Derek And Dillon

Derek's POV

I was working on my table, looking at a pile of paper on the table, studying everything. I've been quite preoccupied with this whole Boyd and Erica kidnapping thing. I was trying to find two of my betas who were being kidnapped by the alpha pack, led by the only demon werewolf, Deucalion. He was after Scott and apparently, I still mentored Scott. Scott was still under my watch. I was in the midst of thinking while my twin brother, Dillon was on the couch, devouring the turkey sandwich and chugging down mountain dew, watching the news. 

Suddenly, Isaac, my other beta rushed into the loft and shouted around, waking me and Dillon out of our in-depth interest on something.

"Derek, I didn't kill him. I swear," Isaac ran into the loft in panic.

"Isaac, calm down," Dillon said, holding the younger's shoulder after swallowing his last bite.

"You didn't kill who?" My eyes glowed red as I stepped out of the shadow.

"I didn't kill my father, I swear," Isaac repeated.

It's the full moon. Isaac had to learn how to control her bloodlust.

"Wait, Derek. Your eyes are strange," Dillon said as he looked at me. "You're an alpha right? like me? your eyes are supposed to glow red like mine." he glowed his eyes and showed me.

"What is it?" I said as I looked at him, puzzled.

"Your left eye is not red. it's amethyst." Dillon said.

"Yeah, I saw that too, Derek. we need to get you to Deaton." Isaac said.

"But don't you tell me something killed your dad," I said, looking at Isaac.

"Yeah, but I guess this one is much more important. I mean the different glows , might mean something right," Isaac said, reassuring me to go to Deaton.

"I'll drive," Dillon said, taking the car key and moved downstairs.


"Looks like, Derek's found his mate," Deaton said after he examined the amethyst glow in his eyes.

"So, the alpha's got his lady friend," Dillon teased me.

"But, If I had my mate already, I could sense it. But as far as what I knew, I haven't sensed anything or smelled anything near that." I objected.

"You might have to wait a little longer, Derek. I bet she's someone related closely to you. In a twisted way," Deaton paused. "The other one is someone close to one of the werewolves close to you. a beta you taught."

"Wait, was it possible to have a mate who is NOT a werewolf?" Dillon asked.

"I am pretty sure Derek's is a werewolf. not by birth. but she's a werewolf. I could see it from the flares of purple amethyst in the glow," Deaton said.

That left me flustered about everything. literally everything. about the mate thingy. 


Dillon's POV

I've tried listing down every possible woman that Derek could have dated. But, I knew everyone close to Derek. Lydia, the one he hated the most. Allison, Kate's niece, Erica Reyes, his beta, Kate Argent, the one who set our house on fire, and Kira Yukimura, the fox. Nobody had this strong bond to Derek. At least not that visible to me. Derek and I had this urge to decapitate Kate, and that was vengeance. Not the urge to know more and be close to her to protect her. There was one last option. The girl Derek saw in his dreams. From what Derek had told me, she has black hair, brown eyes and a face that look closely alike to Allison Argent.


A/N: I'm sorry for the short update. this is just a 'get-to-know" chapter for Derek and his twin brother, Dillon.
