Try, Try Again

Tava held her ground as the Android advanced, his expressionless gaze fixed on hers.  She was partially aware of Yggdrasil picking himself up off the floor, and a scuffle coming from Jornea and Kartk.  She couldn't spare any of them much more attention than that.  The Android was practically on top of her.

She let out a breath when the Android reached up and grasped her right wrist in a gentle grip.  They both froze, staring for several nervous heartbeats until the Android's eyes flicked down to her hand.  Very slowly, with a delicacy that hadn't been present in the easy way he had flicked Yggdrasil aside, he carefully removed the glove covering her prosthetic hand, one finger at a time.

Tava watched a moment of confusion flash in the Android's eyes before it was replaced with fascination.  He pressed his palm against hers, perhaps studying the similarities and differences in the mechanical digits.  Compulsively, Tava rolled her fingers against his, pinky to thumb.  He cocked his head in curiosity, his gaze slipping lower down her wrist.  He lifted his other hand, trailing his fingers along the reconstructed forearm.

Tava pulled her hand away and shrugged off the shoulder of her jacket, letting him see where mechanical had been meshed and grafted into flesh.  His fingers lightly skimmed the prosthetic.  Then he froze as his gaze flicked back up to her face, questioning.

"You are human, and yet not.  Are you a cyborg, here looking for sanctuary?"

Tava blinked.  She had never thought of herself as a cyborg, but the description was apt.  "I don't need sanctuary.  I'm looking for help."

The Android cocked his head again, taking a step back and giving her space.  Tava continued when that appeared to be the extent of what he was going to say or do.

"My name is Tava Bismark.  I was a Colonel in the Allied Militia until I uncovered a plot to overthrow the Council so that one man could take power.  I'm starting a revolution to keep this tyranny from taking place and I need as many allies in this fight as possible."

The Android was silent for a moment, then straightened a little.  "Androids do not require names.  But my designation before leaving Earth was Remington.  You may use this name.  In regards to your quest for allies, why come to us?  The Androids owe the Humans nothing.  Why should we join with the ones who wanted to destroy us after they had barely allowed us life?"

Tava swallowed.  "It's been a long time since then.  Earth is destroyed.  The Humans are scattered to the corners of the universe, attempting to set up colonies.  Most of us don't even remember the Androids, much less what we did to you."

Remington arched one brow in a very human gesture of skepticism.  "I wouldn't call that a redeeming argument in your species favor."

Tava nodded.  "I know.  Which is why I offer something else.  You help me, and when everything is over and done with I'll open up trade and commerce with the Androids.  You'll find all the technology and tools you'll need or want if you trade with other species, and I'm sure you and your people can create all kinds of things that would be useful to others."

Remington went thoughtful for a moment.  Then he nodded.  "I must confer with the others.  Once a consensus has been reached, I will give you your answer."

Tava frowned.  "How long will that-"  A faraway look came and passed on Remington's face in the barest of moments while she spoke, and then he was cutting her off.

"We have reached consensus."

Gaping, Tava's brow furrowed.  "That fast?!"

Remington merely dipped his head.  Behind Tava, Jornea snorted.  "Hive minds.  Certainly makes voting easy.  Not sure I'd like a planet full of people in my head all the time though."

Remington glanced at Jornea, then turned back to Tava.  "We have decided we have no reason to lend our aide."

Tava stiffened.  "But, this will affect you all as well!  No matter how well you have hidden yourselves away, eventually you will run into the same problem you've been having.  You'll run out of metal and minerals!  You can't support an entire planet on salvage!  Trading will make your lives so much-"

Remington held up a hand, stalling Tava in her argument.  "Our decision is final.  You must look elsewhere for allies and support in your revolution.  We wish you well, Tava Bismark."  With that, Remington stepped back between the tanks where they had found him and switched off.

Tava jerked her jacket back on, equal parts angry and disappointed.  She had hoped to find allies first try, especially such powerful ones as the Androids, but she couldn't force a planet to join her cause.  She bent to scoop her glove up off the floor where Remington had dropped it and yanked it over her hand, snarling.  "Come on.  We've obviously been dismissed.  And Doc needs to clear his head."

~ ~ ~

Back on Athena, Tava stalked down to the cargo bay and snatched up Kit's virtual reality toy.  Jornea was getting them out of the Android's system and so, Tava wouldn't be needed for a bit.  She intended to blow off some steam until then.

She set up a boxing simulation and tugged the visor on.  It was strange, not connecting with anything, but the workout would still do her good.  She had worked her way up through five difficulties when a punch suddenly connected with jarring force.  Stepping back, she shoved the opaque visor out of the way to see who or what she had hit.

Kartk stared back at her, palm still up from where he had caught her fist.  "Your guard's a little low."

Tava scowled.  "My guard is fine."

"Maybe while you had both eyes."

Tava yanked the helmet off and tossed it aside.  "Fine.  I'll prove it to you.  Just be warned that I don't hold back."  Kartk rolled his shoulders and put up his fists. 

"Neither do I."

Tava took in a deep breath, then pressed the attack.  And was promptly cuffed in the right ear.  Anger flared before she toned it down to a low simmer.  Losing her temper would only get her hit more.  Though, Kartk's 'I told you so' look didn't help her calm.

"Like I said, your guard is too low."  Tava was about to bite out a retort, but never got the chance as Kartk moved in.  She got her guard up a little higher and blocked the first three rapid punches before catching one in the solar plexis.  She grunted and staggered back to catch her breath.  Kartk gave her a moment.  "Why are you so angry anyways?  You had to have known we wouldn't add to our ranks every time, much less immediately."

Tava sighed, circling with him as she looked for an opening.  "Impatience, I guess.  My life managed to explode in a matter of weeks.  I guess I was hoping to put it back together just as fast."  She dodged in, managing to reverse a hold he tried to trap her in.  She jerked the heel of her hand up into his chin before tugging him forward to connect her knee into his gut.

Kartk retreated, his tongue checking his teeth and largely unconcerned about his stomach.  "I get that.  It's unrealistic.  But I get it."  He bull rushed her, catching her up in a hold and flipping her flat on her back.

Tava groaned and stayed down, winded.  The bare cargo bay floor was not the best place to be sparring.  She managed to catch her breath and folded her arms across her chest, noting that Kartk was keeping his distance to avoid retaliation.  "You're entirely too good at this."

Kartk shrugged.  "I have been training since I could walk."

Tava grimaced a little at the reminder of why Kartk was so good at fighting and changed the subject back to the one before her unintentionally uncomfortable remark.  "Alright then.  Where do you suggest we try next?"

Kartk blinked in surprise.  "Me?"

"You are my first mate."

He frowned, sitting on his heels while his hand came up to scrub the back of his neck, making his slave collar move around his throat.  "I guess, I'd try the Human colonies.  They've got the most to lose.  We Humans aren't really known for our numbers at this point but..."  He shrugged, staring at her thoughtfully for another moment.  "I suppose any slaves on the run would be happy to join if you could guarantee their freedom in the end."

Tava shoved up onto her elbows.  "My track record on that one isn't great."

Kartk slowly smiled.  "One incident doesn't really make a track record.  It's more of an event."

Tava chuckled and got to her feet.  "Alright.  We'll make for the nearest Human colony then.  And hopefully get more luck this time a-"

"Cap'n to the bridge!"

Jornea's nervous call had both Tava and Kartk jumping to their feet and scrambling for the bridge.  Tava huffed in irritation as she leapt up the ladder.  "Now what?!"
