Chapter 8


For the rest of the morning, I took long naps to see if it'll help me get better. But the nightmares never let me sleep ever. I was actually hoping the nightmares would stop after I had told Newt about it, but they wouldn't. Maybe they would go away after some time, but time seemed to be the issue. When Minho came to check up on me, I asked him how things were going in the Maze. He told me that he might've found the place where Ben got stung and he wanted Alby to go with him to check it out soon. It made my stomach churn. Not only from being sick, but from fear. Was it really a good idea to go back to where Ben was stung, knowing the chances of them coming back without a scratch as mere luck?

So things started changing around the Glade, then. If Minho were taking small steps to retrace where Ben got stung, would that mean he would find a way out? What would that mean for the Gladers? The girl in my dreams did keep repeating how everything was going to change, I just didn't realize it would be so soon.

I woke up later that day, having no idea where I was, but then remembered I was still trapped behind walls in a Maze with boys. Same old, same old. I was still feeling nauseous, so that hasn't changed yet. I slowly propped myself up on my elbow to grab the wet washcloth to cool down my temperature when I realized it was dark out. I could see black all around through the twigs and branches, hearing the Gladers laughing and sounding like they were having a good time. How long had I been asleep? I could've sworn I took a twenty-minute nap, my mind must've been playing tricks on me. I did have a stomach virus after all.

Just then, Newt walked in. He was caught off guard when he saw I was awake, but quickly formed a faint smile on his lips. I was really happy to see him I smiled back.

"Hey," he greeted.

"Hey," I replied in a hoarse tone.

"How are you feeling?"

I groaned as I rolled over onto my back.

"Awful," I answered truthfully.

Newt frowned. "I'm sorry."

I scoffed with my eyes closed. A stomach virus was nothing compared to what I went through two weeks ago. Almost getting choked to death by Ben while he screamed threats in my face, it was a miracle I had survived that. But that was probably the beginning. I wondered how escaping the Maze was going to be like. I was terrified to find out what was really out there beyond the concrete walls, everybody was. The unknown is what kept me up at night all those times, even with the nightmares.

My senses picked up Newt walking up to me, feeling that he was concerned about my health. I opened my eyes again to see him looking down on me like an angel. I smiled wider.

"Thanks for sticking up for me," I said.

He seemed surprised by my sudden gesture of gratitude, but again, he quickly smiled again.

"You're welcome," he replied.

I suddenly shivered because I was cold. I was in my tank top that time because earlier I was so hot it felt like I was in a life-sized oven. I hated how body temperature changes during the flu, it got annoying really fast.

"Here," Newt said as he took the blanket to tuck me in.

"But then it'll get too hot," I complained, kicking one of my feet out from underneath and leaving it there.

Newt chuckled at my silly behavior.

"Well, it's a good thing you have this, then."

He grabbed the washcloth and soaked it into the bowl of water. I watched him as he squeezed the rag to get access water out. While he did that, Frypan walked in carrying a bowl with steam coming out of it.

"Hey, Rosalee," he greeted me. "I thought you might be hungry, so I brought you some soup."

"Aw, thanks, Fry," I said.

Frypan set the bowl down where I was easily able to reach it. I peeked to where the bowl was, then sighed.

"No bread or potatoes?" I said, trying to hide the humor in my tone while shaking my head. "You're killing me, Fry."

Frypan smiled apologetically. Then I laughed.

"I'm kidding," I said. "But, seriously, soup isn't good without bread."

I clapped my hands twice, pretending that he was my servant. Frypan laughed.

"Yes, ma'am," he said with a smile before walking out of the hut.

Newt watched him leave with a grin on his face. He turned his head back to me before proceeding to put the washcloth over my head. I smiled at him again, causing him to slightly blush. I wanted to grab his face and kiss him, but I didn't have the confidence to do that. Plus, I didn't know if he liked me back. On top of all that, I had only known him for two weeks. It was crazy that I fell in love that quick, but the way he treated me, it was charming.

When Newt was done patting my forehead with the washcloth, he turned to walk out of the hut. But he stumbled over some items left out by the Med-jacks. Newt growled in frustration.

"Dammit," Newt mumbled to himself.

"You okay?" I asked.

He lightly chuckled and glanced up at me.

"Yeah. It's just this damn leg, it can be buggin' annoying sometimes."

I felt pretty sorry for him that he had that limp. Everyday I imagined how he got that limp. Did he break it in a bad way? Did he have a disease in it? Or was he born with it? God only knows.

"Well, you can stay here and let it rest," I offered, indicating to the empty chair.

