Chapter 1: Scramble, Scramble...Scramble

"Fox, incoming transmission from General Pepper" the voice was very robotic. 

"General Pepper, wonder what he wants? Ah, send it through Rob" 

Fox stretched out his legs and yawned. It's been quite a long time since Star Fox had anything to do. Star Fox was originally formed by James Mcloud, Fox's father, roughly 20 Years ago. They were a group of three bounty hunters, who worked for the Cornerian army during the galactic war against Andross, a psychotic monkey scientist. During the war, James was shot down by his own wingman, Pigma. Pigma secretly worked for Andross, and gained intel on Corneria's strategies and battle tactics. Peppy, was the only member of Star Fox to make it back from the planet Venom to Corneria, to tell Fox what happened. At the time, Fox was only 7 years old. To continue his father's legacy, Fox eventually reformed the group consisting of some of his best friends from the flight academy he went to. Star fox consisted of five members. Fox Mcloud, the headstrong leader. Falco Lombardi, the hotshot pilot. Slippy Toad, the youngest and smartest technician around. Peppy Hare the experienced veteran, and Rob who was built by Slippy. He piloted the Great Fox. 

"Gee, a message from General pepper. I wonder what he wants us to do this time. Maybe re-fill his food boll? Pick him up a bone to chew on." smirked Falco. 

"Cut it out Falco, If the general heard that, he would of tanned yer hide" Sighed Peppy. 

"Ugh whatever, Rob just put the message through." Ignored Falco.  The message emerged from the command deck. 

"Star Fox can you hear me!" shouted a loud unknown voice. Slippy nearly fell out of his chair, being very surprised at the sudden outburst. 

"This is Sgt Banks, the main coms tower is under attack by Andross's army, we need your help star fox. Come quickl-" the Transmission was cut. 

"What the heck, Corneria's under attack! By Andross!? I thought their so called defences were impenetrable!" shouted Falco. 

"Oh man. How could they even of gotten into Corneria's orbit in the first place?" wondered Fox. "They would have had to pass Fichina or Katina to get here." Fox paused and glared out into space for a brief moment, looking somewhat sad. 

"How is Andros even alive?" Fox shook his head and looked at the Star Fox team with confidence and determination 

"Alright Star fox, prepare to move out! Fox began running towards the hanger as the others followed 

"Y-You g-got it boss!" croaked Slippy. 

"Finally some action!" Grinned Falco.

 "Don't get to hasty boys" Peppy announced. "If the transmission tower is the enemy's primary target, we may have a hard time contacting each other over coms down there". 

"We will have to stay in fairly tight formation in an open battlefield" Peppy was very worried. They got to the hanger and began fueling their ships. Fox put his hand on Peppy's shoulder 

"Don't worry buddy. I may not be as skilled as him, but I won't let you guys down. You've been through worse Peppy, lets take it to em!" 

Fox smirked, ran down to his hanger and began to check his fighter. Peppy left a quick smile, then looked down at James's dog tag. He kept it with him for many years. James lent it too him before any firefight. Peppy used it as sort of a good luck charm in his younger days. 

"Fox!" Peppy cleared his throat. Fox was already in his ship by the time Peppy could say anything. Peppy chuckled "Hasty just like his father". 

Powerful plasma engines revved up in the hanger of the Great Fox. Arwings Were equipped with T&B H1 laser cannons, Smart bomb launchers, and advance G-diffusor systems. They could change their attack patterns from "on rails" position to swiftly get to their target, to all range mode to deal with walkers and dogfights. The great fox reached Corneria's atmosphere. Rob's voice was very monotone, as alarm sounds in the great fox went off.

"Emergency...Emergency. Emergency... Emergency, incoming enemy fighters, prepare for launch." 

"All right boys, lets hit it!"     
