My Name is Magnolia...

"Tell me...Do you know why I'm called Magnolia?" I asked the shadowed man in front of my jail cell. My body was aching against the cement wall as my hands were cuffed with sea prism stone, very uncomfortable sea prism stone if you ask me.


"Come on, I know you wanna know. You seem like a good listener," I couldn't help but smile at his long pause. He shifted from his spot against the wall outside of my cell. His feelings were as transparent as the smoke he was inhaling.

"Okay fine, tell me," My lips twitched, giving in so easily.

"My mother had dreams of magnolias every day for a whole month until she gave birth to me. As if it was fate for their daughter to have such a name. Thank gods she did or they would've named me after the bar they met at, and I don't think Yugo is a fitting name for me," The very thought of my parent's eccentric personalities felt nostalgic. My memories of the past were cut short as I had to come back to reality. My face stayed neutral as my captor analyzed every action I made. I shifted my body on the ground to get comfortable, but with it being cement it was a stretch. The heavy sea prism stone clinked around, it echoed throughout the cell.

"You know you are a great listener and an even better face. I bet your wife misses seeing you," I sigh in enjoyment as I see his eyebrows scrunched together. He gritted his teeth. Did I strike a nerve?

"I'm not married," A snort slipped out by accident.

"Poor handsome man is too busy working to get hitched. What a waste..." I could already tell he was going to boil over in frustration but I shrugged off his glare. Puffs of smoke started to blur the outline of his body. My ego grew by the second with how easy it was to get under his skin.

"Don't be a stick in the mud. I'm just messing with you," His transparent figure solidified as he calmed his nerves. In a split second, he got off of the wall and came closer to my cell. My eyes examined his face as the moonlight from a window illuminated his feature. His two cigars let out puffs of smoke while his stark white hair caught my attention. He was a gruff-looking man, and I liked it.

"Now I have a question for you, Ms. Lane. Why did you let us capture you?" Oh, he's a clever one. I feigned hurt by his accusation. My cuffed hands moved to my chest as I gasped. I tried my best to act helpless but he wasn't buying it. He was too clever for such a lousy act that I dropped it. He was harder to play with. He wanted answers, some deeper truth to all of my lies.

"Cause I'm tired. I am tired of running. I am tired of struggling...You want to know why I became a pirate?" He leans forward in anticipation. Such a good listener.

"My parents were good people who helped whoever was in need. Well, they were... That was until a corrupt Naval officer decided to kill them. I was only nine years old at the time- What's so funny about it was that all of it was caused by me eating a devil fruit. I didn't understand what it was, I was just curious. Yet, it was the biggest mistake I could have ever made. They wanted my powers and they'd do anything to take them. So one thing led to another and then- they died. It was so quick that my emotions ran wild. The only thing I could do was let loose on all those bastards," My lips fell into a frown at the unsightly memories. It was difficult to make out how the smoking man was feeling now. His eyes were wide and his hands were hovering over his batons. The poor guy had an intense gaze, almost like he was ready to beat me senseless if I tried anything. The cuffs on my hands rang like bells as I raised them in surrender.

"Relax smokey bear, I am not as bloodthirsty as people say. That's only if they deserve it." I plopped my hands back on my lap with a clink and continued my villainous backstory. He on the other hand was offended by his new nickname.

"Though, I hurt those men. It wasn't why the government put that 100 million bounty on my little head, no no no no. They did it because I split Sparrow's island in two- which is kind of hurtful now that I think about it. I at least deserved a 150 million berry bounty," The sarcasm was definite in my voice as I looked up to the ceiling. If I had locked eyes with him, he would've noticed the emptiness behind my playful facade.

"I don't hate all marines though. Ironically an ex-marine saved me. He even shaved my damn head as a kid to make me look like a boy! Thankfully I grew my hair back," The tense man let out another grunt. Now I'm wondering if that's his thing, grunting at everything. Look at me! I grunt and smoke tons of cigars cause it makes me look cool. Grunt Grunt.

"To get to the point since I'm boring you so much. I became a pirate to bring justice. No matter how small or If I die from trying, I want to make this world less corrupt than it was when I was brought into it. Don't you agree?" Smokey's mouth had an ugly sneer as his eyes boreholes in my head. For some reason, the big tough guy doesn't like pirates having pure intentions.

"How does destroying Naval bases and ships justice? How is having a 200 million bounty on your head make sense? You may think you're doing something right but you're wrong. What you're doing isn't right," I sighed at his tantrum. Such a cranky man. My head lazily leaned against the cement wall behind me as I recounted the many reasons for my actions.

"One was acting like a tyrant to townspeople. Another hit an old man. Another one was taking bribes from a very bad pirate. They were selling the villagers into human trafficking- they were about to beat a child- so on and so forth. See the pattern? Those assholes deserved it, and I just beat them up enough to teach them a lesson or stay in a coma. No harm nor fowl...well besides their faces haha," It was hard not to go on a tangent on the many reasons why I do the things I do. Yet, I noticed how much he couldn't bear the truth. He had enough of my nonsense from the way his eye twitched in frustration, finally. He shook his head, his anger was steaming out of his ears. His body suddenly turned away from me, which gave me a nice view. Why hello there. I was greeted with a small shadow hanging onto the Commodore's back. He must have been too irritated to feel the furry creature hopping off of his back. He was just about to open the door when the furry shadow hopped off of his back and flew into a dark corner.

"I've had enough of you. You'll be shipped out of here in the morning and I don't have to hear any more of your nonsense ever again," His hand grabbed the door handle in a fierce grip as he twisted it open. Just when I thought he was gonna leave me in this damp and uncomfortable cell. The guy decided to leave me some departing words.

"Good luck...Magnolia D. Lane," The pity in his voice felt like a bad aftertaste. My lips fell into a frown while he exited the room. He must think I'm some feeble woman, give me a break.

"You too, Smokey," That was the last thing I could say before he shut the door. Silence settled in the room as his presence was gone. That was until light scratches in front of my jail cell brought me back to reality. I slowly got up from my spot. Out of impulse, I stretched my stiff limbs. Fatigue was nipping at my body from the sea prism cuffs and the dreary cement cell that they locked me in.

"Okay, Yugo it's showtime. I finally got that old man off my back. Did you get the stuff?" I walked up to the front of my cell to see a familiar red panda. In his mouth was a sea prism stone key that just so happened to be from Smoker's pocket. He was so distracted by me talking his ear off that he didn't notice my counterpart snagging the key. Once he got my cuffs off I was able to regain most of my strength. I was just about to thank him before he reveals my bag. It was the same one that the marines took from me when I surrendered to them. I almost jumped for joy at seeing my bag again. My hand reached for the bag and rummaged through it.

"You are a miracle worker Yugo," I giggled as I grabbed a seed from my bag and lodged it into the cell's keyhole. In one movement the cell lock unlocked with no trouble. I threw my bag on before Yugo jumped inside. It was easy getting in, but getting out was gonna be another story. This is gonna be a bumpy ride.


Hi! This is the author speaking and I'd just like to add that this first chapter is short for a reason! I will definitely be making it longer and going into more of Magnolia's powers and her little partner in crime too. Everything will make more sense later. Thank you for reading my story and I'll see you in the next chapter.
