THOMAS - picnic

having a picnic with little meow meow? yes pls

In this story, thomas and you go out on a picnic, and he teaches you how to play the guitar

"We're hereee!" Thomas sang as he slammed the door of his car close.
"Can I take my blindfold off now?" I grumbled. Thomas had promised to take me somewhere on a date, but he didn't tell me where, and made me wear this stupid blindfold.

I felt his hands touching the straps of the blindfold on my face, then lifting them gently off of my ears. Instantly I gasped at the sight around us. I was looking at a beautiful woodland. Autumn had already arrived, and everything around us was a warm collage of red, gold and brown. Sunlight streamed through the leaves, and as the winds blew by, the shadows from the leaves danced on the floor.

He must've seen how amazed I looked, because a small smile formed on his face. He stretched out his hand, and I took it, as he led me deeper into the woods.

Together we walked, and most of the time I had my hand linked with Thomas'. He, having the soul of a child, walked around stomping on various leaves that had fallen on the ground, grinning when one crunched under his foot.

"Y/n! Bambina! This leaf crunched a lot," He exclaimed, motioning for me to come towards him. I couldn't help but smile at him. It was honestly everything that I had ever asked for, having a boyfriend that could appreciate little things like that.

About 10 more minutes of walking, Thomas led me to a little open area with tall trees surrounding it. He laid down a classic red-and-white picnic blanket, picked out food and beverages from his picnic basket and set them up on it. When he was done, he looked at me proudly.

"Ta-da!" he said with jazz hands. Seeing him so proud of himself, my insides melted with joy. "That's so lovely, amore!" I pecked a kiss on his lips as thanks. Soon, we were sitting on the blanket, devouring our food.

After finishing a sandwich, Thomas took out a guitar from his picnic basket, and smiled "How about I play you a little something?" "Sure, what about 'le parole lontane'? You know that's my favorite" I replied to him before stuffing a strawberry in my mouth.

He chuckled at my answer. "What?" I asked curiously.

"You know, y/n, it's quite a coincidence that this is your favorite song," He said shyly while rubbing the neck of his guitar. "Cause you were the one who inspired me to write it."

My mind raced towards the first time I heard this song. Thomas' guitar riff had captivated me, making me feel a sense of longing and nostalgia for something. Now to think that these were his thoughts while writing my favorite riff...

"Aww, Thommy, that's so sweet..." I whispered under my breath. He said nothing, but wrapped his arms around me. He gently grabbed my hands, and placed them around his guitar.

"Let me teach you how to play it, then." he whispered into my ear. Thomas has only taught me to play the guitar once, and that was before I left 10 minutes later as I claimed that it was boring. Now, I have a good reason to learn it again.

"Do you still remember the basics?" he asked, and I nodded in reply. He quickly told me the positions of the fingers and the strumming patterns, while still having me in his arms. I tried playing it on my own once, and even though there were multiple errors, Thomas was jumped up excitedly and did his little dance, kicking up the red and gold leaves on the ground.

"Thomas!" A laugh escaped my lips, seeing how enthusiastic he was. My attention returned to the guitar in my hands, determined to play the riff correctly this time for him. And to my surprise, I did.

"You're a natural!" He cried out of joy, and proceeded to pick me up by the arms and swing me around.

"PERCHÉ TI SENTO LONTANAA, LONTANAAA DI MEEEEE" he sang at the top of his lungs, scaring the birds in the nearby trees to fly away. I laughed again at his silly actions, then of course, I joined his screaming. And there we were, a young couple spinning in the Autumn leaves, singing our hearts out under the afternoon sun.

Hours seemed to have passed before he finally put me down and we sat on the picnic blanket again, breathless.

"Y/n?" "Yeah?" I turned my head towards him.
"Promise me you'll never be lontana di me (far from me)," he said half-jokingly. And with that, he pulled me into a deep, deep kiss.

i really hope that you're enjoying these stories :) if not then well, get out of my book i guess (jkjk)

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