Author's Notes

Hi, folks!

Welcome back to the LLG world. I hope you're excited for a very different tale from a new point of view. This story was a challenge I welcomed and I'm very pleased with how it all came out.

If you told me at any point in my life that I would finish two novels in a year, I'd not have believed you for many reasons. But here we are. Let me take a moment now to thank you for your support. Every time a new vote shows up in my notifications, I absolutely beam. My friends have heard me in group chat cry "AWWW!" mid-game like I just saw a kitten and have heard me lose my shit from glee many times now because I got one of those notifications. It blows my mind each and every time. May the feeling never grow old. Oh, and don't even get me started on my reaction to comments!

If you're enjoying the story, let me know! Votes and comments confirm that I'm on the right track. If there's anything you don't like, let me know as well! Constructive criticism is always welcome and helps me see my plots from a new angle. While I write these stories for me first, I want them to be enjoyed by others as well. To know what you think helps me grow as a writer.

Thank you once again for taking the time to read my writing. I hope you're ready for Ada's arc!

- Holland Weathers
