Chapter 1

    The morning mist wasn't just a routine, it was a schedule all in itself. If you didn't schedule your original schedule around the morning mist schedule then your entire schedule is just going to be messed up and you will most likely end up having a bad day. The morning mist was a beautiful sight, sure, but it was also an everyday sight that never fails to show up for a few pictures before it takes its leave, it's like a celebrity at a meet-and-greet, it doesn't matter how many times you see it, you're still gonna want to see it again the next day. Kamaria, however, wasn't like the rest of the people of Pacata Societate, she absolutely despised the morning mist and it's morning mist schedule. She was a girl that was always busy, with many things to do before the mist arrived, many things to do while the mist was there, and many things to do after the mist had long since disappeared. She didn't have time to deal with the crowd of people that stood in all of the streets, she didn't have time to glance at the mist and take a nice look while she was standing above Suicide Creek, a very terrible name for a very beautiful view. Every morning she had to meet with her boss to discuss her 'personal' issues, and then she had to go to the store to make sure nothing had burned down overnight, then she had to go to classes, then she had to meet up with clients, then she had to go back to the store to make sure her workers were still alive and were doing well, and then she had to go to another set of classes, and then she had to find some time to eat a meal, and then, at the very end of the day, she met up with her best friend and they sat on the Cliff overlooking Suicide Creek, discussing everything and anything, that was the only part of the day that she actually looked forward to.

    Manisha was Kamaria's best friend, she was busy, not as busy as Kamaria, but her day still had very few moments of peace. She was an aspiring actress, so the first half of five out of seven days a week were dedicated to acting classes, the middle portion of her day was dedicated to schooling, and the rest of her day was devoted to her job at Kamaria's Coffee Shop (one of the three buildings that she owns in Sector Thirteen). Not to mention that she could only spend an hour or two with her best friend before she was expected to return home to her soulmate and cook his nighttime meal.

    Flynn was Manisha's soulmate, they both shared the same rosewood pink eyes, an obvious match from the start, of course every pair of soulmates is an obvious match. Flynn was a busy man, he owned two stores (both grocery stores that was more than less high maintenance and was always running over with those who could afford it- the higher class of the Lower Sector, is what most called them). When he wasn't busy with his stores he had to go to his daily classes, and when he wasn't in class he was learning how to become a lawyer, and finally, when it was all over, he came home to his soulmate and a fresh meal prepared before Curfew, when they would turn off all of the lights and go to sleep.

    Flynn and Manisha appeared to be an adorable couple, except for one tiny problem: Flynn hated Kamaria. Now, under normal circumstances, Manisha would stand by her soulmate because they have been together since the very beginning, literally, but Kamaria was Manisha's best friend, they understood each other better than Flynn would ever be able to, Manisha knew of Kamaria's daily struggles of living in a world where she was hated by the largest portion of their Sector because of her eyes and lack of a soulmate, and Manisha knew of Manisha's secret hate for Flynn. Yes, Manisha didn't love Flynn like she was meant to, she didn't agree with him on anything, she didn't even like him in the slightest, but she was stuck with him for the rest of her life because of the system. Though Manisha would much rather be independent, surviving the way she wants to, taking control of her own life, she knew that it would never happen, and she knew that she should at least be grateful that she had someone who at least loved her, while her best friend had to go to bed in a dark, empty house by herself every night.

    Kamaria was fine with how she lived, she loved her freedom, she loved her independence. She didn't need a 'soulmate' to control her, she didn't even need a 'soulmate' to survive. She was one of the wealthiest in Sector Thirteen, and she didn't get to be that way because she was born into the position, she got that way because she worked for it. Sure her house was empty, that didn't matter, it wasn't like there were any ghosts there to haunt her and scare her at night, the only demons she had to face were the ones that ruled her life, as well as everyone else's. She wasn't afraid of the Rulers, but she sure as heck wasn't going to go against them alone, she might not like them, nor did she ever agree with them, but she wasn't stupid, she knew that to defeat them she would need more than herself and possibly Manisha. It would take a group of rebels to beat them, an army almost, and as far as she knew, no one disagreed with them. She stood alone, with Manisha secretly standing by her side during their daily two hour conversations.

