Chapter 2: Maka Albarn Meets Maka Akaba And Her Friends, Family And Boyfriend

Previously on Maka Akaba Meets Maka Albarn. Last time Maka Akaba, Her Sister,Brother, Friends and Boyfriend brought the Death Weapon Meister Academy Students and to the underground dueling.

What do you think is going to happen next let's find.

Let's begin the story.

Chapter 2:  Maka Albarn Meets Maka Akaba And Her Friends, Family And Boyfriend Part 2

With Maka Akaba, Her Sister, Brother, Friends, Boyfriend And The Death Weapon Meister Academy Students And Staff.

Maka Akaba: I've haven't explained to you what underground dueling is have I.

Death Weapon Meister Academy Students: Yeah, what exactly is underground dueling.

Maka Akaba: It's best that my older sister tells you.

Ray Akaba: Underground Dueling is different from normal dueling there are these collars that shock you every time you lose Life Points and there are other types of underground dueling that I can't explain very well. The are collars are called "Electrodes." If your wearing them they cause an electric shock. Maka did underground dueling once before when she was younger they wanted to test an Akaba's dueling style it was a to see how good of a duelist my younger sister was.

Jun Musuki: I was there when Maka did the underground dueling in an underground dueling bar they wanted to test her strength on how a great duelist she is. Maka won and she passed the test that the people of the underground dueling bar.

Maka Albarn: So she passed the test she took because the people from the underground dueling bar wanted to test her strength.

Misaki Tokura: Yes, they wanted to test Maka since she is the younger sister of Ray and Gray Akaba. Both her sister and brother did the same when they were younger. I know this because Maka and her older siblings told me about it.

Death The Kid: Is that why she took us to the underground dueling bar.

Ren Suzugamori: No, she just wants to find out what's been going on at the underground dueling bar. It's been bothering her lately.

Tetsu Shinjou: Yeah, it's been bothering her a lot lately don't you guys agree Ray, Gray, Ren, Asaka, Aichi, Misaki, Kamui, Emi, Shizuka, Reiji, Eiji, Kai, Miwa, Kouji, Jun, Leon, Sharlene and Jillian.

Toshiki Kai: Maka what do you think we should do to help your friends.

Maka Akaba: I don't know but I want to help them no matter what.

Tetsu Shinjou: We're going to help Maka because we're your friends.

Leon Souryu: Tetsu has a point there Maka we're your friends so we're going to help you.

Jun Musuki: Yeah, we're going to help you Maka.

Misaki Tokura: Uh, Maka what do you think we should do?

Kamui Katsuragi: They've got a point Maka.

Aichi Sendou: I agree with that what do you think mom and Emi.

Emi Sendou: Yeah, I agree with my big brother.

Shizuka Sendou: I agree with Aichi.

Sharlene&Jillian: We agree with everyone we're going to help you.

Reiji Uno&Eiji Saga: Yeah, we agree with them too.

Misaki Tokura: Well, I'm helping too.

Kouji Ibuki: I'm going to help out one of my best friends.

Maka Akaba: Thanks guys.

Death The Kid: Can we help too.

Maka Akaba: This is only for Duel Monsters Duelist and Cardfight Vanguard fighter to hangle not for kids that have weapon and meister ability it's only for us Duelist and Vanguard fighters to handle.

Ray&Gray Akaba: Yeah, you kids don't know how to play duel monsters or Cardfight Vanguard. Let's get going.

Jun Musuki: Yeah, let's get going since those kids don't know how to play duel monsters or Cardfight Vanguard.

Taishi Miwa: We've got to think of a way to help your friends Maka.

Maka Akaba: Yeah, your right let's get going.

Toshiki Kai: Maka how are we going to help your friends.

Maka Akaba: Don't know but we're going to help them no matter what.

*The Death Weapon Meister Academy Students And Staff Went Home To Death City.*

The Next Day.

Maka Akaba: Morning mom and dad.

Cyan Akaba: Morning Maka do you have a date with Toshiki today.

Maka Akaba: Yeah, I do but it's in the afternoon.

Leo Akaba: How we eat breakfast as a family this morning and then you get ready for your date with Toshiki.

*After They Were Done Eating Breakfast.*

*Maka Went To Her Room To Get Ready For Her Date.*

*Maka Came Back She Wore A White Shirt With A Yellow Dress. She Wore Her Feather Earrings And She Wore A Wing-Shaped Barrette In Her Hair.*

*The Door Bell Rang.*

Cyan Akaba: Hi, Toshiki.

Toshiki Kai: Is Maka ready.

Cyan Akaba: Yeah she is. Maka! Toshiki here.

Maka Akaba: Okay! Ready to go Toshiki.

Toshiki Kai: Yeah let's go.

Cyan,Leo,Ray&Gray Akaba: Have fun on your date you two.

Toshiki Kai&Maka Akaba: We will see you later.

Toshiki Kai: *Takes Maka Akaba's Hand.* Let's go Maka.

Maka Akaba: Yeah let's go.

With Toshiki Kai And Maka Akaba.

Maka Akaba: Where do you want to go first?

Toshiki Kai: How about we go for a walk instead.

Maka Akaba: Sounds good to me. I just hope we don't run into Zarc and his new girlfriend though.

