100 Truths :(

1. Real name: Alexandria
2. Nickname: Alex or Ally
3. Favorite Color: Teal
4. Gender: 100% FEMALE
5. Elementary School: Our Lady Of Angels
6. Middle School: Our Lady of Angels
7. High School: Haven't been yet
8. College: Haven't been yet
9. Hair: Dark Brown
10. Tall or Short: Sort of Tall for my age
11. Sweats or Jeans: Sweats
12. Phone or Camera: I would choose phone, but a camera's better
13. Health Freak: No, not really unless something amazing is happening
14. Oranges or Apples: Apples
15. Crush: Reality: no; In My Mind: I have over a million
16. Guys or girls as friends: Both, but more girls
17. Piercings: Just on my ears
18. Coke or Pepsi: In my opinion both are good
Ever Been...
19. On a plane: YeAh
20. In a relationship: Nope
21. In a car accident: Yes
22. In a fistfight: Almost in the middle of a basketball game, while we were playing basketball

23. Best Friend: Bridget
24. First Award: At a cheerleading competition
25. First Crush: Zachary Mason
26. First Word: Don't know
27. Talent: I guess playing video games and drawing in my notebook in class without getting caught ever, and being able to sleep with my eyes open and make myself look awake in class
28. Last person I talked to: My mom
29. Last person I texted: My friend Elise
30.Last person I watched a movie with: Myself :(
31. Last thing I ate: Pancakes and a milkshake
32. Last movie I saw: The Last Witch Hunter
33. Last song I listened to: Stressed Out by twenty one pilots
34. Last thing I bought: A new song
35. Last Person I hugged: My mom
36. Food: Pizza
37. Drink: Smoothies, Dr.Pepper, or Sprite
38. Bottoms: Skinny Jeans or Shorts
39. Flowers: California Poppy or Wildflower
40. Animal: Fox or Wolf
41. Color: Dude I told you it's TEAL, T-E-A-L
42. Movie: I have to many and don't have a fav, but the top three are both Maze Runners, Hp and the Order of the Phoenix, and The 5th Wave
43. Subject: Reading/Writing
Have I Ever...
44. Fallen in love: ONLY with fictional characters
45. Celebrated Halloween: DUH DER
46. Been Heartbroken: NEVER EVER EVER!!!!!
47. Been over a text: Many times
48. Had someone like me: How should I know they haven't told me
49. Hated how someone changed: OF COURSE
50. Gotten pregnant: WOAH, UM NO!
51. Had an abortion: No, and I will only get it if pregnant under the age of 18
52. Did something I regret: DUUUUUUUUUUUH
53. Broken a promise: Millions
54.Hidden a secret: Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaah
55. Pretended to be happy: All the time
56. Met someone who changed my life: Yes
57. Pretended to be sick: YES
58. Tried something I thought would like, but did: Eating ice cream sandwiches
59. Cried at the silliest thing: Probably
60. Ran a mile: DEFINITELY
61. Gone to the beach with a friend: Yep
62. Got into a fight with a friend: She started it
63. Disliked someone: Her name was Caroline, but my friends and I called her She Who Must Not Be Named
64. Stayed for ever single or been single 2 years after a relationship: Forever Single
65. Fell asleep during class and got away with it: All the time!!!!!
66. Eating: No
67. Drinking: No
68. Listening to: My fan oscillate (literally)
69. Sitting or laying down: Sitting
70. Plans for the day: Sitting on my bed reading Wattpad stories till my eyes fall out
71. Want kids: Yes, but not now
72. Want to get married: I WILL NOT BE A LONER *in a scary voice*
73. Want to travel: Already have, but I will
In a partner...
74. Lips or eyes: BOTH
75. Shorter or taller: Taller but not to tall
76. Older or Younger: Same age, 2 years older or younger max
77. Romantic or Spontaneous: Both
78. TroubleMaker or Hesitant: Depends...
79. Hookup or relationship: Probably relationship...
80. Looks or personality: I want both!
Have I ever pt. 2...
81. Lost glasses: MANY TIMES
82. Snuck out of the house: Nope
83. Held a gun or knife in self-defense: Yessss
84. Killed someone: NOOOOO........
85. Broke someone's heart: How would I know, I don't really pay much attention to anything unless I have something to do with it
86. Been in love: With fictional characters...
87. Broken a bone: Nope and I don't plan on it
88. Cried when someone died: I don't know
Believe in...
89. Myself: Eh
90. Miracles: UH DUH DER
91. Luv at first sight: Depends... DUN DUN DUN
92. Heaven: OF COURSE, I'm not going to hell
93. Santa Claus: No
94. Aliens: They're out there...somewhere
95. Ghosts or Angels: Mostly Angels, maybe ghosts cause of the weird noises in my room at night and day
96. Is there anyone I wish I was with: I wish i was all alone and had everything I need and lots of money... And a butler...and maid!!!!!
97. Do I now who my real friends are: Not really
98. Do I believe in God: YES
99. Do I have any fears: BILLIONS AND BILLIONS
100. Will this be my 100 truth: YES IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Answer TRUTHFULLY! You need to tag 20 people! You tag the that tagged you. So, I tag _Tonksie_