He shook his head. "No, you need to rest."

"Please? I really don't want to be alone right now. It'd be nice if you stayed."

He stood in the same spot, almost looking baffled. It was like he couldn't believe I had asked him specifically to stay with me, the only girl in the Glade. I mean, it is fun to be the only girl because I have my own space and privacy, but then again, there are just so many dudes around it gets too bro-town for my liking. I wished there was another girl to talk to, to understand how I'm feeling or thinking without having to speak. Just somebody that can speak to me on a personal level.

"Um, yeah, I'd love to," Newt said.

I smiled at his answer. Then again, I'm glad he understands me. Newt limped over to the chair I just pointed at and took a seat. I unexpectedly started feeling sick to my stomach again and felt like vomiting.

"Newt," I groaned as I sat up.

"What? What's wrong?" Newt asked as he touched my arm.

I didn't answer his question like with Gally, I was too busy holding back what was trying to come up. But Newt understood what was about to happen, so he got up and went to grab the bucket for me. I started to gag, so he ran over to put it underneath my chin just in time.

"Okay, okay, there you go," Newt said while I heaved.

He rubbed my back to give me comfort while I gripped onto the sides, shaking. When I was done, Newt put the bucket down and gave me the washcloth to wipe my mouth. I felt a little better after getting rid of my lunch, but I was pale and my fever was rising again. I groaned when I laid back down again, my head throbbing from the massive headache.

"You might be dehydrated," Newt said. "Here."

He gave me a cup of water to drink, but my stomach hasn't settled yet. But I drank it anyway, forcing it down my throat. If my stomach wanted to throw up what I was trying to put in it, then I was going to make it stay. It was ridiculous that I was fighting my own body for me to get healthy again, but I was stubborn. I was capable of anything at the moment.

Some time after, Frypan came back with bread for me to eat. I let him stay with Newt and I because I felt like we hadn't done this in a while. How we just sit and talk. Just talk. Not about the Maze, not about the Grievers, not about loved ones being gone; but funny stories for us to laugh at. I wanted out of this endless living nightmare we have to go through everyday. I didn't want to spend the rest of my life in some place that I barely know, stuck. I wanted to live in the real world, explore what was really out there, live while I was still young. I wanted to accomplish this dream with my friends and loved ones, which I hope will live long enough to see.

After about thirty minutes of chatting, Frypan left to clean up what was left of his kitchen. Newt stayed with me the whole time, but I wanted to keep talking to him only. He suggested I should get some rest because, first of all, and obviously, I was sick, and second, it was late. I wanted to argue and stay awake, but my body was telling me that I needed to sleep. Like I've said, I'm stubborn, so I forced myself to stay awake and claim that I wasn't tired like a child. But, my body was overpowering me, so my eyelids began to get heavy and I fell asleep. Before I started dreaming, I heard Newt let out a little chuckle and recite what I just said.


"Rosalee," someone said softly.

I groaned and shook off whoever was trying to wake me up.

"Wake up, sleepyhead."

I still didn't move. Then, I noticed something. The sound of that person's voice wasn't the voice of the Woman in White, nor was it the girl's, but someone's that was familiar. I didn't know who though, but I knew it right from the start. It was like a wake-up call, a soft wake-up call. This time, there were no flashes of me or Thomas or anybody for that matter in the mysterious place; I was alone. But with the person that I somehow know and trust.

"Rosalee, honey, you've got to wake up," she said, hearing the smile in her voice.

I glanced up at last to find that it was a woman. But not just any woman, someone that I recognized. Their face was blurred out like a camera waiting for the lenses to adjust, but I could still make out her figure. Her features were a petite brunette in her mid-twenties, curvy, but most of all, very beautiful, both inside and out. Even though I couldn't see her face, her eyes were big and bright and just full of love and energy. Her eye color was a hazel color, the same color as mine.

She stroked my hair gently while humming a lullaby. I also knew the tune and started to hum along. The way she touched me was so soothing and caring, it made me feel safe and loved.

"Rosalee," she said. "My sweet babygirl, I love you so much."

Babygirl. She was my mother. My kind and gentle loving mother. I smiled brightly up at her, which made her smile back. She held my face in her hands, moving a strand of my hair to tuck behind my ear, caressing it at the same time. She kissed my face, which tickled. Her lips were like a feather, it was soft to the touch.

"Mommy," I said.

"Yes?" She replied.

"You won't leave me, right?"

My mom was baffled by my question, but then smiled her pretty smile.

"Of course I won't," she answered.

