cahpter 28 re uploaded

Author pov

The next day.

Dining room

Here everyone is doing breakfast but something is odd today with the main couple for the others but not the couple. because you are wearing a top showing your neck and belly where Jungkook made hickey yesterday and a skirt reaching till mid thigh with transparent collant and high heels almost reaching the height of Jungkook. Jungkook is wearing all Black in reality wearing a formal suit, showing his neck where you made many hickeys.

Jin: Jungkook and y/n why you both are wearing this type of clothes showing umm...

He hesitated to continue, but you both just shrugged your shoulders. And continued to eat. You were sitting on his lap and he was feeding you. For breakfast you are eating Pajeon, which is a Korean pancake and Gyeran mari, Korean rolled omelet.


Gyeran mari

Time skip after breakfast

Living room

They are in Living room wearing coats, everyone has an office type of bag, from the start they use it in school. Everyone is wearing different coats and the Jeon couple decide to wear matching coats with matching scarfs. You and Jungkook are going by bike and other by car, one for girls and one for boys. But let's go in flashback on why the Jeon couple decide to wear clothes on wera is showing their hickeys.

Y/n outfit

Jungkook outfit

Couple matching

Y/n and Jungkook bag


Jeon couple bedroom

They just woke up by the alarm and decide to shower together, they decide not to waste water by showering alone. They went to the bathroom after kissing each other.


After the shower they are now in the closet to decide what to wear, wearing towels around their body. In your mind comes an idea so you just share it with Jungkook.

Y/n: baby I have an idea on what to wear.

You said after entangling your hand on his neck and he put his hand around your waist.

Jk: What is it, Honey?

He said looking at you. You just smirked, making him confused.

Y/n: let's make our fans jealous.

He just hummed smirking knowing they would be jealous. You become famous some days after an accident happened in school. Jungkook was already famous because he was hot, handsome, rich and good-looking.



You were walking in the hallway to go to the canteen for lunch with the girls, but someone pinned you on the locker harshly. You hissed in pain as your back hitted very hard on the metal. You looked at who he was and he was Jungkook's enemy at school, also your fanboy, madly in love with or we say obsession, poor him not knowing who you were. You make a fake scared face for him, in reality you were disgusted by his touch. He smirked looking at your fake scared face. Everyone gathered around to see another drama. In the crowd BTS were too but doing nothing as they know you can fight for yourself.

???: Hey baby girl, why are you looking scared today? Yesterday you were Bold when Jungkook pinned you, huh?

He smirked and everyone was confused about his sentence, you can see Jungkook was boiling in anger when you were eye -siding. You were confused on how he knew that your Husband pinned you. You just smirked Internally and fake gasped.

Y/n: Jossee, leave me. You are hurting me.

You said while fake crying, his grip was tight but you can freely come out from his grip, but you acted along.

Jossee: no babygirl, only if you spend a night with me.

Everyone gasped, and BTS was fuming in anger and Jungkook was the most furios from them. Obviously his wife is being asked to spend a night with someone else.
You cried more, fake cries. The girls were too fuming in anger.

Y/n: what leave me. how many girls you fucked till now?

You said being scared, fake. He got angry with your sentence.

Jossee: How dare you talk back with me, slut?

He said being angry. You just scoffed mentally. He grabbed your hair harshly and you screamed in pain. Jungkook was going to punch him to touch his wife like that and called you a slut, but someone grabbed his hand stopping him. He looked back and he was Taehyung, who shocked his head. He sighed and stayed there.


You screamed but what he said made everyone gasp in shock, how can a brother not save his sister, who is in trouble.


he too shouted.

Jossee: ahhh

He screamed in pain and fell down on the floor, everyone gasped in shock and looked amused at you. Well you just punched him. You sat on his stomach and started punching the shit out of him. After a while you stopped and stood up and cleaned your hand with the towel Jisoo gave you and spoke in a dangerous tone.

Y/n: don't ever think every girl is weak. Idiot.

Then you looked at your brother or we say glaring at him, he gulped hard. You walked towards him and stopped in front of him. You remove your one heel and start hitting with it.

Tae: stop, princess. It hurts.

He said while screaming in pain.

Y/n: you should have thinked twice before saying. Well, I don't care about you.

You said mimicking him the last part

Flashback end

You both got dressed and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

Present time

Outside of the mansion

You all went outside of the mansion, the girls sat in one car and boys in one car. You both also hoppen on the bike after wearing a helmet and your bags in the neck, I think you all got what I mean. Then drove off to school.


Time skip at university

The two cars come first. They parked the car. Now they are waiting for you And Jungkook to arrive at the entrance.
You both come at the entrance of the university. Everyone was confused about who they were. You both got down but you stumbled a little because Jungkook was driving very fast. Before you can fall, he grabs your waist and helps to balance yourself.

Y/n: I'm feeling dizzy after going with you on bike Jungkook.

You remove your helmet, everyone is shocked on why you are together. You and Jungkook give the helmet to your guards. Then remove your coat and scarf and hand it to the guards. Everyone gasped after seeing hickeys on your neck and belly, And Jungkook's neck. Many girls are Jealous, including all the boys. You entered the university with the BTS And their partners hearing Whisper between students, but you all ignored

Girl: OMO they look good together.

GirlĀ²: na, they don't look good.

BoyĀ¹: are they dating each other?

Today teachers said that the whole campus will go to Thailand for a trip of one week in June.

After school Jungkook called his men to bring a car, A formal dress for you and your office bags.

