Good bye Marinette.

Nobody Pov: 

Today is a beautiful day, there isn't a cloud in sight. The sun is shinning, there's even a cool wind so it's not to hot. In the movies it's always a dark and dreary day when someone dies.  No, this day isn't dark, or rainy. It's a day like Marinette. Bright. Happy. Beautiful. Marinette's parents decided that Mari shouldn't be underground. Her coffin will be coated in white marble. It will be the centerpiece for the graveyard. Her actual coffin is beautiful though. Marinette's funeral is an open coffin ceremony. Marinette's last smile hasn't faded.

Kagami Pov: 

Blueberry's missing. Lost. Gone. Dead. I don't think I will ever feel complete again. She was my everything. I know if I had the opportunity I would switch places with her, but I can't. My love is gone.

Alya Pov: 

Mari, she was always so kind, generous, caring, pretty, funny and gracious. She is, no, she was my Best Friend in the whole world. I miss her so much. I know she's only been gone a few hours, but I miss her, so very much.

Adrien Pov:

Marinette, for the few years I knew her, she was so perfect. She was my friend. My laughter. I wish that I had known. She was my princess and my lady. She never knew I was Chat Noir. Would that have changed things between us?

Nino Pov: 

Marebear, She and I were good friends, for the longest time, I knew she had a crush on Adrien. I knew she got over him. She was always so Truthful. Never told a lie, except the LB ones, but can you blame her? She had to keep that secret.