With my head still in my hands, she brought her face closer to mine.

"I. Love. You!"

She rubbed her nose on mine, then I giggled. She then proceeded to give me multiple kisses before tickling me. As a natural response, I started laughing and tried to get away. But she held on and started laughing with me. I closed my eyes, then the dream ended there.


I opened my eyes to find Newt shaking me awake.

"Hey, hey, it's me. You're okay," he said.

I noticed I was crying again. I was still in the Med-jack hut because I was still sick. Clint and Jeff think it's because of lack of sleep and it's keeping my body from trying to heal. Three days of it, too. These nightmares were not giving up to make me miserable. So far, it's working. But why did they let me dream about something nice this time? Was my brain actually feeling sorry that I kept waking up crying or screaming so it was generous enough to give me something pleasant? Why was it a specific memory from the past when I was just a little girl?

I sighed and moved my hands up to my temples to massage them. It was exhausting fighting this every damn night I went to sleep. I wanted it to stop. Newt handed me a tissue to wipe my tears away, having an expression of sympathy etched on his flawless face.

"What did you dream about this time?" He asked me.

I shook my head, actually questioning it.

"Mom..." I mumbled.

"What was that?"

"My mother." I glanced up to meet Newt's wide eyes. "I had a dream about my mother."

Newt's mouth was slightly agape; it was as if he was speechless and didn't know what to say. He was probably questioning why I did dream that, why it was only me and not him or the other Gladers. I bet they had great parents though, always watching out for them, cheering them on and encouraging them to accomplish their dreams. Maybe some didn't and neglected them. I only wish I remembered that instead.

"Y-Your mum?" Newt recited.

"Yes," I nodded. "She was there for me. I wasn't in a darkened place this time, I was in my own bedroom with the sun shining through the curtains. There she was, watching me with care." I chuckled, remembering the best detail of my dream. "She was beautiful, too. Even though I don't remember her, I just knew she was a kind and gentle woman. I knew everybody loved her. She had no enemies or people who despised her. But no one loved her as much as my father, and no one loved me the way she did."

I paused, staring out into space. Newt was quiet so I could continue.

"She called me her babygirl and let me know how much she loved me. I asked her if she won't leave me, ever. She promised that she wouldn't." Tears started forming in my eyes, not from missing her, but from anger. "But whoever sent us up here took that away! They broke my family apart! They broke all of our families apart! I don't even know if she's still alive!"

I silently sobbed, feeling angry at the people who put us here. I knew it was the people in my dreams, there was no other explanation. I mean, why else would I be dreaming about them and them only? They are the last thing I remember before coming here.

After sitting silently in the chair for a minute, Newt stood up and walked over to me. He held my trembling hand while I continued to cry angry tears. He didn't speak for a while until he thought the silence had gone on far enough.

"Rosalee," he said.

I looked at him, waiting for him to go on. But his expression was very hesitant. I raised an eyebrow, puzzled by his behavior.

"What?" I asked. "Newt, what is it?"

"Rosalee, I think you need to tell someone about these dreams," - I opened my mouth to object, but he raised his finger - "someone other than me. You need to talk to Alby. He can help you."

I couldn't believe my ears. Why would he bring that up?

"No, I can't," I said.

"Rosalee, look at the way these nightmares are affecting you. You can't sleep, it's keeping you from getting better and I've noticed you're different. You're not the same Rosalee I once knew."

"Why does that matter to you? You've only known me for two weeks," I snapped.

Newt didn't say anything after that. I shouldn't have gotten mad at him like that. I knew that he was trying to help, but I wasn't ready yet. I wasn't doing it because I was selfish, I thought they were dangerous. I thought they were going to hurt someone, or Newt, or Chuck. They were probably a prediction of what was going to happen, or that it would come back to kill everyone. Either way, I had to keep everyone safe, even if it means harming myself so they wouldn't have to suffer. I can't lose anybody, especially Newt.

I straightened my posture and ran my fingers through my caramel-colored hair, taking in a deep breath and letting it go. I turned my attention back to Newt, who was sitting in the chair waiting patiently.

"I don't want to tell anybody. Not yet, okay?" I spoke more softly.

Newt nodded. "Okay."

I was in the Med-jack hut for at least one more day because after the night I spoke with Newt, I started feeling better. But Jeff and Clint wanted to be sure, so they suggested I should rest for twenty-four more hours. Time passed and I was feeling good as new. I was finally able to start walking again without having to feel nauseous. I was ecstatic I was smiling very brightly that morning. But the strange thing was, it was so early that all the Gladers were still asleep. That didn't matter, I was feeling good and healthy like before. But that feeling only lasted for about five minutes before Newt came in with heart-dropping news.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Newt greeted with a smile.