Toshiki Kai: Good point we don't want to run into them while we're on our date don't you agree Maka.

Maka Akaba: Yeah I agree with you Toshiki.

Toshiki Kai: Maka how we find a place to eat for lunch.

Maka Akaba: Good idea. You've could've told me you were hungry.

Toshiki Kai: I don't want to be like Zarc who's always hungry.

Maka Akaba: Good point. I know you wouldn't break my heart like Zarc did. Because I realize I actually love you but couldn't tell you how I truly felt about until me and Zarc broke up.

Toshiki Kai: I'm glad you waited until you and Zarc broke up to tell me how you truly felt about me.

Maka Akaba: I'm glad you waited until me and Zarc broke up to tell me how you truly felt about me.

Toshiki Kai: The same goes for me.

*After They Were Done Eating Their Lunch.*

The Owner Of The Restaurant: Thank you come again.

Toshiki Kai: Where should we go next.

?: Cousin Maka and Toshiki.

Toshiki Kai&Maka Akaba: Huh? Shay.

Shay Obsidian: Hey Cousin Maka you on a date with your boyfriend.

Maka Akaba: Yeah we're on a date.

Shay Obsidian: Sorry if I interrupted your date.

Maka Akaba: It's fine. Well we better go.

Shay Obsidian: Yeah Bye Maka and Toshiki.

Toshiki Kai&Maka Akaba: Yeah Bye Shay.

Toshiki Kai: Glad we didn't run into your ex-Boyfriend Zarc.

Maka Akaba: Yeah I'm totally glad we didn't run into him and his new girlfriend.

Toshiki Kai: *Takes Maka Akaba's Hand.* Let's go so we don't run into Zarc and his new girlfriend.

Maka Akaba: Yeah let's go.

Toshiki Kai: Maka let's find a great place to spend time together so we don't run into Zarc.

Maka Akaba: Good idea Toshiki.

Toshiki Kai: So where do you want to go.

Maka Akaba: Anywhere as long as I'm with you and we don't run into Zarc and his new girlfriend.

Toshiki Kai: I love it when you say cute things like that.

Maka Akaba: Say are Taishi and Misaki together now.

Toshiki Kai: Yeah, they are. Did Misaki or Miwa told you that they were together now.

Maka Akaba: Yeah, they tell me that they were together now.

Toshiki Kai: Maybe after High School there going to be together forever like we are.

Maka Akaba: You think so. So what else did you have plan for our date today?

Toshiki Kai: I was thinking that we should go meet up with your cousin Shay later on. So we could spend some time with your family.

Maka Akaba: Yeah that sounds great.

Toshiki Kai: Well let's head to your house since the sun is setting.

Maka Akaba: Yeah let's go.

At The Akaba House.

*They Arrived Back To The Akaba House.*

Cyan Akaba: Welcome back you two we're about to start watching a movie.

*They Put On A Movie.*

Shay Obsidian: Um. Aunt Cyan this isn't a scary movie right. Because you know cousin Maka hates scary movies.

Cyan Akaba: Don't worry it isn't.

*After The Movie.*

Toshiki Kai: Maka asleep during the movie.

Ray Akaba: She must be tired.

Cyan Akaba: Yeah she must be tired.

Ray Akaba: You guys know how Maka is she stays up to do her homework every night because she's smart at remembering when the assignment is due she even knows how to cook dinner for us when we aren't home.

Toshiki Kai: Does she even try to take a break?

Gray Akaba: She does but she refused to take a break everytime we ask her to take a break from homework.

Leo Akaba: You can't blame her for always staying up late to do her homework right.

Ray Akaba: I guess your dad. We can't blame her for staying up with to do her homework every night.

Toshiki Kai: Tomorrow me and Maka are going to Card Capital. So we have plans tomorrow too.

Shay Obsidian: Say Toshiki can I tag along with you and my cousin Maka tomorrow.

Toshiki Kai: Sure of course you can come with us.

Shay Obsidian: I realize something when my cousin Maka was reincarnated into four girls that had her face.

Toshiki Kai: What was that you realize?

Shay Obsidian: That they had my cousins face, clothes, hair accessories, necklaces, earrings and the four dimensional bracelets she used on Zarc.

Toshiki Kai: I guess you realize those things when Maka was reincarnated into the four girls.

Shay Obsidian: Yeah I guess I did didn't I. When cousin Maka was reincarnated I missed her a lot the times when she looked after me when I was a baby and the time when I was in elementary school being picked on because I wasn't a strong duelist like her but I took my cousin's advice and to stand up for myself and believe in myself and my duel monsters.

Toshiki Kai: While Maka was away you took her advice didn't you Shay.

Shay Obsidian: Yeah I guess I did didn't I.

Cyan Akaba: Looks like it's getting late how about you both stay the night.

Toshiki Kai: Okay I guess stay the night.

Shay Obsidian: Same goes for me auntie and uncle.

Cyan&Leo Akaba: Well see you both in the morning.

Shay Obsidian: Yeah see you in the morning auntie and uncle.

Toshiki Kai: Yeah see you in the morning.

*They All Went To Bed.*

I'll be stopping here and starting the next chapter so please wait until the chapter is completed. I will try to update everyday but I'm always busy most of the time when I have school but since I don't have school this week and next week I'll try to update everyday.
