Fake || Tony Stark

I think that I'll write something with Thor. God, yas.


You were shy person. Well.. More like very shy and always nervous. You never talked much, you were the listener type. You never laughed, just smiled weakly. You were always so serious about everything. Nothing, but work, shopping and home. Patries? Never. Fun? What was that? Loud laugh? Nope. Emotions? Is that eatable? In the other word, you were boring. Or you pretend to be. You were little liar and quiet son of a bitch. You didn't have friends, because you had them a few times and they always left you alone in the end. They were your 'best friends' when they were bored or in need. So you began to pretend that you were anyone but you.

You were secretary. God, you hated that job. It was boring, but you were good at it. Just like always. You always caught everything quickly, so everything was easy for you. But, oh God. You had to wear fitting suit, which meant to wear skirt to knees, white, buttoned up shirt and jacked. You needed to hide all your muscles, so there you were, hiding them under too big clothes. You also never went outside without make up, but you didn't mind it.

But all of this was nothing compared to your uncomfortably tight ponytail. And fuck, wearing high heel shoes all day? Who wanted your suffer? Your boss, of course, fucking Iron Man. Yes, you were Mr. Stark's secretary. That's right, you hated him just because he ordered you to wear that shoes every day. You liked to call him Mr. Stank or Ironic Woman. That fitted too well.

And of course, being the best secretary in his company would include having enemies, a lot of money and pleasure to meet Avengers. Stank could be a pain in your ass since Pepper dumped him, but he surely wasn't dick to you. As long as you were doing great job, he was livable.

That one day when he let you go earlier, you decided to visit your fav club. So you walked quickly to your car with fake shy smile on your face, eyes glued to the floor. You drove the hell out of there as soon as possible. You didn't want to know why Stank let you go earlier, but you didn't care about that. As long as you could just get out of there, you were cool with that.

You went to your apartment and without eating anything, you just ran to your wardrobe. It was devided. One part for your work clothes and the other for YOUR clothes. You changed to very big, grey T-shirt and skinny, black jeans. Ponytail disapeared and your hair were finally free. You sighned with relief and went to the bathroom. You didn't mind to have make up on, but God, that felt so good without it. Your face was practically screaming 'Bless you'.

You grabbed your yoga pants, finally zip up your back pack, ran to your car and hopped on a driver seat. You turn on the radio and immediately started to sing with lead singer of Seether. With squealing tires you drove to your fav club.

When you walked in, you already heard familiar voice.

- No, you little shit. You listen. I don't care who is your brother. You started fight, you're no longer part of the team, understand?

You walked to the changing room and with hum you put your yoga pants on your ass. When you finally arrived to training room, wide smile appeared on your face.

- You got a problem here, Jason? - you asked with playfull tone. The guy sighned. He was almost as big and muscular as Cap America, if not bigger. And that was the only human that you liked and didn't hide it.

- Okay, if you win with [Y/N], I'll give you one more chance - Jason sighned in boy's direction. You stood next to him now and smiled widely to the guy in front of you.

- Do I have to? Please, just give me one more chance. I promise it won't happen again - he groaned, but Jason shook his head. - Oh my God, okay. Please, don't kill me - he whispered when he passed you. You smiled again and started to warm up your muscles.

It took him three minutes to slammed your body on the mat. He was sweating and pantig for breath. So were you. He helped you to get up and smiled gratefully.

- You let him win - Jason hissed at you as you whipped your forehead.

- He's good and one small argument doesn't eliminate his skills - you hissed back, looking right into his eyes. He sighned and left you alone. You jumped off of the mat and ran to the punching bag. You started to beat the shit out of it. No one even wanted to disturb you, so you could off steam as long as you wanted.

You woke up early in the morning with the same annoying feeling as yesterday. Different day, same shit. You sighned and got up, groaning like hurted wolf.

You tied your hair in tight ponytail, put your make up on. Your clothes felt less comfortable than yesterday and you knew that was because of your good training. When you thought about next boring 10 hours of sitting above papers and making coffee for Stank, all you wanted was running away from here.

But finally you arrived to the office. You shyly smiled at everyone, but in your head you cursed at them better than pirate. First thing you'd done was, of course, report in Mr. Stank's office. You knocked weakly, opened the door and just quietly said that you're here before you silently, but quickly, closed door. All you wanted was kick this door off of its hinges, yell with laughter "HONEY, I'M HOME" and throw yourself at Stank's comfortable chair. But you didn't do it. You just sat at your desk and started to filled in the papers.

It was 1pm when you heard some kind of movement. Women were whispering and you heard them. All of that came closer to you, but you didn't care, as always. Just filled in the papers, you just were doing your job.

- [Y/N] [Y/L/N]? - you heard low rumbling voice in front of you. You looked up, immediately stood up and fixed your jacked nervously. Jeez, your role was tiring. - Mr. Stark asks you to come to his office - you had seen him before and you remembered him. No one ever forgets Thor.

You wanted to ask why he came for you, but you shut your mouth and just made your way to office. Thor was behind you all this time and you felt really uncomfortable, because, dayum. Did you ever see him? Jeez, he knew how to intimidate.

Before you could even reach for handle, Thor, the God himself, opened door for you. You came to the office with silent 'thank you' and immediately stood in place. What the actual fuck? Why there were Romanoff, Barton, Stank, Rogers and Barnes?

- Hello, [Y/N]. Good to see you - Stank said that with his usuall tone.

- Good morning - you said quietly, still playing. You were shaking, but who wouldn't? You were excited, so why the hell not?

