Y/N:S-Seokjin?What are you doing here?

SJ:I need your help..

You raised your eyebrow to him then crossed your arm.


He cut you off.

SJ:Please,Y/N..I really need you right now..

You sigh.

Y/N:What is it?

SJ:I was chased by a criminal..


SJ:I was saving a man from them so they are targetting me..

Y/N:You save someone but can't save yourself?Come in..

They both sat on the couch..

Y/N:You can spend a night at here.Sehun won't come home anyway..

SJ:I see..Y/N,I know I was a jerk back then and I really regret it..I'm not hoping you to give a second chance to me as your boyfriend but as a friend..I'm very sorry for cheated on you..

Y/N:Sure..I already forgive you,don't worry..

SJ:So,we good?

You smile and nodded..

Y/N:You are my bestfriend...I trust you,Jin..

He smiled..

SJ:Don't worry..I won't broke your trust again,I promise..

                                -2 WEEKS LATER- 

You and Jimin start meeting each other often.But Jimin also start stalking you everywhere you go but you never realised it..Everytime he saw you and Seokjin meeting each other,he can't help but to jealous seeing how close you both are..

                                      -YOUR POV-

Sitting at couch,you were waiting for Sehun.Just then the front door open revealing Sehun..He walk towards you.

SH:Let's breakup..

You froze.


SH:Yeah..I don't love you anymore and I've been cheating on you..

Your tears fall..

SH:We are done..

He left your house leaving you with tears but soon you wiped it off and scoff

Y/N:Tch,finally he is gone..Such a pain in my ass he is..Wow,I should be an actress..

You said proudly and go to your bedroom to take a quick nap.

                               -JIMIN POV-

MAN:Boss,Miss Y/N already breakup with her boyfriend..

Jimin chuckled as he sip his wine and told the man to leave.

JM:Now,she is all mine..

He chuckled darkly as Taehyung shook his head.

TH:I thought I already warned you?

JM:What?I'm not obsessed with her,okay?That bastard doesn't deserve her anyway..He is cheating on her,he doesn't love her so what's the point of them staying in that toxic relationship?

TH:Well,you are right but i really hope you won't do the same mistakes..Because of your obsession..So please control yourself..Y/N is innocent and I don't want she to get involved with our world..It's dangerous..

JM:Why you seem more caring towards her?Don't tell me you-

Taehyung cut him off.

TH:No,ofcourse i'm not..I don't have any feeling toward her.I just don't want you to get hurt like before..

Jimin look at him annoyingly.

JM:Stop talking about HER will you?! SHE IS DEAD! So stop talking about her..I know it's my fault but please..stop it..

Taehyung look at his bestfriend with sad eye..'He already going through so much pain and I don't want him in pain again..'He hugged him as a comfort.

TH:I'm sorry..I won't talk about her anymore..

Jimin can't help but to cry remember the past..his dark past..


Y/N:What?Me and Seokjin?Dating?No we-

She got cut off by Jisoo..

JS:Y/N,I know that you two was in relationship and there is a chance you and him are dating again!

Y/N:Eonnie,we are not dating trust me!

JS:Then,what is this?

She showed her pictures of her and Seokjin together holding hands,hugging and do what couple do..

Y/N:Eonnie, I-I can explain..

JS:I trust you..You know I LOVE HIM...

Y/N:E-Eonnie..We are not dating!Who send you those picture?

JS:Why?Because it is true,right?

Y/N:It's not!Please,eonnie..

Jisoo feel betrayed and hurt while Y/N don't really know what has happening..Jisoo glare at her and left her  with tears..Those picture is from when they are still dating..But Jisoo don't have any idea about it and blindly believe that Y/N and Seokjin are dating again..

Y/N:Who send her those picture?I need some fresh air..

She sigh and left to park after wear her coat.

                                              -AT THE PARK- 

You stand there admiring the views and sigh.You suddenly felt presence beside you so you look at beside you and saw Jimin smiling at you..You smiled back and look at the view again.

JM:Are you okay?

Y/N:Yeah,I'm fine.What are you doing here?

JM:Just want to see you..

You look at him with confuse look.

Y/N:And how do you know I'm here?

JM:I don't know..I just follow where my legs brought me and I saw you here..


JM:Who is the guy that with you yesterday?Don't get me wrong,I just saw you at park with him yesterday.

Y/N:I thought you are stalking me..

You chuckled.

Y/N:That is Seokjin,my ex..I already forgave him for cheating on me and he is my bestfriend now..

He sigh in relieved and you noticed it..

Y/N:Why you suddenly asked?

JM:Nothing just curious..

Y/N:Okay then..

                                                     -AT JIMIN'S MANSION-

Admiring Y/N pictures that hang on the wall in the room,he already look like a psycho that fall in love..He doesn't realised it but he already OBSESSED with Y/N..

JM:You are mine and will forever be mine,KIM Y/N..

He laughed darkly but a voice interrupted him.

TH:PARK JIMIN! Where did you get all of Y/N pictures? Did you stalked her?

JM:Yeah,so what?

TH:Jimin,You are obsessed with her!


TH:Believe it or not,you are obsessed with her so you better stop now or things will get much worsed.. 

                                     -MEANWHILE JISOO POV-

I open the door as the doorbell can't stop ringing..My eyes widen as i saw him.


SJ:Y/N told me everything..We are not dating,Jisoo..Those pictures is from when we are still dating but trust me..We are not dating anymore..

Guilty start to take over me..I should trust Y/N..She is my bestfriend but I didn't trust her..

JS:Why did you tell me this?

SJ:I don't want my bestfriend to be sad anymore..You are her bestfriend and I know she will never lie to you..

I smile.

JS:Thank you for explained it to me..

                                                              -TO BE CONTINUED-
