Chapter 4: Inopinatum amicitiae part 2

Personal diary entry four: Holy Republic solstice Calander: 4/8/2062

"As we toddled in our caravan, people screamed and yelled, throwing their voices at us, overwhelming our senses. Compared to the screams, the city's beauty was capitating. Living in the wastelands of Texas most of my life, I had almost forgotten what real structured buildings looked like. There were windows and buildings with different colors, from red, blue, and even purple. It reminded me of my family's trip to Salt Lake City. However, I was quickly snapped out of daydreaming by my face on every corner of the road we took. A guard accompanied by titanium-laced androids patrolled behind us as we cautiously made our way to our designated spot in the city, which was a large patch of land. The soldiers escorted us all the way, watching for sudden movement. What surprised me was that the androids moved without the soldiers' commands. From the last time I was imprisoned in Elpaso, I heard they were decades away from android automation from a not-so-pleasant head science chief. I wonder who figured it out. I hope it wasn't him. When we arrived at the designated location, we created a circle with the caravans, tightening the fortification of the circus. I never understood why the circus master ordered us to set up camp this way. We had never done anything like this before.

Overall, I have had an amazing day, being able to hide my identity so far. Maybe it's because no one expected the most wanted criminal to live with some circus freaks and freaks they were. No one really knows why some people mutated after THE FALL. Some speculate it was the aftermath of the ignition and the toxic debris in the atmosphere. Who knows. This world has more mysteries than I have the time to uncover."

Personal diary entry five: Holy Republic solstice Calander: 4/20/2062

"I had a close encounter with one of the grey knights of the holy church. I knew he was a knight because they loved to show their status with colorful engravings on their armor chest. They loved harassing people and making sure they did not forget the status they held. When I cross paths with them, I enjoy killing them and using those same engravings as trophies.

I was walking from a black market vendor collecting some antique replacement parts. When I stumbled upon the knight. It was by pure coincidence. We were in the back alley of a market shopping center, and it was dark and silent for a quick kill. The air was moist, which made my joints ich with every movement and made his brown flicker under the humidity. For a moment, we locked eyes, and no one dared to move an inch. I can boldly say that was the most intense moment of my life in the last decade, and trust me, I have seen a lot. The knight looked at the wanted poster on a wall three feet near him. I quickly pressed my hands on the blade's hilt concealed on my side. Evermore, before I could risk it all, he simply wanted to caution me about the tremendous and terrible Anothony Verdun. I took a shallow sigh of relief, making sure not to appear suspicious. We then walked our separate ways, forgetting we had ever seen each other."

Personal diary entry six: Holy Republic solstice Calander: 7/10/2062

"I am really doing a bad job at keeping track of my journaling. It has been about three months since I wrote anything down, but a lot has happened. I was almost caught multiple times while trying to find Constant's father's office. It was worth dodging trigger-happy soldiers and death machines when I finally encountered the address Constants gave me. It made all the near-death experiences worth it.

Most of the time, I helped fix the machine for the grand festival they are holding in seven days, when my contract will be over. It is a straightforward job for someone with my skill set, but they hired me because either their engineers were dead or deserted. Spending my days toiling at repairing parts and dodging patrolling soldiers to get any missing parts brought me closer to the circus members.

The big, strong guy was about 2 years old when the fall happened. His mom and siblings died, and he was raised by this father. He became ridiculously strong because of the reaction in the air that no one can explain. Those were his words, not mine. So he spent most of his days trying to protect and make people smile.

The acrobatics sisters were born after the fall, but their story is even worse. They met the circus master at El Paso, who saved them from being killed. From what she described, a group of highwaymen found them on their death race day. The family had no idea what hit them and what these races meant. They were just trying to go back home. However, when the highwaymen reached them, they immediately shot the father in the head and proceeded to physically assault their mom until she was dead; however, death didn't stop their disgusting, perverted acts. The sisters had to watch this at a young age, and they were almost killed if not for the circus master who intervened.

The more I hear about this circus master, the more badass he is.

I am thinking about what I will do after I leave the circus. I must keep my promise to Constant and see this through, but I don't know what I may find. I find myself asking more questions than there are answers to

What did Constant's Dad do as a scientist? What is inside the book? What are their guards patrolling his specific building daily and enforcers rummaging through his stuff?

As for now, I am too broke to act on those questions. When my contract is over, I plan on making that my first priority. However, I am going to miss the people here. I havent had friends in decades."

Personal diary entry seven: Holy Republic solstice Calander: 7/17/2062

"Well, this is my final journal entry. I have found that this doesn't really work well for me; however, it was an excellent way to bide my time.

As for what has happened lately, I would say the constant blaze storm drills, almost getting caught by scanner droids, stealing the church's advanced robot plans. Just the usual. However, today is the last day of my contract, and I have officially been exonerated from my debt. Still, for me, it didn't feel like that. I would almost call them my friends. However, I have to be careful about that. I have decided to stay for the presentation on the machine that I have been working on. I believe it will bring a smile to so many people's faces. I have not been this excited about something in a while.

As the countdown started, I could feel my heart beating faster until finally, the machine was unveiled."

Chapter translation: Inopinatum amicitiae = 'unexpected friendship'
