Wedding or no?


Bhishm: Everyone be ready at time!

Bhishm: I don't want any excuses

Bhishm: I want everyone in this wedding

Dushasan: Yeah your favie's wedding

Karn: Did you guys tolerate him for all this years?

Duryodhan: Unfortunately

Karn: Aw

Bhishm: You-

Bhishm: Mein yeh keh raha hu since many raja and maharaja's aa rahe hai

Bhishm: Duryodhan aise bonoge tum raja?

Duryodhan: So I am gonna be the king?

Bhishm: I didn't mean that

Bhishm: Anyway

Bhishm: Talk properly to everyone

Nakul: Chill pitama

Sahadev: It's just a wedding

Sahadev: Not to mention you need to prepare for 100+ more

Dushasan: He defiantly ain't gonna do these stuff for us😔 

Yudhishtir: Pitama is not biased

Yudhishtir: He loves us all!

Yudhishtir: Right Pitama?

Read by Bhishm

Duryodhan: Lmao and Bheem you were calling me delusional

Bheem: Well

Bheem: He is my bhrata so he is perfect🥰

Shakuni: Mere bache vasudev is here

Shakuni: Be careful

Dushasan: Wrong group mamashri

Bheem: Vasudev ain't gonna eat him

Bheem: Unless he acts like a fool

Duryodhan: That Vasudev-

Bhishm: Vasudev is not adharmi

Bhishm: You should not speak anything about him

Duryodhan: Now is he too your fav?

Shakuni: Favorite pota ka Favorite dost 😔

Duryodhan: Makes sense

Draupadi: Guys anyone has seen Rajkumar Arjun??

Bheem: Must be getting ready

Bheem: His wedding

Draupadi: At early morning?

Sahadev: At practice probably

Karn: No I didn't saw him today there

Duryodhan: You practice with him!??!

Karn: No but I sometimes spot him early morning

Yudhishtir: I didn't see him today too?

Draupadi: He wasn't there at yesterday night too

Nakul: Why were you searching for him at night?

Bheem: 💀

Duryodhan: PG13+ pls

Draupadi: Keep your thoughts with yourself

Draupadi: For night walk

Nakul: Never had a romantic partner😭

Draupadi: Aw soon soon don't worry

Yudhishtir: But where is Arjun

Duryodhan: Arjun not there

Duryodhan: On his wedding day

Duryodhan: I can make a sense out of it🥰

Karn: LOL Draupadi👽

Bhishm: Don't worry 

Bhishm: I have ordered the Saina to find him

Vidhur: Takshri....

Bhishm: What?

Vidhur: Arjun is not here

Bhishm: Then where is he?

Vidhur: Not in the kingdom 

Dushasan: DAMN


Duryodhan: Congo Draupadi for your choices

Draupadi: YOU SHUT UP

Bheem: Arjun won't do that

Bheem: Maybe

Draupadi: If this is true I am gonna kill this rajkumar

Yudhishtir: Shant Rajkumari, he must be somewhere

Yudhishtir: I know Arjun he won't do something like this

Karn: You are the only one that thinks that

Duryodhan: Real

Draupadi: Idc find him!?




@Duryodhan_The_Great: Twitter people don't care unfortunately
@Thebestarcherintheworld_Karna: Wrong choices drupadi 
--@Yagyaseni_Draupadi: IT'S DRAUPADI BITCH
@Drupad_king: I WILL KILL HIM 


@Bhishm_Kuruvansh: Missing, please report kind of urgent

@GuruDronacharya: Mera shishya would never run away
--@Thebestarcherintheworld_Karna: Guess what he did<3
@The.Strongest.Bheem: Arjun is gonna be cooked after he returns
@Dharamraj_Yudhishtir: I hope he comes back soon






