New powers

Cleo heard a knock on her door. Good, their here. It took them long enough. Lewis, Rikki, Bella and Emma stood on the door step.

"Come on in guys." Cleo said.

She led them up the stairs and into her bedroom. Rikki locked the door.

"What's this probelm?" Bella fell back onto Cleos bed.

Rikki and Emma joined her. Lewis was clicking his tounge nervously.

"Watch this." Cleo twisted her wrist and vanished.

Bella gasped. Emma pinched herself Lewis had to Cleos desk to keep him steady.

"Cool!" Rikki nodded.

Cleo appeared with a small "pst".

"And I can do this." Cleo shot her wrist out and her fish tank froze.

As soon as she was done she squeazed her fingers and the tank unfroze.


Ondina swam into the moon pool.

"Have you guys seen Serena?" She asked.

Zach shook his head.

"We just figured something out." Evie told her.

"What?" Ondina looked to Mimmi.

"We believe the moon spell was cast by Erik." Mimmi nodded.

Ondina growled.
"Erik, Erik, Erik. He is....." Ondina groaned with anger.

Zach sighed.


Serena couldn't see anything. She felt the sand beneath her. Suddenly strong arms grabbed her shoulders and lifted her up. The "person" pulled her up to the surface and swam. Serena heard the splashing of a tail.
It must be Zach. Serena thought.
She felt sand under her yet again. She waited to hear Zach's vocie. But instead she heard another voice that was strangely familiar.
