We all went downstairs and my and dad was back from whatever. "Wus up Melo dip." My dad hugs me. "Wus up man." I said back and went to go sit with Ali and Zo.

I look over at Ali and she looks confused and mad. "Huh?" I look at her. "Why is Ashley texting me?" She looks at me. "I don't know why is she?" I look at her back.

I grab her phone and this damn girl was fucking crazy gang. Talkin' bout ill go back to her cause I love her and miss her? Crazy bitches bruh.

I blocked her off of Ali's phone and gave her phone back. "I have work tomorrow so that means I have to go back home." Ali said getting on top of me.

I bit my lip rubbing her waist. "Okay?" She smiled and I gave her a look nodding. "You look like you got something to say." She said kissing me.

"Yeah I do but you gotta be quiet..its a secret." I geeked. "Okay.." She laughed and I turn her on her back kissing her neck.

Her hands rub up and down from my neck to my stomach. "I'll drop you off after this.." I said kissing her. "Okay.." She kisses me back and we...yk did the unholy thinkin🤣.
Me and Ali were in the car at her house. "We here." I said parking the car. She looks at me and down at my hands.

Now I got sum for her. "What?" I smiled. She shakes her head. "I just dont think you know how much I love you." She said.

I smiled. "I think I do. You know what tomorrow is doe?" I ask looking at her. She gets a little red.

She nods and slouched. "Why you gotta leave me? Again?" She whines. "Yo nigga a basketball player girl." I joked. She laughed a bit.

"Yeah, but I won't see you for another month babe. That's too much." She continued. "Well. Melo dip got a lil sum sum foe his baby."

I reach into my glove department and pull out a tiny box. Ali's eyes wander off to my hands and then me.

"What is it?" She smiled. "Open it." I hand it to her.
I open the box Melo gave me and it was a beautiful silver ring and a necklace with Melo's name on it.

"Baby! This is so cute!" I smiled harshly. "Yessir." Melo smiled. "Thank you, babe." I smiled and kissed him. He kissed me back and he helps me put on my necklace.

"Babe this necklace is bout shiny as fuck." I laughed. "Yeah, I got it from where I get my jewelry." He said putting it on me.

"How much was it?" I asked and Melo shakes his head. "Don't worry bout that." He kissed me. "It's pretty." I said admiring it.

"I knew you'd like it." He rubs my back. "The ring is hella cute..wow." I bit my lip and put the ring on my finger.

"It's a promise ring by the way. So I promise to keep my loyalty to you n stay true to you." Melo puts my ring on.

"Thank you, Melo." I smiled. "You're welcome baby." He kisses me. "Okay..call me when or anything when you get to the airport?" I asked grabbing my things.

"Gotchu." Melo looks at me. "I love you." He said kissing me. "I love you too." I smiled and got out. "Bye babe." I waved. "Bye ma." He smiles back.

I sighed and watched him drive away and I drag myself into the house. "Ali is back!" I yelled so everyone could hear me. Oh yeah Jalen got dropped off early and I thought he'd be back here but I guess not?

"Jalen?" I yelled. It was quiet as fuck. I go I to the kitchen to see a note.

Ali, all of us are really busy hun. Your brother had to leave way early for his basketball season in L.A! And your little sister is at her auntie's for a while until I get back from my business trip. I love you and if you need anything call me or Melo. -mom <3

I sighed and decided to call Melo. I click his contact and set my phone down waiting for him to pick up.

"Wus up baby? You good?" Melo asked. "Yeah turns out all my family is busy and im alone for good knows how long." I sighed.

"Well, I dont leave till 9:00 in the morning tomorrow want me to come stay?" I look at him.

"I got work at 8 tho." I pout. "Baby I'll drop you off n shit ill even stop by before I leave or when you're on yo break."

I nodded. "Alright. You should bring food." I smiled and he does too. "I got you." I nod. "Bet." I smiled.

"Ight bet love you." He said. "Love you too dip." I smile and we hung up.
"Aye Melo dip in this bitch! Aye! Aye!" Melo busts through my door dancing with food in his hand.

I giggled and he shuts the door getting comfy in my room. "Ight so I got us the same thang." He said and I look at his lips and his grills popped out.

I lift his chin and drag his lips down looking at them. He grabs my wrist and smiled. "I got these bitches cleaned." He said.

"I can tell." I smile. "Man eat this food before I break this bed." Melo smacks his lips. "Boy, you so nasty." I shook my head.

"It must run in my family causeee...it ain't me." Melo smiled. "Mhm." I sit back and we put on our show and start eating.
Me and Melo laid down and he was sleeping as I played with his curls and gave him kisses on his cheek.

(corny asl)

I was on my phone and a random number text me.


*4 attached images*

My jaw drops.

What I say? Little girl im not the one to be fucked with. If a man is mine I mean it. Enjoy him while you can ;)

Now Ashley..theres no way ur this fucking insecure about another girl having ur "mans" idc how toxic y'all were idc. You're not bout to come in here and ruin our relationship cause ur mad at sum I didn't do? Mature. I

Baby girl these were a month ago :) he was in my bed fucking me:) sooo where were you in the picture? I don't see you anywhere. He told me he'd break up with you jus to b with me 😚!! So sad.

You ain't got any typa respect do you? You can't just let a bitch be happy with her nigga? Why you so interested in my luv life? Don't you got a nigga?

No cs melo is my man..

Wanna bet?


*2 attached videos*


Huh? Oh yeahh thought a bitch said sum. My fault. But ur nigga seems to love fuckin ona real one hm?

Okay..bet I got sum for you 😚

Must be real bold hm? Bet.






Fuck misspelling...anyway..

Song is good asf if y'all didn't know..

But uh I got some shit I wanna do and it's gone be fucked so y'all gone have to buckle up yfmmmm

Jack 🥰