Outside of the university

You all are standing outside waiting for his men. Some moments later. His 2 men came and parked the car at the entrance. They came out.


Men: good afternoon, Mr and Mrs Jeon.

They said bowing to you two and you both just hummed.

They gave a bag to you, inside was a formal dress for you and a mask for you both, and handed your office bags to you both. You put your coat and scarf which was in your arms, office bag and the bag you brought for school. Also Jungkook put his coat, scarf and his two bags in the backseat. You went to the washroom to change your clothes. Later you come out wearing this.

Y/n outfit

Jungkook and y/n office bag

You both sat in the car after Jungkook gave the Bike keys to his men. And drove off to Jungkook's company, well you are his personal assistant. You have a Important meeting.

Somewhere in Seoul

At the weekend

Living room

Here A woman is watching TV laying down in the living room, with a big window where they can watch the forest. The house is in the middle of the forest. after she finished doing her office work. Sometimes later a man comes and lays down on top of the women. He put head on her chest and his hand near her neck, she put her hand on his back and the others were playing with her hair or we say caressing it.

Man: I miss going this, baby.

She just chucked and continued watching tv. Later someone came yelling from a room.
They both flinched and looked towards the sound and saw their twin children, friend and sibling children.

Woman: what happened Jia.

Jia looked at her mother and responded

Jia: These idiots Jungwoon, Tarmin and Rowoon poured water on my face when I was sleeping.

Other girls: also on us.

Man: Ooh, Jia, Ari, Aera, Roya and Taeyeon go and change, and you three are grounded for two days.

The boys groaned and went into their respective rooms and brought all their electronic Items and put them on the table and went into their room. Then a maid came with three boxes, all with the boy's name, well girls too have but they don't need them now, so this man is very strict. The man asked the maid to put their items in the bow and to go out in their room. The girls come out from their room changing in onesie, Jia asks Eomma and Appa about her best friend of her age, Nari is her name. These are the girls' outfits.

Jia, Ari, Aera, Roya and Taeyeon

Jia: Eomma and Appa when Nari will wake up? "Slutering"

Her voice cracked while speaking. Her parents look at her worriedly. The man got up from his wife and went to his daughter and pulled her in his embrace, Jia buried her head in her appa chest, sobbing lightly. He was caressing her back to calm her down. He kissed her forehead multiple times.

Man: Soon she will wake up.

He said in a very soft tone to calm his crying daughter. The woman and the girls looked to the father - Daughter duo. A woman took a photo of them. 5 minutes later she was still crying, she was sensitive like her mother, when she started crying. He picked her up in koala style and walked towards the sofa and sat on it with Jia on his lap and then kissed her forehead. Few moments later She calmed down. The man tried to break the hug but she clenched her hand on his shirt tightly.

Woman: girls go in your rooms.

Ari, Roya, Aera and Taeyeon nodded and went into their room. He heard someone snoring cutely and looked down to see his daughter sleeping in his embrace. He picked her in bridal style, followed by his wife.

Jia bedroom

He went to her room and laid her down on the bed. She didn't leave him and snuggled more in his chest. He sighed.

Man: leave me so I can lay down beside you, Princess.

She nodded and left him and He laid down beside her after she came out from his embrace and aging pulled in her embrace. She quickly snuggled in his chest like a cute Baby. He kissed her forehead and looked towards her wife who was leaning on the door. He signaled her to come on the bed. She obeyed him and laid down beside her daughter and started caressing her hair and kissed her crown of the head.

Man: where are the twins?

He asked her wife about his second twin kids.

Woman: They are taking a nap after playing.

He hummed.

Man: Did they eat lunch?

She hummed and then drifted in theri dreamland. When someone came in, It was Jungwoon, he pouted and went to his little sibling's room and woke them up and grabbed their hands and dragged them in His twin sister's room.

Jungwoon: princess go and sleep with appa and prince go and sleep with eomma, after me.

They nodded and waited for their brother, Jungwoon, to go where his Eomma was sleeping and shaked her a little. She opened her sleepy eyes and hummed to him why he came here. He showed his puppy eyes and pointed at something. She chuckled and got up and he laid down, then she laid down beside her son and hugged him. The twin pouted and went to their parents. The baby girl went to her Father and the baby boy went to her mother. The baby girl shakes her father a little. He opened his eyes and found his younger daughter pouting cutely. He chuckled and picked her up with his one arm and laid her on top of him. Jia was sleeping putting her head on his chest and now his younger daughter on top of him. When Jia felt someone was on top of her appa she opened her sleepy eyes and saw her sister and Jia put her hands on her waist. Baby boy went to his eomma and climbed the bed and laid down on top of her Mother. When she felt a heavy thing on her body she opened her eyes only to see her younger son sleeping on top of her and put one hand around his tiny body.

Later someone entered and took a photo of the family sleeping soundly. It was Ari parents

Author pov end

I will not introduce them because I will in the future. I can only say the kids' surnames except the siblings of Jia and Jungwoon. Well, I already give the introduction of Roya and Rowoon.

ā—Jeon Jia, Woon Twin sister
ā—Jeon Jungwoon, Jia twin brother
ā—Kim Roya, Rowoon twin sister
ā—Kim Rowoon, Roya twin brother
ā—Jung Ari
ā—Park Aera
ā—Kim Taemin, Taeyeon twin sister
ā—Kim Taeyeon, Taemin twin brother
ā—Manobal Nari, Jia best friend

To continue
