okay since you are clearly wanting to sleep, I am going to go take a shower and make you breakfast. " Peter smiled and got up, trying to not laugh as Felicia groaned because her pillow was gone. He walked into their bathroom and closed the door. 20 minutes later Peter staggered into the bedroom and saw Felicia still asleep. He quickly got dressed in his dark blue dress shirt and a pair of jeans. He wanted to look good since he was taking Felicia out later that day. Once he was dressed he walked through into the kitchen and started to make the pancakes for Felicia's breakfast. He knew that she would wake up as soon as the smell reached the bedroom.

Peter knew he was right when he heard the bedroom door open and his tired girlfriend came walking out sleepily. Felicia walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist resting her head against his back. She closed her eyes again and tried to get a couple of extra minutes but Peter shifted and stopped her from falling asleep again. Peter turned around and gave her forehead a gentle kiss.

"Come on Felicia, you need to stay awake long enough so you can eat," Peter said with a smile on his face. That smile turned into a chuckle as Felicia scowled at him and then sat down on one of the counters to watch him cook. She watched him flip the pancakes and licked her lips in anticipation, she has had Peter's pancakes before and they were amazing so she really couldn't wait.

"When will they be ready?" Felicia asked patiently as she looked at her boyfriend who turned to her and smiled.

"A couple of minutes, take a seat in the living room and I will bring them through. " Felicia nodded and went into the living room.

When Felicia got settled she saw the flowers that Peter had brought her the night before. She smiled thinking about how much she appreciated Peter for talking through her problems with her. She knew Peter was right and she should at least try to mend the relationship with her father. She was brought out of her thoughts as Peter walked in holding a plate of pancakes in one hand and a box with wrapping paper covering it in the other.

"Happy birthday Felicia." Peter sat down and handed her the plate and the box.

Felicia looked at the box and slowly started to open it. Once she had the wrapping off she saw that it was a long black box. She slowly lifted the lid off to reveal a beautiful necklace. The necklace had a simple swiss blue heart pendant in the middle. Felicia looked at it with an open mouth and then turned to Peter.

"It belonged to Aunt May, I have kept it for a really long time and was waiting for the right moment to give it to you. My Aunt got this from my Uncle when they were about our ages. She kept it all of this time and before she died she gave it to me, asking that I give it to someone truly special. So I chose you, cause you are my life now. "

Felicia had tears in her eyes as she slowly leaned forward and gave Peter a huge kiss on the lips. Peter laughed into the kiss but started to enjoy it and match her. Felicia giggled as she handed the necklace to Peter and turned her back to him.

"Can you put it on for me?" Felicia asked as she lifted her long blond hair from her neck.

"Sure." Was all Peter said as he carefully took the necklace from the box. He slowly wrapped the necklace around her neck and clipped it in. She turned around and the necklace looked absolutely beautiful on her.

"You look gorgeous with that on, even more so than usual," Peter said softly as he kissed her neck gently causing her to tilt her head to the side.

"Thank you" Felicia was enjoying the kisses onto her neck but knew they had to get business done for today. "Peter I have been thinking." She started as he continued to kiss her neck.

"About what?" Peter asked as his lips trailed down to her right shoulder.

"I think I want to invite my father on our date later. I feel like I deserve answers and I would rather be there with you than on my own, I don't know how I am going to react to him. " Felicia stared into Peter's eyes as she gave her a gentle smile.

"Of course he can come, I will always be by your side no matter what. "

Felicia smiled at him and gave him another deep kiss that went on for some time.

Oscorp Tower

"Mr. Osborn you have a table booked for tonight at the restaurant that you requested. Mr. Smythe and the police captain will be meeting there with you at around 8 o'clock this evening. "

Harry listened to his assistant and smiled before asking her to leave. Tonight he was going to be discussing the CRS and the Spider-Slayers with the Police Captain to make sure they had the police full support for bringing down the webbed menace. Oh, how Harry couldn't wait to unleash hell on the bug.

The Streets Of New York

Peter and Felicia were walking along the wet streets of New York hand in hand with each other. They were on the way to the restaurant to meet up with Felicia's father. After their make-out session earlier, Felicia had called her father and told him that she wanted to invite him to her and Peter's date. He had tried to resist at first because he wanted her to spend time with Peter but in the end, Felicia convinced him.

Felicia looked up at Peter and took a deep breath, he noticed the nervous look on her face and he gave her hand a gentle squeeze to reassure her that he was in fact there for her. She smiled at him and then leaned up and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips.

"Thank you for being here with me, I don't know if I would be able to face him without you," Felicia said softly to Peter, now resting her head on his shoulder.

Peter smiled at her and wrapped his arm around her so he could keep her warm. "No need to thank me, I will always be by your side no matter what happens. "

They soon reached the restaurant and walked inside, they informed the waiter of their reservation and spotted Felicia's father already sitting down. They walked over to him and he greeted Peter with a handshake, he turned to Felicia and she gave him a small nervous smile and hugged him briefly. Felicia smiled and sat down on the chair that Peter had just pulled out for her. Once Peter was seated she gripped his hand in her own under the table and got down to business.

