
- R e c a p -

" Harry, who's that? " Her voice shook which caught my attention. I turned towards the direction she was looking at.

A voice spoke. " Hey... this is your last day on earth so please, no need for meaningless chit chatter. "


A face I hadn't seen in nearly three years turned around to face us, it was my mockery of a brother, Niall.

" Oh, its you again. " I managed to let out which was hard because Charli was clinging to my arm like a scared cat.

Niall let out a soft laugh, " Who's this? " He pointed to Charli's direction.

She scrunched up her eyebrows at him as if to say, ' who are YOU to point at ME? ' which I thought was pretty funny because she was so little and that only made her look cuter.

I managed to grin while saying, " His gift I guess. "

He laughed, " Lucky you, already! After 5 years, he hasn't given me a gift, that sly fuck. "

" You don't remember Hailey? "

His face hardened. " Hailey was not a gift but a burden that I carry on my back forever. "

I chuckled, " Heh, must be nice."

" It's been three years and you're still a dick. "

" Some people never change. " I flashed him my dimply smile.

He pointed to Charli, " Her staring is kind of odd. "

Charli looked away quickly, " I wasn't staring, just observing the air, you know. "

Niall let out this really big laugh and proceeded to stand, " She's a keeper, my brother. "

Charli's jaw dropped to the floor, ( well not literally but..) " You two are brothers? With his thick Irish accent and your thick British accent? I would've never guessed. "

" We didn't grow up together. " I said quietly

" Oh. " was the only word she could utter.

" Lets change this topic, I don't have good news. "

My attention changed from Charli to him in a heartbeat. " What's going on? "

" Father's back. "

My jaw instantly hardened. Of course Charli being the observant girl she is, noticed right away.

" What's wrong with that? " She asked with a slightly cute confusing look on her face.

But I couldn't focus on how cute she was with that traitor back. "Every single thing is wrong with it. "

I directed my eyes toward Niall, " Well, how do you know? "

" Of course Zeke informed me. He was spying on a conversation between the two councils. "

I let out a short chuckle, " That brother of ours is damn too nosey. "

He laughed right along with me, sort of agreeing as if he was trying to make light in the situation.

" You know we have to do something about this, right ? "

His laughter stopped.

" I know. I say we bring everyone together. Give notice to the rest of the councils. "

" As soon as possible. " He added.


Harry and Niall have travelled to the meeting located at a bigger wood cabin deeper in the woods. Inside there were refreshments, a stage with a podium for speakers, and about 30 chairs set up for special members.

There was a lot of commotion.

Everyone was wondering why they were called for an emergency meeting.

I was about to look to find Charli, but I remembered no regular mortals are allowed at the meetings.

Not to be a sap, but it would've been better if she was here.

I took my seat near the podium. Near my brother Zeke, who was too busy having a conversation with a leader of another council to notice me.

Everyone from different councils were piling in, with frantic looks on their faces.

I turned to see Niall standing at the podium,

" We're still missing a council member.. " he whispered.

I looked around, of course Lance was late as always.

" I feel like, we need to talk to him about shit like this. You know how bad we look at meetings, all because that's our cousin? " I said, annoyed.

My eyes lit up finally seeing him stumble in and rushing to his seat at the far end away from the podium.

As soon as he was seated, everyone settled down.

" I have called this emergency meeting today for various reasons " Niall began to say.
The room quieted down and turned their heads to the front.
" It seems one of our lower members were caught by law enforcement the other day and is being detained. This brings us a problem because as you all may know we have been in hiding for 20 years, many people have gone missing without a trace... that could all be dismantled. "

A disappointed sigh fell around the room.

" Well what was he doing at the time of being detained? " Selene Quientero asked.
She was a leader of her own council in which controlled the funds of the organization. She was 5'7 with jet black hair and icy grey eyes. She had a slim athletic figure and she always walked around a room like she knew most eyes were on her.

" Getting rid of evidence luckily. A couple passerby's saw one of his victims cars on fire and called the police immediately. Let's just say we are lucky they didn't pass by earlier. He was charged with Arson."

"We definitely are lucky. So what's his bail set for? "  She responded to him.

God this is fucking boring. Really boring. I miss her. I'm leaving.

" Luckily it's only 15 grand. We have to make sure this never happens again though. Alert your council members that we are under watch, apparently many people have gone missing lately and I'm just hoping they don't recover a license plate for our sake. " He continued.
" I'll try to get things figured out, thanks for informing us. " She replied.

I don't think they need me for this.

I looked around for an exit, I lowered my head and quietly sneaked out the back. With a happy sigh, I walked back to my private cabin.

please comment cause I love to see what you guys think I'm grateful for getting up to 52k reads let's keep pushing and get more, Merry Christmas
