Chapter 1 Friends and Family

Sayo POV:

The cherry blossom were falling. One landed gently on my hand.

May I blossom just like you

I wished.

I'm only here because of my family and brother.

I continued walking towards the entrance only to be stopped when I saw a orange-haired girl.

She was standing in front of the gate thinking before entering.


I walked through the gate and continued to my dorm.

As I looked around the school, I saw many sparkles.

They are beautiful......but I won't lose.

???: "Hey! Sa~chan!"

I sighed.

"I've told you many times not to call me that."

I turned around to see my childhood friend there with a smile.


Rinko: "Haha. Right forgot about that. Anyway let's go to the dorm! You're my roommate you know?"

Well better than someone random......

*In the dorm*

(still Sayo POV)

I was unpacking my stuff until I heard Rinko talk.

Rinko: "So have you seen Hi-kun yet?"

"Rinko. Must you call us by our nicknames?"

Rinko: "Fine Fine. Have you seen Hikari-san, Sayo-san?"


Rinko: "Well you're in for a ride."


Rinko: "He told me he was so excited to see you that he wants to tackle you."

"Well I'll stop him before that happens."

Rinko: *sigh* "Sometimes I forget you're the younger twin."

"I get that a lot Ko-chan."

Rinko: "Hey! What happened to not using nicknames?!"

"Only when we aren't alone. The three of us."

Rinko: "Pfff. Ok then, want to look around school?"

"Why not? Maybe I can stop my crazy brother then."

*Later outside*

We were walking around the school seeing different sparkles almost everywhere.

I passed by many but only a few gave me a big surprise like, the feather sparkles, string sparkles, bubble sparkles, glass shark sparkles, and spiky sparkles.

I ended up leaving Rinko because she was getting annoying. She will yell at me later for it but not now.

I was walking around until I heard singing. I became interested in it so I follow the voice.

The man with black hair was holding me in his arms until he put me down.


???: "What?"

???: "Heyyyyyyyyyyy! Teika!"

Teika?: "Tch. Him again."

I recognize this voice anywhere and started to sigh. Then turned around.

The black haired man looked confused on why I was sighing.

???: "Teika! Huh? No way!"

Teika?: "?"

I sensed him about to jump and quickly dodged.

???: "Come on don't dodge!"

"If I don't, I'll die."

I turned to face my twin brother Hikari looking at me with sad puppy eyes.

Hikari: "Geez......can I least get a hug?"

"No way. In fact please stay far away from me."

Hikari pouted before turning towards the man named Teika.

Hikari: "Sorry Teika for the wait!"

Teika: "I wasn't waiting for you at all. Anyway you know this girl?"

Hikari: "Yeah! She's my-"

I quickly cover his mouth and pinch his ear.


"Shut your mouth. Introductions later in class. Now come with me, I need to give you a talking."

Hikari: "Owww.......Oh! See you later in calls Teika!"

Teika POV:

Those two are strange........but I wonder what their relationship is. No matter I must keep practicing.

Sayo POV:

I brought Hikari to a small pond and put him on the floor.

Hikari: "Sooooooo why don't you want to tell Teika about you?"

"So he is Ichijouji? No matter he will know who I am tomorrow."

Hikari: "Hmmmmm I don't know about that..... Todo-sensei never does introductions."

"Doesn't matter if he knows who I am then."

Hikari: "Anyway....give your big brother a hug!"


I slap his arms away. Rinko should be coming soon.

I heard Rinko running here.

Rinko: "Geez! You can't just leave me hanging like that Sa-Chan!"

"Ko-chan you should keep an eye out then."

Rinko: "And Hi-kun! You need to calm yourself when it comes to your sister!"

Hikari: "But Sayo is finally here!"

We all chatting until it was time to go to the dorms and sleep.

Hikari: "Well Sayo, Rinko I'll see you tomorrow!"

Rinko: "Make sure to actually sleep Hikari!"

"Just sleep."

When we got to the dorm we immediately went to sleep.

May tomorrow be a good day

*Next Day*

Hikari POV:

I got sleep but I'm still excited! My little sister is finally here! And going to be in the same class as me!

I sat in my sit next to Teika and he looked annoyed.

"Teika, Aoi-san still not here?"

Teika: "Most likely not, so who was that girl yesterday?"

"Oh! She's my-"

Todo-sensei: "Alright settle down everyone."

