Decisions Must Be Made!

It's the day the god and goddess would be arriving at their mansion to judge and maybe to deal with Taehyung's parents situation. The boys do not know how long they would be staying but made preparations for at least two weeks!

Nervous, that's what Taehyung felt as he waited for the god and goddess to arrive and jungkook is trying all ways and forms to distract him just a bit. "You are actually starting to annoy me, like literally... Do you want those ears again?" Taehyung quizzed making jungkook pause in his actions, shaking his head quickly to avoid the ears fiasco "Taebaby, I'm just trying to get your mind at ease, unless you wany me to distract you in -", Jungkook words were cut short when they felt a strong presence, walking through the hallway from the doorway.

"I told you, the front of the house... Not inside the house. We don't own the damn thing... Sometimes I wonder if you have any manners!" the goddess voice could be heard alongside the shuffling of feet as the made their way to find the boys, "Boys! Were here, sorry for barging in!" the goddess shouted, gaining attention to the boys as they made their way to them.

"Jimin was the first to speak," Your grace, welcome to our home, what's ours is yours. Please come, sit." They sat on the lounge couch in the living room while everyone else seated themselves opposite. " We have prepared a room for you, let me know when you're ready... I'll go to get some refreshments" Jin stated as he got up to go in the kitchen. Taehyung was still out of sorts and is refusing all manner to let go of Jungkook, which doesn't go unnoticed by the God. "Tae, we've heard about your plans and we also heard about your... predicament. But this is one matter we cannot touch for you. The decision is and will be yours to make and we would support you, all of you." the god said with as much sincerity he could muster without sounding overbearing.

Tae could only shake his head, while sitting next to Jungkook, clinging to what may seem dear life, as he felt Jungkook hand on his cheek, thumb rubbing smoothly. The place got quiet again and Hoseok broke it. "Not trying to kill the highly deafening silence here... But we have a warlock in our basement for a while now and our magic boys here are getting overly exhausted from caging him... Sooooo... Um, yea!" the god and goddess nodded their head as the god said a mantra, materializing the magically chained warlock.

" Wow! Impressive... The Kims did this? This is alot of magic! " the goddess said as she carefully observed the chains from her seat, " Lord Angust!" the God said, gaining his attention, "Your highness, its a great honor to be blessed by your pre---", he was cut off by the goddess "Cut the crap, we've been waiting for you to slip up and quite frankly, if it were me, I wouldn't have waited this long!" she said while tilting her head. "Honey, we agreed" the god whispered, but it was still audible to everyone in the room. Her face didn't budge, as her intent was clear... He wasn't going to stay long, alive that is.

Jin came in the room head down, with the tray of refreshments being rolled in front him, making sure nothing was missed or spilled, he already felt something was off when he was in the kitchen and as soon as he rose his head, the grasp of the tray loosened and the tray trailed of on its own, Jin's eyes were wide upon seeing Lord Angust, "Wh-what is he doing here?" he said, pointing at the magically chained individual. "He's about to be judged and punished. So you can get your energy back from this complex spell" the god stated. Jin got pale as he saw the look on the mans face, swear to all magic Jin turned into a lifeless statue. Namjoon didn't hesitate to hold onto his lover, using his muscular frame to block the view.

Although the man was chained, the others didn't know of the torment Jin went through mentally. The sleepless nights, the nightmares, the mind curdling taunts that Lord Angust did while Jin was on guard. Jin was almost to the brink of losing his mind from the horrid games that man played on him. Feeling the embrace of Namjoon, calming him down significantly as he finally responded to his touch.
Jin stared at the man while in the embrace of Namjoon, but to him, it was only the god, goddess, lord Angust and himself in that room, a full room that felt completely empty. Jin eas in a complete transient state only noticing the people's movements but not hearing a single word.

"Jin... Jin... JIN!" Namjoon broke his transient state when he shook him a little, "are you okay sweetheart?" Namjoon asked, although he already knew the answer, he wanted Jin to confirm, which he didn't and that upset Namjoon a bit.

"With immediate effect we will remove your magic, you are part of the evil root we want to prune and we will show no mercy, even if your reasons may sound valid. Your savagery knows no bounds and to many lives were lost, you and many others have dinged our pure efforts... And for that you must pay" the god said and the goddess rose up and took a step forward. With out words she removed Lord Angust magic, making it as painful as possible. His screams made Jungkook close his eyes and smile, he hasn't tortured anyone in a while and hearing those screams made him want to torture someone... Badly!

After all said and done, the couple were snuggling under the covers waiting to indulge themselves in sleep, "Jay?" Tae started as he heard a hmm from Jungkook, "If its true that my parents are mafia... I can't find it in my heart to kill them, they're my parents after all" he said while looking up at his lover, who now opened one eye and looked at the younger. Closing back his eye and pulling Tae closer, "I know baby, but if they do harm would you? Would you take them down?" Jungkook asked and the room fell silent as Taehyung thought about it. "If they harm you, or any of you... I will not hesitate" was Taes answer and he was rewarded by Jungkook s bunny smile, "That's my baby, now sleep!" was jungkooks words as he placed a kiss on Taes forehead.