"I want to know everything, Dad. I think I deserve that after all these years of believing you were dead. " Felicia said softly. She watched as her father looked down and sighed gently.

"Well like you already know, I had to fake my death to somehow get the Maggia off my back. I was afraid that they might hurt my family if they ever found it that I was alive. So I thought that if I faked my death, they would leave you and your mother alone and you could live a normal life. I realize now that I was not successful in keeping the Maggia away from you Feli. "

Felicia smiled softly at the nickname her father was only allowed to call her. She looked into his eyes and saw tears there and felt her own begin to fall as well, Peter noticed this and squeezed her hand softly. She smiled at him and then got on with what she wanted to say.

"I am sorry for getting involved with the Maggia dad, I just wanted to make you proud and make sure your legacy lived on. " Felicia said softly causing her father to chuckle softly.

"Feli I am already very proud of the beautiful young woman you have become. Look at you, you have a wonderful young man who clearly loves you by your side, not to mention you help him with his other job. You are my hero Feli and you always will be. I am so sorry for not telling you the truth. " Felicia burst into tears and reached across the table and hugged her father tightly, both letting their emotions show no matter who was around. Peter just smiled at the scene happy that Felicia got to have her father back.

The two broke apart after about a minute and retook their seats. They smiled at each other and ordered their food. They continued to chat for the rest of the time as they dug into their delicious food when it arrived. Felicia smiled at her father as he handed her a present. She opened it up and saw that it was a picture of the full family when she was just a year old. She smiled and gave Peter a closer look causing him to smile as well and kiss her on the cheek.

"So how did you meet Peter dad?" Felicia asked as she laid her head on Peter's shoulder.

"Well, I am now embarrassed to say that I tricked him into retrieving all of the art that I had stolen over the years. I then asked him to look after you and keep my reappearance a secret to save you pain. That was until he convinced me to tell you the truth when you were in the hospital. I don't regret telling you the truth, I regret using Peter as my pawn to get the art back. For that, I am truly sorry Peter. "

Peter smiled at the man "It is okay, just make sure to leave the art stashed somewhere and I will hand it back into the police to return it to where it was originally taken from.

Walter smiled and was about to respond when they were interrupted by a voice he didn't know. The group turned and saw Harry Osborn, along with who they presumed was Alastair Smythe, they were joined by the police captain, George Stacy.

"Peter and the beautiful Felicia It is so good to see you both. Harry patted Peter on the back and gave Felicia a kiss on the cheek which made her look very uncomfortable. Peter glared at Harry but all Harry did was return his glare with a smirk. He turned to the other man and asked who he was.

"Ah he is a friend of my aunt, he was at Harlem visiting her grave and we ran into each other and we invited him to dinner to catch up. " Peter lied quickly, he seemed to convince Harry, but Peter looked at Captain Stacy and saw him staring at Walter intently. Harry noticed this stare as well and reminded himself to question the captain later.

"Well, Pete and Felicia we shall leave you to your date with this old man, have a nice night. " Harry walked off with the captain and Smythe in tow. Felicia and Peter looked at each other, both worried about what the Captain knew.

Harry's Table

"So before we get down to business Captain Stacy, what was your problem with that old guy at my friend's table?" Harry asked with interest.

Captain Stacy looked at him, not sure whether he should tell the full story or not. He decided since he was going to be working with Mr. Osborn on reducing crime in the city, no matter how much he disagreed with the methods, he thought they deserved to know a history of known criminals who might just show up or not.

"Well he looked kinda like an ex-convict named Walter Hardy but that is impossible since Walter Hardy was found dead. I have seen many people look like him, I think it's the mustache that made me look twice.

Harry's mind went into overdrive once he heard the name, Hardy. What was this Walter arrested for?" Harry asked the Captain as Smythe watched on.

"He was the original Black Cat. " Captain Stacy said simply. The captain turned and asked the waiter for some water, missing the smile that appeared on Harry's face.

"Did he have any children or a wife?" Smythe asked while Harry looked on with interest again, he needed to make sure his suspicions were accurate.

The captain nodded his head " Yes, he had a wife, she was called Lydia and he had a daughter named Felicia... " Captain Stacy paused after realizing something, he turned around and saw that the table the supposed Walter Hardy sat at was now empty. He turned back to Harry and quickly excused himself saying he had some important business to get to. Harry nodded and turned to Smythe as the Captain left.

"I want our security looking for Black Cat, the female one. I know who is under the mask. "

Smythe gave him an evil smile "Of course Mr. Osborn. "

A/N - Well I am very sorry for the long delay but I hope it was worth the wait! Harry now knows the identity of Black Cat and we all know what this leads towards. As always thank you for reading my chapters, it is really appreciated and I cant wait to see what you guys thought in the reviews. A little update on chapters, I will try be getting a new one out just before Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales releases but after that, I am not sure how long I will wait! Have a great day or night wherever you are!
