Cheated (part 2)

It was gonna be a fun night~
Y/N POV: I couldn't see anything and I hated it. I felt mark's hand go to my clit as he began to rub it. Right before I moaned it he told me to open my mouth so I did. "Lift up your head but keep your mouth open" he said and I quickly did just that. I felt him put the gag in my mouth as he tired to strings around my head. "Now that should keep you quiet" he said as he gently went to my clit. This time I could feel his hot breath on my clit as he stuck his tounge inside of me. I really wanted to moan but I was struggling with the gag on. Mark kept doing that for what seem like two minutes untill he lifted his head back up. I whimpered from his lost of touch. I heard his boxers drop down to the floor so I assumed he had his member out. "Now kitten I'm going to take of the blind fold and the gag ok" he said to me. I nodded as he did just that. My eyes felt like they got bigger when I saw his member. Mark just chuckled and said "like what you see?" He lined up his member with my clint and started teasing it. "Baby stop teasing me" I said as I let out a quiet moan. "OK kitten but let me warn you...I always go hard"(Oh shit that was cringe ) He says as he slams into me. I let out a loud moan and almost a scream as thrust into me. Every moment of that was amazing. He just kept going harder faster and deeper and I loved every second of that. "Mmmmm right there mark!" I say. "Ugh kitten your so fucking tight!" MARK says as I feel his member twitch inside me. "MARK I'M going to cum!!!" I practically shout. " I know kitten on the count of three 1,2....3!!" He says as he both hit our climax. We both take a minute to calm down. Mark unhandcuffs me as I hug him. "I love you so fucking much Y/N I will never cheat on you again" mark says. "You better not or I will break up with ya. Now let's go get cleaned up" I say. Mark nods and we did just that
*Time skip brought to you by tiny box tim* We both got into our shared bed and turned on netflix. There we snuggled and watch anime untill we both fell asleep.

A/N: Hey my little weridos hoped you enjoy this chapter. I know it's a little short but at least I updated it so yeah. Anyway bye my little weirdos!

* smooches ^3^*
