
Sunday wasn't anymore eventful than Saturday, with the exception of Mariposa and Olivia meeting Layla on a mountain peak and working at the animal shelter. It was really just more homework, Mariposa listening to JJ practice his english presentation and playing Just Dance because Fabiola told them to stop playing on their phones.  Somehow they split into teams it became a competition between Mariposa and Casimiro, and JJ and Reina. However, they never found out the winner because Casimiro fell asleep on the couch and dinner was ready.

For the past three weeks, Beverly has been doing exceptionally well. The volleyball team was still undefeated, and ever since the spontaneous game in Crenshaw, The football team has been dominating their games. Not only were they winning, but the scores were something crazy like 7 to 42.  Considering the season prior, almost every game was lost, they've had a big turn around.  After one of the games, Mariposa and JJ went to get their milkshakes and met up with Asher, Jordan, Spencer, and Layla at the cafe to play pool.  Layla sat out of the pool game, but everyone else was really enjoying themselves.  Especially JJ because he insisted that he helped Mariposa play, so he stood pressed behind her the whole time.

"Bro, I think she knows how to play now." Spencer laughed, watching as JJ basically stuck to Mariposa's back like they were super glued together.

"Yeah, bro." Mariposa added once she put down her milkshake. "I got this, trust." The guys all shook their heads at her, and the group watched as she walked around the table to prepare her stick with the cue ball. After a little bit of concentration, she hit the cue ball and got a solid green ball into the pocket. "Period, you bitches can't even spell 'cue ball'." Mariposa's skipped to the other side to hit another ball, which she also successfully got in to the pocket. She did that one more time before missing when she went for a fourth ball. "That one didn't count, I blinked."

Mariposa shook her head in mock disappointment and went back to go stand in front of JJ who already had her milkshake in hand waiting for her to take.  He wrapped his arm around her neck loosely, and went back to conversation with the guys.  They were talking about something along the lines of picks vs touchdowns, which Mariposa and Layla did not understand.  While Mariposa was finishing the rest of her sandwich, the bill was brought over by a waiter. 

Everybody turned to leave the little café, when Asher said, "Everybody's leaving?  I'm not going home, my dad's out of town."

"Woah, all weekend?" 

The second Asher nodded his head, JJ removed his arm from mariposa's shoulders and pulled how his phone to send out a mass text to pretty much everyone in school.  Spencer didn't really understand what was happening, so the whole group explained to him that Asher threw probably the best parties in the school's history.  It didn't take a lot of time for a JJ to send a text, so once everybody explained to Spencer about how Ashers parties were legendary, everybody turned to leave again.

JJ had his arm back around Mariposa's neck again as they walked to his car with Spencer and Jordan in front of them.  "You good?  You need any more food?"

"I'm good, mi amor.  I'm not a baby, I can feed myself."

"Actually, you're my baby and I feed you."

"You guys disgust me."

"You're such a hater, Jojo."  Mariposa shook her head and once Jordan turned around to face her, she pretended to jump at him before sticking out her tongue.  "I'll remember you said that the next time you get a girlfriend for two weeks."

The two guys laughed as Jordan was left speechless about his love life, again, by Mariposa.  "You can try again next time, bro."

× × ×

The day of Ashers party, Mariposa's went to go hang out with Layla and Olivia.  Ever since the Asher thing, their friendship has gone downhill, which Layla still didn't know about, but after showing up for her mom's anniversary, the friendship was slowly starting to get back to what it used to be.  Layla and Olivia were tanning on the lounge chairs, looking at the amazing view of Los Angeles while Mariposa was in the pool laying on a unicorn floaty sipping on a smoothie. 

Olivia side, and because she was heating up from laying in the sun for the past 20 minutes, she went over to the pool to stick her legs in.  "I'm so over being the sad rehab girl who stays home every weekend."

"Well, if you come to the party, you wouldn't have to drink."  Layla offered.

"I'll be sober too.  You can be the happy and sober girl who doesn't stay home every weekend."  Mariposa called out, pushing herself off the wall so the floaty would float over to her friends.

"You're gonna be sober and dealing with a drunk JJ?  You don't have to punish yourself like that."  Layla said, making Olivia nod in agreement because they all know how JJ gets when he's drunk.  "Besides, you can bring Spencer, Liv.  I know you have a little crush on him."

"Yeah, just walk up to his house in Crenshaw and drag his ass back to Beverly Hills."  Mariposa explained.  She was now near the two girls, so she could hear everything they were saying while she was laying on her stomach.  "It's not that bad. He has some really nice friends. You can go get your man." Since her legs were already in the pool, Mariposa reached over to start poking Olivia's leg in a teasing way.

The two girls looked over to Mariposa who was just absentmindedly staring at them. "You met his friends?"

"I met two of them when the guys had that football thing. I went with JJ because he said he was gonna get me food."

× × ×

JJ being the party animal that he is, the Instagram account he created specifically for parties proving that, decided to come fashionably late with Mariposa so he wouldn't have to wait for the party to kick off.  By the time the power couple had gotten into Asher's new house, the music was blasting and there were already people drinking in the house and in the backyard.  The party was a little earlier than the usual ones that didn't start until night time, but it was still popping off.

Mariposa and JJ were kind of in their own little world, walking around the party and drinking, but minding their business and not really getting involved with anyone else other than their friends.  A few hours into the party, a game of poker had started, but their own little edition where they used dare chips.  JJ was butt naked next to Mariposa, but she was still wearing her jeans and red laced bra, which was better than him, but he didn't like it because everyone could see. In fact, after a few minutes of Mariposa just minding her business with her cards, JJ pulled her chair closer and covered her chest with his arm, shielding it from everyone's eyes.

"How come every time we play, JJ ends up naked?"  Layla asked, looking at the blonde across the table who had one leg propped up and one arm on top of Mariposa's chest. 

"I have a method."  JJ said simply with a shrug.  "I'll win, just watch."

"How do you win if you lost all of your clothes?"

Mariposa tilted her head down to kiss the forearm covering her chest. "Being naked is his natural form."

The group shook their heads and laughed lowly, before Asher looked back over to the couple. "Hey, both hands on the table." With a finger pointed directly at Mariposa. She glared at him for a second before taking her hand off of JJ's leg and dramatically putting it in the table. "No hand jobs."

"Please, like you would get the pleasure of- ow!" JJ flinched away Mariposa as she squeezed his side, his arm on her chest going with it.  "What?  I was just-"

"Spencer!  Jump in man."  Asher called out to the wide receiver, who actually objected.  "Come on, the one person at the party that doesn't want a seat at the table?"

Spencer shook his head and looked around at everyone sitting at the table, more specifically at JJ.  "I'm just tryna keep my clothes, man."

"Hey, my method works."  The blonde said defensively. Mariposa's shook her head and quickly pat his leg, before Asher could see. She then threw one of her legs over his and rested her head on his shoulder, managing to cover about half of his body which made the girls behind the table walk away. "If you keep touching me, we are not gonna finish this game."

"We're almost done, keep your thing down."

"You did this, I can't control it."

"It was like that when you took off your underwear."

"I know, I was looking at you when I did it."

JJ sent his girlfriend a smirk, and she shook her head, taking a quick look around the table. "If we're not done in 30 minutes, we can go."

idk about yall but I think a lot about the fact that Olivia, Asher, and JJ were all in teen wolf 💀 and Samantha's ex is one of Cody's best friends 😹 hollywood be wild bro

n e whore, i have a meal plan at my school, and if i don't use the money i don't get a refund, so i been getting a milkshake every day 🧍🏽‍♀️ but this me ⬇️