- I called you, because I wanted to explain one thing - he said and stood up. He made his way toward you. Thor sat on the chair with the others. Everyone was staring, but your eyes were at Stark. - I don't like when someone lie to me - he was standing in front of you now, his arms crossed on his back. You saw Romanoff's playfull smile and you knew that something was different.

- I don't know what are you taking about, sir - you said quietly. You slowly were losing control. Five more minutes like that and you knew you'd break.

- Oh, you perfectly know what's going on, honey - he smirked. - You know, I always wondered why are you like this. Always shy, don't talk much and acting like my slave.. - you clenched your teeth. You weren't nobody's slave. - Okay, I see. You don't want to talk. So I will be talking for you. You're intresting. I thought that you were fake little bitch like the rest of them - you heard Romanoff's whisper and Thor's understanding chuckle. - So I followed you personally..

- You what.. Mr. Stark? - for a second you lost it, but the end of a sentence rescued your role.

- I followed you. Yesterday. I wanted to see what are you doing after work, because I couldn't believe that this is real you - he smiled ironically and skanned your clothes. Thank God, not only you hated that look. - I knew something was wrong with you in the second I lied my eyes on you, [Y/N]..

- I think it's too much, Tony - Mr. Rogers spoke. - I think you mixed up people.

- Shh, Monument. Let me speak - you heard sighn and a few whispers. - So.. You're going to say something or you should stay in this boring work forever? - he asked with slight impatience. You clenched your teeth once more, but stayed in role. You pretend that you didn't know what he was talking about. - You know.. I think your ass looks really good in that yoga pants - he smirked and pulled out photographs from his back pocket. He showed one of them to you, but even then you didn't lost your last part of chill that left in you.

- Thank you for complementing me. Is that everything? I have a lot of work, Mr. Stark - you said with calm voice.

- Tony, stop it. That girl isn't going to give up - you heard Barton's bored voice.

- He's right. Leave it. If she don't want you to see her real face, why are you keep digging? - Romanoff sighned.

- You know what? You're right. I can't tell you what you have to do. I'm nothing for you - he smiled, but.. Whoa, did you just saw sadness in his eyes? - You can go now.

- Thank you - you turned around and wanted to get the hell out of there, but you felt something. Something what made Thor and Rogers do a sigh of indignation, Romanoff hissed with anger and Barton just chuckled with Barnes. That 'something' was Stank's hand. On your ass. You felt anger boiling inside you. You slowly turned around and almost killed Dank Stank with your gaze. - You little shit - you didn't care anymore. You threw off mask. Your facial expressions were clear now. Your voice was hard and loud.

- Well.. I'm not that little actually - he smiled widely. And you broke. You were immediately next to him, imposing a blow after blow. One of them hit, one of them was blocked. And finally you stopped when Stark grabbed your wrists and pinned you to wall. You were panting for breath. You didn't have your role and surely work too, but it was worthy. Too see your sexy handsome boss with bleeding lip pinning you to wall? Yes, that was worth it. You smirked at him and growled quietly.

- Oh, get a room, you two - you heard Barton almost puked. - We saw what we were suppose to see. Can we go now?

- Yeah, you're free to go - Stark said carelessly not taking his eyes from you.

- Oh God. Poor [Y/N]. First Pepper, now her - Romanoff whispered to Rogers. Everyone left office, but Stark didn't let you go.

- Hey, Stank. Can you let me go? I need to go to work - you tried to escape, but he didn't want it and just pinned you harder. - You fucker, let me go. I need to do job that you don't want to do.

- If you don't want, then don't do it - he smirked. You rolled your eyes.

- I had to pay bills, so I need money and to get money I had to work. That's how it works, Ironic Woman - you hissed at him. He smiled widely.

- You're fired - he said with the same smile as three seconds ago. He let you go and walked toward his desk.

- What? Why? - you didn't hide shock.

- Because I want you to do something for me - he smirked and handed you yellow briefcase.

You walked with confident visible all over you body and behavior. Skinny jeans, too big black tee with Motorhead's logo on it, hair waived as you walked. You ran fingers through your long black hair and smiled wide to everyone. Your military boots did that 'stomp stomp' sound that you loved so much.

Walking through whole Stark's company with yellow briefcase in your hand.. It felt like you were hero. Because you were. You had your war wounds from last mission, a little bit beaten face, a few bruises.. But mission was done, you were alive. Everything was just fine. And that envious glances.. Perfect. All your ex coworkers were so fucking jealous. Sweet feeling.

You almost kicked door off of its hinges. You ran toward desk, jumped above and sat on it. Stark turned around on his the most comfortable chair in the world and smirked at you.

- I'm back, Dank. You missed me? - you said playfully. You knew that door was opened and every employee was able to hear or see you, but both of you didn't care.

- Hell yeah I was. You shouldn't even ask - he said with fake anger. He didn't ask you if work was done. He knew it was. And he didn't ask how was working with Cap and Buck, because let's face it, you worked with them before.

- I think it's my turn - you nodded toward chair. Tony sighned and shook his head. You smirked and put briefcase on the desk. You nimbly jumped off of it and slowly sat on his lap. Your hands on his shoulders, soon in his hair. You both smirked.

- Welcome home, Mrs. Stark - he whispered as you gave him a few sweet pecks on his lips. His hands landed on your lower back as you two started to making out.

And you knew that when you were just his girlfriend, every woman wanted him to break up with you. But you turned out to be even better than Pepper, so there you were now, in Stark's office, making out with him as his wife and one of the best S.H.I.E.L.D.'s agents. Finally you had true friends too - the Avengers.

And memories from last 6 years flew through you mind slowly. Everything started 6 years ago when your, now husband, then boss, slapped your ass. And now you were going to tell him that you'll be parents. That was good life. Perfect for you.
