Nandini was waiting patiently to ask him about interview and then take her leave. Though he was talking to her everytime making urvashi angry and jealous as hell still he wasn't giving any heed to her talks related to business and her work related making her little angry and exasperated. Nandini was waiting patiently for him to give her a chance to explain but nope, he wasn't so thoughtful because the lunch was already set on sofa and manik and urvashi were on the couch before that where nandini maintain her distance and took a seat across them on a visiting chair, to much Manik's disliking.

"Sir i am here for work. Please let me explain myself and then let me leave. I am not here to make trouble. Please just listen to me for once." It was Nandini's plea, listening to her tone manik stop his fingers on plate and look at her very intensively. His soft eyes hold her pleading once for more than 5 second before someone break their moment.

Most probably

A fuckin' bitch.

"If you are not here to make any trouble then why you're here. I don't know who you're still my manik let you invade our privacy, the time which i have saved from my busy schadule. If you're not here to make any trouble then i would highly suggest you to take your leave." It was urvashi who seem to really pissed with manik intensive gaze which was lingered on nandini and not for once fell on her face.

"Ms. I don't really care if you know me or not neither it's my business. I am here to meet mr.malhotra and he himself permitted me to enter into his office. I don't know about your relation still the look on mr.malhotra's face clearly screams that he is not interested." Nandini look at manik and then turn back to urvashi who'se face went blank for a moment. When nandini look at manik, he smiles that this girl knew how to read faces even, hmm impressive.

"Ohh so he is not interested in me, so would you tell me what kind of girl he would actually take interest in, like you? Haha a girl like you who belongs to a family of begger who couldn't comply with some of the demands of groomside. What do you think, i didn't recognise you. I have seen your viral video, You're the same girl who break her marriage on the wedding day shamelessly infront of the whole world and now sitting shamelessly here as if nothing happened. You know ms.agarwal you should die in shame." Urvashi spat venomously but it had no impact on nandini. Why would the gutter mouth and the extremely cringey gutter talks will affect her. Whole world knew what happened and if some narrow minded assholes like urvashi wants to see it in their own way means an idiotic way then she can't do anything about it.

"See ms.urvashi, i would highly suggest you to be at home most of your time." Nandini said with amusement.

"Why?" Urvashi give her a tight lip smile.

"Because with this mentle unstablity and 0 IQ, i don't think you could get something logical and understand the intellec of people. Consequently, when you won't understand their intelligence and use your gutter mouth and expresess your disgusting thoughts you will land in trouble eventually, so it would be good for you and your health if you spend most of your time in your house where your parents have created your disneyland where you're a princess." Listening nandini's answer manik couldn't control his laugh and laugh very hard. He throw his head back and laughed. Urvashi was fuming in anger but watching him laugh she stayed quiet but didn't forget to threw an glare at nandini.

"I am really glad that i could make you laugh." Urvashi give a soft smile at manik who nodded in yes still laughing. He start caughing and nandini forwarded him the water. He deliberately touch her fingers while taking the glass from her hand.

"Umm urvashi, you were talking about some viral video. Kindly show me please." Urvashi nodded happily and played the video before manik not before smirking dirtily at nandini. Nandini was sitting plainly as if anothing is happening.

After watching the full video manik was so impressed with nandini as she saved her family respect, most probably her father's respect and taught a strict lesson to the greedy people who ask dowry and if you couldn't give them then burn daughters and sisters into fire.

"You know manik this video got viral before two days and see this shameless girl, how proudly sitting infront of us with head held high with attitude." Urvashi added touching his elbow which he snatched immediately from her hold.

"Oh so your name is nandini beautiful name i must day. You want to talk business right, i am here. Tell me anything you want to." Manik give her a smile and sat on the sofa like a king.

"Sir my channel want your exclusive interview. We...." Nandini couldn't complete.

Manik cut her off in between, "oh i would love to." Manik answered with smile.

"You father i mean karthik sir told me that you ask a question from every channel that what they can offer you so i thought.........." He laughed hearing her.

"Ok if you insist, what you can offer me which will make me convience for doing an exclusive interview for your channel." Manik asked.

"Ok sir anything you say." Nandini look down nervously at her hands.

"Ok i will tell you soon." Manik said very softly and look at her face and then at her hands, he could clearly see the faded designs of henna and smiled.

"Manik if you're over with your business talks then you must clear to her that her reading skills are lousy and needs a polishing. Just make her correct and tell her that you're interested in me, only in me." Urvashi again curl her arms around manik's eblow and throw a dirty smirk at nandini.

"So nandini anything else you want to ask?" Manik totally ignored urvashi statement and give his full attention to nandini.

Nandini thought for a moment and then finally came up with a question, since manik wasn't giving urvashi any attention. Nandini decided to ask him the question which would give urvashi a clear cut answer and even tell nandini about his inner personality a little that if he is greedy, selfish or a lovely person.

