" I've been lost I've been found but I don't feel down, "


Gaeul carefully climbs onto the rooftop, this time with seven balloons in hand.

After struggling with trying to get all seven balloons out of her window, Gaeul sits on the roof and ties the box to the balloons, happy at the sight of the box floating.

She was being crazy again, she knows it. It would be a waste if the telescope ends up somewhere else rather than the moon since it was impossible for him to reach it.

But she trusts him, to the moon and back.

Gaeul lets go of the box and watches as the box floats high and higher up to the moon, her head tilting upwards and she stands on her tiptoes, soon losing her balance and braces herself for a fall-

"Whoa there," a voice says from behind, and Gaeul feels a pair of arms on her shoulders, helping her gain back her balance.

She looks at the person behind her, and sees the owner's feet wasn't effected by gravity.

It took her a moment to realize that the boy behind her was floating.

"What are you-"

"So you're his sister," another boy appears and cuts her off, who also seems to be floating too beside the other boy and smiles at Gaeul "you're really pretty."

"She's the one Moon hyung's been talking about right?" The boy who caught her ; who apparently had blonde hair and was dressed in green and had small eyes "he's been talking about her a lot these days."

"Moon hyung likes her, that's why." The other boy rolls his eyes and they burst out laughing.

Meanwhile Gaeul was in such a confused state, just watching those two boys talk about her and they were floating. Casually floating right in front of her own eyes.

"Who are you guys?" She manages to squeak out.

"We're the Lost Boys!" The two boys exclaimed happily "we're from Neverland."

"And how am I supposed to believe you boys?"

"We know your brother."


"Yeah, that kid." The boy in green states, putting his hand on his chin "we're visiting you because he wants to pay you a visit."

"Wait what visit-"

"Annyeong, Gaeul noona."

The voice was so similar that it startles her, she was scared to turn around. The two boys left, leaving her and the new boy, who was dangerously similar to Chan ; everything about him was the same as her brother's.

"It's been a long time," he says, and lands on the ground. Gaeul was still too scared to talk to him.

"Come on, noona, don't act like you don't remember me." Chan pouts at his sister's reaction, who showed nothing but a shocked expression on her face.

"You're- back." Her voice cracks.

"I am. How are you, noona?"

Gaeul doesn't answer his question but instead she pulls Chan into a hug, and soon he felt the fabric on his left shoulder damp, realizing it was his sister's tears.

"Where have you been all your life?" Gaeul sobs even harder and tightens the hug "I fucking miss you, Chan. Where did you go?"

"I went to Neverland. See? They're my family now," Chan pats her sister's back and wipes her tears away, smiling brightly "its okay noona, I was okay this whole time. How's mom?"

"She misses you, stupid." Gaeul snaps, not sure to feel angry or sad or both at the same time "you don't know how lonely I've been ever since you disappeared. Will you come bac-"

"Hey Chan!" The boy in green calls him from behind and waves "it's past midnight, time to go home!"

"Arasseo!" Chan shouts back, and turns back to face his sister "I have to go now, noona, visiting time is over. I'll make sure to visit you agai-"

Gaeul was speechless. She was confused.

"W-what do you mean you have to go?" Gaeul knows her tears are going to fill up her eyes again soon "y-you're not coming back?"

Chan shakes his head, "No, noona, I live in Neverland now. I have to go-"

"Listen to me!" Gaeul shrieks and pulls Chan's hand before he could fly away "you can't go, Chan, we need you-"

"But they're my new family, noona. I live with them now." Chan says through gritted teeth.

"Chan...don't you remember? Don't you remember that we're family?"

Chan averted his gaze at his sister's words.

"No, Chan no don't leave me-"

Chan pulls his hand away from her grip.

"I'm sorry noona, but I have a new family. I don't live in the world of reality anymore. Neverland is my place to be. I'm sorry, noona."

And their fingers slipped away from each other's.

Gaeul watches in disbelief as her own little brother flies up to the sky and disappears behind the second star to the North,

Leaving her behind.

And so Gaeul lets her tears fall down, finally knowing how betrayal felt like.


^basically that's what happened to chan :(

And moon hyung (・ิω・ิ) oOoOOohH

Im sleepy but gtg work bye fam

And thank you so much for the 100 votes omg u guys r amazing ilygsm

- Cee
