Hi, Hello, Namaste (πŸ™) i am back guys.
Sorry guys for the delay and i am busy in my exam, studing,labs etc.
I didn't get time to write the story and i am really sorry πŸ˜”πŸ˜”πŸ˜” for this late update and i know it's two months.
I am really really sorry.

Ok back to story:-

Previous part

Twins went to the flight and our three girls went to the company for who manage the company well.

End of previous part........


Author pov....

Well let's give the rest to the girl and let's see our devil's what are they doing.

In Seoul (At 12'o clock)

There is an abandoned buliding and around that buliding there is only darkness no single soul there and there is no sounds are coming . Just then there is so many gun sound are hear in the whole buliding. There is one person is standing in the middle of the building and there is smoke coming out of nowhere and the person is panick and point the gun to everywhere and shaking in fear of death . Throughout that there is seven shadows are coming his way and he know it is his death . The seven persons are appearing for the person one by one. The way of walking of the person's is like they own the world , showing their domination and cold look on the face, radiating the dark aura from them which gives fear to everyone . They are like came from the the hell and looking hot and handsome. They are wear their mask . They don't like to show their faces to underground world. But they have to soon reveal their face to that world . (Ok ok back to the story and will tell after this about it). Their eyes shows the coldness and emotionless.they all in black shirt and pants. They are feeling proud and smirk to see the fear in the person infront of them.

??1:- Hey do u searching for someone i will help u.

??2:- i don't think he needs our help chim chim as he he already find them.

Chim chim:- u are write V.

??3:- well where is our money? Who are u working for?

??4:- i don't think he will say that easily RM.

RM:- let take him to our basement . Then will have fun write JK.

JK:- yes RM and it so long that I enjoy this fun.

??5:- guards take him to our basement .

guards:- yes sir.

Guards take him to their basement and then the boys went to their house to take shower and small nap as they are tried to find him.

Here are the pics and mask they use the same and ignore the surrounding. I didn't own the pics and it's goes to their right full owners









At 3'o clock

They wakeup from their nap and went towards their basement to deal with that person.They take their seats infront of him.

??6:-well i will come to the direct to the point . Who are u working for?

Person:- i don't think u are all nice to your prisoner.

??6:- ok then I can't save u as u dig your own grave.Okk boys starts your fun.

V:- thankyou RJ and show the hell to him as he disrespect u.

V stood up from his seat and went to the near by table and check the that he needs to use on that person and smirking at the thought of the torchering the person in many ways. He made his to person and stood infront of him and ask him for last time.

V:- well think wise and answer to the RJ questions and we will think of leaving u.

That shock his head and V lost his cool and started to cut his things and arm . The screams whenever the knife touchΒ  his skin and sobbing badly but that are music to their ear and bless to their eyes to see . One by one they torcher him and at last one person lost his cool and point the gun to that person's head.

??7:- *cold tone*well we have enough and u spoil my sleep and good bye see u in the hell .

That Pearson panick and said that he will say all .

Person:- please don't kill mee i will say everything.

RM:- who are u working for?

Person:- howl's.

RM:- where is our money?

Persons:- in my house.

Agustd:- u are lying. We all checked your house.

Person:- no i am not lying. It is in my daughter room under the bed their is a room and the password is divya@1432. The door will be open.

RJ:- well nice idea to keep the money in ur daughter room that we can't check the room(said with clapping with his hands).

Agustd point his gun to him and said

Agustd:- u know our details and can't leave in this world.

He is shot him without giving him any chance and he is dead.

All are went to their room and had shower and slept.

Next morning.......

At(11'o clock)

Jungkook pov.....

I woke up from the sleep and saw the time it's 11 am . I went to the bathroom to do morning routine and went downstairs and saw dad and greet him.

Jungkook:- gd mrng dad.

Dad:- gd mrng son .how is ur sleep ?

Jungkook:- good dad how about u?

Dad:- fine and where are the remaining members?

Jungkook:- they must be sleeping dad.

Dad:- go wake them up and i have to say something to u all.

Jungkook:- ok dad.

What dad wants to talk about and why he is in tension and I didn't want to ask further and went to the hyung's room and wake them up except suga hung because he is devil when we wake him up and it will be our last day on the earth and i don't want to die at young age.
I went to jimin room and saw him in the floor sleeping up and down and take one photo and got the idea and rolled the hyung and slightly tide the end of the rope for him not to come out and connect phone to the speaker kept the alarm and kept speaker near to his ears and went out and saw tae already up and walking to my direction and confuse to see my smirk and then to jimin room and understand. Then smirk along with me.