    Kamaria wasn't prepared for the day that the Overseer of Pacata Societate appeared on her front doorstep right before she was meant to leave for her daily meeting with her boss, she also wasn't prepared for the clear background sitting behind him, as if the morning mist hadn't come for it's daily greeting. "Hello, sir." and "Ms. Kamaria, we need to speak." were exchanged and soon after the Overseer was sitting on Kamaria's living room couch, Kamaria was sitting in the chair opposite of him, sipping on a cup of tea acting as though she didn't have to be somewhere at this exact moment, she even tried to hold in her impatience, because this entire meeting was messing up her entire daily schedule and she was sure to miss her two hour conversation with her best friend if she had to wait any longer this nicely dressed, blonde haired, coward of a man to speak whatever it was he needed to say.

    "Ms. Kamaria, I'm sure you remember my last visit." Anthony, she had decided that they were officially on a first name basis due to the fact that she sees him at least twice a year, seemed to smile a little at the memory, only to frown once he realizes that there wasn't a trace of joy on Kamaria's blank face. "Yes, Mr. Overseer of all great and terrible things sir, of course I do. Do you remember when I almost got fired the last.... Actually, no, I almost got fired every single time, because you take forever to get straight to the point, and I really need this job, so I can't take forever to wait for you to get straight to the point. Do you understand?" Anthony's eyes widen at the straightforwardness of his... well she wasn't so much a client anymore, more like a friend. "Yes, I do believe I remember you telling me that. So, here's the thing, the Rulers, well, actually, the Head Executive of the Rulers wants me to gather you, as she put it." The Head Executive of the Rulers was the absolute Leader of Pacata Societate, he was in charge of everyone and everything, he made the rules, as long as they were passed through the rest of the Rulers and the Overseer agreed completely, and he made the punishments, as long as the Overseer saw and agreed that they form of punishment was fit to the crime.

    Anthony continues to stare at her with tired eyes, knowing that she knows where this is going, but afraid to continue the speech that was prepared for him. Kamaria was a friend, one of the only people who actually cared about him, even if she didn't show it he knows that she doesn't completely hate him, and he couldn't afford to lose her. "What do you mean 'gather me'?" He knows that she's trying to delay the inevitable, but there was no way to put it off, there was no way to change her fate. "Ms. Kamaria of Sector Thirteen, born sixteen years ago on November 7, has legally been fated to punishment for her crimes against the world of Pacata Societate. She has chosen to live in society and work in society without a man to stand in front of her, and she has been born without an Eye Match, she is therefore illegal and unable to live in this world freely any longer. Your punishment will be see as fit, but as of eleven o'clock last night the Head Executive of the Rulers had opted for death as the first and only punishment of Kamaria of Sector Thirteen." He recites the speech, having memorized the words on the trip to Sector Thirteen from the Office of the Rulers of Pacata Societate. "So, I'm going to die?" She whispers, trying to push herself back into the chair, trying to disappear from Anthony's view, as the words settled in her mind. "I'm going to die because I was born different, because I was born to live without a man to hold me up!? I don't deserve to die! I never did anything! I don't deserve to die!" She jumps from her sitting position, scrambling back, away from the man who was here to deliver her from her life. "You can't do this to me!" She eventually finds a wall and completely collapses against it, tears spilling from her eyes as she tries to stand up, only to fall back down again. "Y-you can't do t-this to me." She whispers, her voice shaky and her tears salty. "I am so sorry." Anthony walks towards her, stretching out his hand to help her up.