"So damn good," I replied enthusiastically.

"Well, that's great." The tone in his voice was less enthusiastic, and I wanted to know why. "But... Alby wants to talk to you."

I wasn't kidding about the heart-dropping part. I had completely forgotten Alby wanted to speak to me about snooping around in the Map Room. I was more surprised he remembered. I thought he would've forgotten since it had been five days. But I had to remember, it was Alby. He never forgets.

"Oh boy," I sighed before snatching my striped henley shirt off the chair. "Let's just get this over with."

I put it on over my burgundy tank top and walked out of the Med-jack hut with Newt to finally breathe in fresh air. It was like I had been trapped in there for ages, and that I haven't seen daylight in a while. When we got outside, the first thing I saw was not only Minho, but Alby with him by the doors to the Maze. That's odd, I thought. I thought non-Runners weren't supposed to go outside those walls. It was Alby's rule, after all. Why was he leaving to go with Minho on the run?

But then I remembered what Minho had told me when I was sick. He found where Ben got stung, and Alby was going to go with him to check it out. I was hoping they would be careful, and even though I've never explored it before, the Maze is unpredictable.

When we approached both of the boys, Alby acknowledged our presence and turned to greet us.

"Rosalee," Alby said. "It's nice to see that you're feeling better."

"Thank you," I replied.

I looked past the leader so I could read Minho's expression. He didn't greet me with his usual witty humor, but he looked stern. He wasn't smiling or anything, he was staring at me as if I did something wrong. He was holding onto his harness with both hands, his posture straight and biceps showing off as usual.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked, distracted.

"We need to talk about what you did the other day," Alby replied. "When you snuck into the Map Room to take a look at something personal."

"I know, I was wrong. I had no clue that that place was supposed to be off limits. I won't tell anyone what I saw, I promise. I understand that I need to have a consequence for my actions."

Alby raised his eyebrows, looking past me for a couple of seconds before turning back to me.

"I'm actually going to be letting you off with a warning. If you do something like that again, we will put you into the Slammer. Understand?"

I nodded. "Yes, sir."

I was expecting Alby to tell me that I could get to work, but he didn't. It was as if he had something else in mind that he wanted to talk about, and I was right when he confirmed it.

"There's something else I need to speak to you about," he said.

He took a stride forward so we were face-to-face. I held my breath, waiting for him to go on.

"Have you been having nightmares?"

I almost choked on my own spit. I had to process what he just asked in my mind over and over until I could hear it like an echo. How on earth...?

I slightly darted my eyes over to the second-in-command, who locked eye contact. He had almost a blank expression, his eyes sharp and his lips firm. I didn't answer Alby's question right away, I was staring so intently at Newt with now pure anger that was rising to the surface.

"H-How did you know?" I finally said, reluctantly looking away so I could speak to him.

"It doesn't matter. How long have you been having these dreams?"

I hesitated for a moment before speaking the truth quietly. "Two weeks."

"Rosalee, you should've said something," Alby said, his voice getting louder. "Why did you think it would be a good idea to hide it from me? Especially if they are recurring nightmares about the same woman and Thomas?"

"I was sick, you shuck-face!" I defended, then mentally smacked myself in the face for coming up with such a lame excuse. "And besides, I didn't think it really mattered!"

"Well, it does! You can't just keep things like that to yourself!"

I couldn't have been happier when the low rumbling noise interrupted our conversation, which meant he was going to be leaving.

"Alby," Minho spoke, "the Doors are opening."

Alby nodded before turning back to me with fierce eyes.

"We'll discuss more about this when I get back."

With that, he turned and ran into the Maze with Minho. I kept watching them until they both turned down a different corridor and disappeared out of sight. Now that he was gone, I sharply turned my head to Newt. He unfolded his arms, locking eye contact with me again. I was so furious I wanted to punch him, break his other leg, but I knew that I would regret it later. So I turned and stomped right past him.

"Rosalee..." Newt said as he tried reaching for my arm.

"Don't you 'Rosalee' me!" I growled while jerking away from him ferociously. "Don't talk to me or even look in my direction!"

I continued to storm away from him and go into the Deadheads to cool off my heels, regretting the decision to tell Newt every detail I've confessed.


Oooooohhhhh boy...😐 Well, things are definitely starting to happen, so stay tuned for another chapter tomorrow!