I looked to see Sayo and another oranged haired girl standing in front of Todo-sensei.

Hm? Who is that other girl?

Sayo POV:

I never knew that this girl I saw at the gate would be a transfer student as well.....

Todo-sensei: "Ok you two can sit.......oh perfect you two can sit next to Chikamatsu."

Orange Haired Girl: "Yes!"

The girl seemed to know who Chikamatsu is so I decided to follow her.

Todo-sensei: "That's all."

Orange Haired Girl: "W-What?"

She was surprised but then headed to where Chikamatsu was.

While heading up there I notice Hikari and Teika-san, I made eye-contact with Hikari and looked away.

Chikamatsu: "Yo! Good to see you."

Orange Haired Girl: "He didn't even tell them my name....."

I sat away from the girls and looked towards the teacher.

Chikamatsu: "So! What's your name?"

"Hm? Oh, um."

Todo-sensei: "Ok for this year's summer festival...."

"Summer Festival?"

Chikamatsu: "School Summer Cultural Festival."

Todo-sensei: "These five will be your second-year executive committee members."


Todo-sensei: "Ichijouji Teika."

Teika: "Here."

Todo-sensei: "Suminomiya Aoi."

Student: "Suminomiya isn't here today either!"

Todo-sensei: "Ichijouji tell Suminomiya later."

Teika: "........okay."

Todo-sensei: "Next up is........Yumeoji Hikari."

Hikari looked surprised but then said,

Hikari: "Here! Yes!"

Todo-sensei: "And the last two are......"

Todo-sensei paused before saying the names.

Todo-sensei: "Yumeoji Sayo and Aigasaki Kohana."

The orange haired girl stood up quickly and said,

Orange Haired Girl: "Eh?! I've chosen already?!"

Students: "Did he say Aigasaki? You mean that Aigasaki?!"

Kohana: "U-Um......"

Suddenly Teika-san slapped his hands on the table.

Teika: "You're Aigasaki's daughter? Then you're my enemy."

Commotion started to spread in the classroom. The poor girl looked confused.

"Hey! Talk later will you?!"

Everyone looked at me. 

"We are in class and though it doesn't matter, gossip later."

I looked away from then and there.

*After class*

Rinko: "Hey! Sayo........what happened in class...."

"Oh. I didn't see you in class, are we in the same class?" 

Rinko: "Yes we are! Anyway why did you stand up for Aigasaki-san?"

"Stand up? I simply did something to shut the students up that's all."

Rinko: "mmmm.....your true feelings says otherwise."

"Anyway I'm not taking sides."

From there we went to class and had a normal day.

Hikari: "Heyyyyyy come on Sayo!"

"No no no and no!"

Hikari: "Pleaseeeeeee it just a meeting!"

"The more reason not to go!"

Hikari was trying to make me go to this committee meeting but I won't take yes for an answer.

"Hikari you can go without me!"

Hikari: "Noooooooo, you have to come too! Please won't brother say something about this?!"

"Brother Haku, already knows the reason I won't come so it's fine!"

I was about to let Hikari let go of my arm and walked the other way.

Hikari POV:

I walked my way to the meeting room with a sad look.

I opened the door to find Teika and Aigasaki there looking at me.


I tried grabbing on to him but he dodged.

Teika: "I told you many times not to call me that!"

Kohana: "U-Um!"

I look towards Aigasaki.


I grabbed her hands and looked at her with sad eyes.

Kohana: "U-Um! A-Are you?"

I sniffled.

"I'm Yumeoji Hikari......"

Kohana: "W-Well, Yumeoji-kun what is wrong?"

"Hikari is fine......and *sniffle* my sister won't come to the meeting!"

Kohana: "Sister?"

Teika: "Now that I think about it.......Yumeoji Sayo right?"

"Y-Yea *sniffle*"

Teika: "Why won't she come?"

"B-Because she has a hard time talking to people......"

Kohana: "W-Wait, was she the girl who told everyone to be quiet?"


Teika: "That doesn't make sense, if she had a hard time talking to people how did she shout at that many people?"

"Because she doesn't care how many people, she just doesn't like talking to people......"

Teika: "What a stupid reason."

Kohana: "U-Um! I want to try and get Suminomiya-kun to the meetings! So Hikari-kun will you help Sayo-san to come too?"

"I'll try.....but it most likely won't work.....she doesn't even listen to her own brother!"

With that Hikari started to cry again about his sister.