Tae:- I think u will be in trouble .

Jungkook:- no hyung and u will be there to help mee right.

Tae:- why should I?

Hyung asked raising one eyebrow.

Jungkook:- because your are my fav hyung and i amΒ  your little brother right?

Tae:- but somedays ago someone said that their are not little.*teasing tone*

Jungkook:- i am not little.

Tae :- but u said that your little brother.

As a look around and said i am going.
I went away to the living room as I was about to sit we heard the loud screams and thump sound and i know a look at other their face containing confuse except tae as he know already that it will come like this and i heard the foot steps and turn around and saw hyungΒ  angry face as I am hiding my laugh which can brust at any time and he saw me i kept the poker face . Suddenly we hear the a/n voice and my eyes widen because she will surely book me as we both fight for nothing always wait for chance to book each other and here I dead today.

a/n:- hello uncle how are you?

Dad:- fine what about u?

a/n:- fine uncle. Hi oppas and junglebook.

All:- hi sweetheart.

Jungkook:- hi dumbhead. How come u are here? You said that you are in India right?

a/n:- i am not dumbhead and do u know use of being author u can travel anywhere u want and i am here in perfect time and yes I am in India.

She said in the smirking way when saying in perfect time in my direction.

Jimin:- well sweetheart i know u know the person that wakeup me up like that so could u please tell me who is that person and i will give u so many chocolates.

I am dead she loves chocolate and will do anything to get the chocolate. I have toΒ  make deal to her that I will gives chocolate give everyday. I message to her.

End of jungkook pov....

Author pov.....

When iam going to say that the junglebook is the one who wake him like that but i receive the message and i check the phone


Jungkook:- hey Annie
Let's make a deal ok

a/n:- wow someone is
being soo manner.
What makes u this?
did u hit ur head somewhere?😱😱
what is the deal?

I heard jimin oppa asked me to tell who is the person. When I was going to tell something and i receive another msg from junglebook.

Jungkook:- i will give u
chocolate daily
if u don't tell
my name

I widen my eyes and saw junglebook and he nobbed his head. I text him back

a/n:- ok but no cheating
and i have proof.

Jungkook:- ok deal

a/n:- ok deal

End of text .....

a/n:- oppa u are the person who keep the speaker with you like this jungkook oppa.

All except jungkook:- what you mean?

a/n:- jimin oppa he is the one who disturb your sleep *innocent face*

End of Author pov.....

Bts pov......

That's it jungkook and jimin are running in the whole mansion and here our little devil is laughing holding her stomach. We also laugh along with her because jimin is in the back of jungkook pulling his hair and twisting his ears and finally they came to the dinning table and jungkook is actually looking like joker as his hair went to other sides.she brush them with her hand and smile at him sheepishly.

Jungkook:- why do u care now? And u also said ok to our deal and why did u expose me(*while pouting*)

a/n:- oppa u know naa i can't lie to u all and how can u expect that i will lie to jimin oppa but with this there is a good thing right?

Jungkook :- what is good in that (*with poker face*)

a/n :-oppa that u all are happy and laughed after soo many years . As I want u all be happy.

All:- we laughed because u are here and we will be happy with your presence.

a/n:- oppa shall we have our breakfast iam hungry.

Tae:- when u are not u eat like a pig.

a/n:- opppppppaaaaaaa(*whining*)

Tae:- okkk let's eat.

She smile and went to dinning table and sat we also went and sat . She started say what she did in the India .
We don't know why we are nice to her. We will only nice to her and dad . Because of her only we are handle the things first with talking then after violence as we promise to her. We all completed our breakfast and went to living room.

Dad:- ok guys I want to say something to u all.

Bts:- what is it dad?

a/n:- uncle i will go now as it late for my flight.

Dad:- ok dear have a safe flight.

a/n:- oppas listen carefully what uncle is saying and don't be angry after the announcement and try to think in postive way okk bye.

Like that she disappeared in the thin air . Did she know the thing that dad what to say ? Why she said we should not be angry? Is it that bad news?

Dad clear his thorat to gain our attention and we saw him and next word he said we are shock and unable to form words

Pics of boys and a/n in the morning









To be continued.........


Hi guys sorry for the delay. Forgive your sweet author. Iam busy in studies.
I hope all of u all safe wherever you are .
And what are you think that uncle said to them ? Do u think here will be twist or it will go about your assumption? Well I also don't know about it and i have to think about it before i write . Ok guys/army see you in the next chapter until then byee. I purple you guys πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

Well the chapter words are 2159.