"Sorry for asking this question but this time i can only ask you this, you can deny it if you want because it's related to your personal life. *Manik nodded* would you take the dowry from her father?" Nandini asked eyeing urvashi and she smirked obviously.

"Ofcourse my father is going to give him everything he has since he is very rich and powerful and not like your father." Urvashi again insulted nandini's father and this was enough for nandini.

She stood up and pointed her finger at urvashi very angrily," listen ms. Firstly the question was for mr.malhotra and not for you but since you've decided to bring my father in every conversation of ours then listen he taught me enough manners and etiquette how to behave, how to talk and how to react on particular things but seems your father only taught you to throw yourself at rich man unnecessarily and create some hypothetical relation on your own without asking for their choice." Nandini said on the based on she could observe in the office but she didn't knew whatever she was saying was 200% accurate.

Urvashi eyes widen in surprise even manik's was, he was surprised at her skills. After a while urvashi feels ashamed and tried to cover it up.

"You middle class commoner how dare you?" Urvashi raised her hand at nandini but manik was fast enough to catch it and then giving her a cold glare, throwing her on her previous place on the couch.

"Sorry mr.malhotra for the inconvenience, yes you were suppose to anawer me. So tell me are you doing to take dowry?" Nandini again smiled and manik keep his chin on his entertwined fingers where his elbows were resting on thighs.

"For your first question about denying then listen i am not gonna deny you for anything for our whole lives we have together and secondly why would i ask dowry from her father when i have nothing for her. I am not interested in her. She comes here as my father friend's daughter and nothing else but yeah i will ask dowry from my actual sasur ji. My first dowry will be his lovely daughter who i will love for my whole life. Second dowry will be his blessings that i would ask him for my whole life. I think both of the things are enough for us to lead a happy married life. I cannot ask from the man who already give me his baby, his lovely daughter to me." Manik said truthfully and nandini got tears listen to him. She remember her case and tears leaked out but she wipe it soon enough but manik noticed it.

"Manik what the hell you're saying?" Urvashi yelled loudly at manik who still didn't give her any reaction.

This time urvashi look at nandini and nandini give her the same smirk that urvashi was giving her previously.

"Manik you're insulting me before this low life. You can not insult me like that. How much time i have expressed that how much i love you." Urvashi shouted and cried in last.

This time manik got angry and said in calm and very cold tone giving urvashi a clear cut view about his actual thinking about urvashi,"she is not a low life and dare you to call her with such name again, if you again try another name on her then urvashi you will see the worst side of me and about your insult, then she didn't insulted anyone. She just said what is truth. It's your badluck that her skills are amazing in reading people. Urvashi thousand of times i have told you that i am not interested in you, i will never marry you so don't waste your time. It's you only who is insulting herself." Manik completed.

Urvashi ran away sobbing loudly and nandini also stood up to take her leave but manik hold her elbow.

"Where you're going nandini?"

"Since you're ready to give an interview then i will take my leave. Thanks you so much and nice meeting you." Nandini bowed a little before try to walk ahead but manik was fast enough to pull her id which was hanging on her neck. Nandini fall on the sofa beside him.

"Just have lunch with me. I need you to listen to me since you know nothing about me and you have a interview to conduct so firstly you must know about me before asking me anything so just have lunch then i will give you a whole introduction of mine." Nandini found it convenient option, she sat beside him and serve herself and him. He was staring at her non-stop but nandini was unaware of this thing. She was so keen to pass her task that she wasn't getting manik's intentions. She was taking all the things litely and in businessway.

Soon a very beautiful girl knocked on the door, she was wearing a business blazer. Manik permit her to enter.

"Sir your meeting with mr.suryavanshi is in 5 minutes." She said looking both of them awkwardly as their plate was filled with food, giving clear indication that they've just started.

"Ms.chandini just cancel my meeting. We're not done yet." Manik said in formal tone.

"Sorry sir for interrupting you and ma'am. Instruction will be followed sir. Thanks." She bowed and went away. Nandini heard her and keep her plate on the table.

"Sir you can go for your metting. I will wait for you." Nandini said slowly.

"Nandini i know you will be waiting for me for your whole life but that is for future. Now i don't want you to wait for me." Manik said giving her plate back. Nandini look at him with open eyes.

"Sorry sir what do you mean? You said something like this before also. I want you to please elaborate." Nandini narrowed her eyes at him and he just smiled.

"These things i will explain to you late. Now just have your lunch with me and be ready with notepad after that. According to my life journey and events of my life, you can choose your questions." Manik said and nandini let it go even though she found his talks extremely weird.


How's update?

Urvashi attitude is badly broken by manik and nandini both. So my question is who broke it nicely, manik or nandini?

Firstly story was on dowry but now it will be romance inside it. Excited for it.

Manik indirect talks? Did you get his meaning?

Nandini answer to urvashi?

One scene you love in this chapter?