    "Anthony, I'm not ready to die. I don't want to die." She cries, her head falling onto his shoulder as visions of her soon to be future flash behind her eyelids. "I can't die, Anthony, I can't die." She continues to mutter, her tears slowing and her breathing calming as Anthony places a hand on her back, rubbing circles into the small of her back. "I'm so sorry." He tries to make her understand that he didn't want this, that he didn't want her dead, that he needed her because without her he had no one, and he had to have someone because without someone he would go crazy, and a crazy Overseer just wasn't good for an entire world. "I tried, I promise I did, I argued until I was blue in the face but I couldn't change the rest of their minds. It isn't official, at least not yet, but they want you to stay in the Prison until it is decided." She only shakes her head, trying to control the constant sniffling. "That's not saving me, that's just delaying it, if you really wanted to save me you would have let me get away... you'll let me get away." She pulls back, her eyes lighting up. "You'll let me get away, please Anthony, if you really want to save me, then you'll let me get away." He stares at her, mind turning with how many possible ways this could go wrong, but he wouldn't lose his someone. Sure, he wouldn't be able to see her, but he never got to see her whenever he wanted, so really it wouldn't be any different. "Okay, I'll let you escape, but you have to leave the Sector, you'll have to come out with me, then we'll fake an accident or something and you can run, I'll try and protect you but with you not coming back with me there's a chance I'll be put in the Prison myself." He warns her, dragging her to her bedroom so that she can pack a quick bag. "Then come with me, we can both escape. I know you don't want to be in that awful place, you could be free." She tries to convince him, she really does, but he only shakes his head. "You'll have a friend on enemy lines, you need me to be there and right now there is the best place for me to be. Now pack a bag, you need food but only enough to keep you alive, don't bring so much that you won't be able to carry it. Oh, and a bottle of water, as well as a jacket and maybe a different pair of clothes." She only follows his order, packing a small bag with enough supplies to help her survive the next few days. "I'm going to take money out of Manisha's bank account, return the money from my account to her, make sure she's okay, please." He just nods his head and watches as she signs onto the computer, quickly hacking her best friend's bank account and withdrawing enough money that she'll be able to survive, but not too much because then Flynn would notice.

    "The plan is that we're going to crash, and then you're going to run as fast as you can, as soon as they realize that you escaped the guards are going to be hunting for you, so don't turn back, and promise me, you have to promise me that you won't come back here." She stares, watches as his eyes look at everything but her face, listens to every heavy breath he inhales and exhales, and notices the tears building up in his eyes; he was scared, not for himself but for her. "Anthony you are a great friend, you always have been, I'm going to miss you. Don't think I won't show up again eventually, I already have a plan, I just need to put it into action, you'll see me again, I promise." She wraps his arms around his chest and squeezes, trying to comfort him as much as possible. "Please don't do anything stupid, I beg you, I need you to stay alive, okay?" She nods her head into his chest, a small tears slipping past her eyelashes. "We got to go, they'll come in and realize what's happening."

    As soon as they walk out of the house they're swarmed by guards, and pushed into the vehicle. Anthony sits in the front seat while Kamaria is pushed into the back. "What, they don't have enough security to give you a personal driver?" She sneers, playing the act of the pissed off little teenager that was about to be thrown into the Prison until her life was over, literally. "Sorry, Ms. Kamaria, but we don't appreciate sarcasm or rude humor, you are to remain silent until we make it to our final destination." He replies back in a monotone voice, keeping his eyes on the road, the only response he gets is a grunt and an eye roll.

    Suddenly the car was jerking right, and there seemed as if there was absolutely no gravity inside of the vehicle because they were all in the air, and then they were back on the seats, and then they were hitting the ceiling, and then they were back on their seats, and they were going side to side, and then the entire car was lying on it's side, half of it was completely pushed in due to the impact, and the other half was sitting in the air, scratched and dented and missing a mirror and the tires were flat, but it wasn't completely destroyed like the other side. It just so happened that that happened to be the side that Kamaria was sitting on, and seconds later the door was thrown open and onto the ground, followed by a beaten and battered Kamaria with a determined expression drawn onto her face. She stumbled and groaned a little but eventually she was standing on her feet and she was running, she was running so fast that it was instantly obvious to her that she was only moving and steady because of a sudden rush of adrenaline, her heart was pounding in her ears and she was running out of oxygen and her lungs burned but she was there, she was living, and she was running away from the people that wanted her dead.
