
When his parents had died,

The mages took him in as one of their own.

They took care of him with pride,

And gave him a good home.

When they saw his soul they were astonished,

It glowed a magnificent white color.

It was then they promised,

They would protect him forever.

He grew to be handsome and kind,

And held an unrivaled power.

He never hesitated to speak his mind,

And others he always would inspire.

He is the soul of peace,

And was the strongest of all the mages.

He loved and cherished the monster race,

And kept peace between humans and monsters of all ages.

But, one fateful day he was betrayed,

By the only family he ever knew.

They had sealed him away,

So, that the human and monster war could ensue.

All he could do was watch and cry,

Until 1,510 years later.

As time passed by,

The sealing spell grew weaker.

Until one day he broke free from the spell,

And helped his world one last time.

Then created a portal at his will,

And then bid his universe goodbye.

5 years later he wanders the multiverse,

Portal to portal and world to world he goes.

He fights to protect each and every universe,

Victory is achieved over all his foes.

Soon the past begins to be shown,

In him sadness and loneliness grew.

How the story continues is unknown,

This part is up to you.
