Last day camping

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

The trio's night of sorcery went by, with Akko being delighted to see the spells being made by Hellene and Marianne, they were more advanced than the ones before, both were showing the skill and practice they had been having these days, since they compiled the spells, at least until they fell asleep, where they spend a cold night sleeping the three of them together, with Kagari in the middle which ended up making Cavendish a little bit upset for not being near the Leclerc for which she wanted to be sleeping with her, but that without showing much that was her own intention.

The last day of camp was dawning, little by little the girls were waking up from their tents, to enjoy what would be another day outdoors, which would also be sunny, the hours were passing the girls were feeding themselves, taking breakfast, with the presence of eggs and some roasted sausages, as it was the previous day. It
was already the afternoon at the camp site, at that moment it was very hot, the British summer was showing its face again, with a heat wave that was leaving the girls of the camp a little tired, especially after having to dismantle the tents under that sun, which in this
moment appeared Croix and Ursula carrying guns full of water.

" Hey, are you going to stand there dying of heat and boredom? Let's liven up this heat," said Croix.

" What's that? " Amanda asked.

" Get your weapons in these boxes, let's have some fun, freshen up a bit " Croix said.

" It's not enough that this place makes my hair look terrible, now it's going to ruin my hair even more... " Said Barbara getting a bit angry with the water guns until she was shot in the face by Akko.

" Stop being so cool, let's get wet, it's hot in here " said Kagari laughing.

" You'll see only your half-bowl Japanese " Said the furious Parker going to get a water gun.

" Water war! " shouts Amanda.

Then a generalised confusion starts with the girls going to get the water guns, shooting one against the other, in varied models, ranging from pistols to even bigger ones that spurted more expressive jets of water, they went running from one side to the other, even taking cover near the tables where they were eating, but that became cover.

" Ah you are made of sugar, are you hiding from a mere water gun? " said Hellene.

" Then take this one," said Marianne, shooting the water into the redhead's face, and she opened her mouth to drink it.

" It's come like a glove, finally something to cool us down, today the heat has left me dead and exhausted, I don't even know how I've stood all this heat on top of my head " O'Neill said shooting at the other girls who took cover.

The shots were coming out from one side to the other, the confusion was generalized, the place was getting wetter and wetter, with that mess of water, until Croix throws two things that looked like grenades, where they are practically beeping, making a countdown.

" Grenade! " Say the girls jumping away.

That water grenade, starts to spray like sprinklers, everywhere, wetting the girls that were trying to dodge, what helped to disperse even more everybody.
At this time they go shooting in each other's direction constantly using the water guns, others decide to run to take another cover, but at this end of the pier comes out Croix wearing a dress as if it was all robotic.

" Hahahaha! Time to get wet " Said Croix who went on to start shooting water with a powerful jet.

" Run! The water woman is coming! " said Akko walking backwards.

On the other side they were approached by Ursula who was also wearing the same robes, starting to surround the girls who went on firing at the two women in robotic robes, noticing that they had targets in the middle of these themselves.

" You will be defeated, we found your weak points " Hellene said, starting to aim at the targets.

The girls follow the tips of the redhead shooting the targets, noticing that they go back and forth, but also had another complication that was the sprinkler grenades being thrown by Croix and Ursula from both sides, and the water jets were strong, sometimes even throwing the girls away, which a group took the opportunity to go get a table, where there was Akko.

" Let's use a shield, they won't be able to defeat us like this! " Said Atsuko with a group of girls who were pushing forward, but were surprised by a sprinkler grenade which Amanda appears with a piece of stick throwing back the two, then being thrown by a jet of water.

The two were little by little coming together, getting closer and closer, the water pressure got bigger, more girls were coming together, that pressure got giant, pushing the duo of girls further back, to the point where the pressure also made the two women in robotic clothes be pulled back a little.

" Damn, they are stronger, come on girls, we can do it! " Said Kagari motivating them and the girls got closer and closer.

The pressure was too much, the whole table destroyed itself and with that the jet of water gushes like a tsunami towards the whole group of girls, wetting almost everything around, which Marianne could notice something with the robots that would solve the whole problem of weak points. They had water pumps near the piers, plus also hoses that connected Croix and Ursula's two outfits, it was a moment that a light bulb went on over Leclerc's head.

" Don't even try to cut the hoses, the handles are made of a material extremely resistant to a simple knife, you can even manage it, but you won't get very far.

" Damn, I thought of that idea, let's focus on the targets! " says Marianne pointing at the two of them.

The whole group of girls is shooting like crazy, a little scattered, but soon they are being knocked down on the ground with the water jet, but even so some of them dodged, continuing to spurt the water that was filling the target.
The first reservoir filled up was Croix
's left leg that simply stopped in place, without working, and the girls had a chance.

" Damn it! My leg! Not that one! " Meridies said.

The girls kept on shooting more water on the other leg of the Italian girl, which made her stand still on that side, so it was perfect for the group of girls with an overwhelming advantage, which was taking advantage to take cover, since it was no use the grenades with sprinklers since they were all practically wet, soaked with the mud that remained.

" We're winning! All that's missing now is Croix's arms and chest, then we'll take care of Ursula on our own! " Said Akko who ended up even making two lines on her face with the mud all up, she was going to shoot practically lying down.

That was the tactic the girls found, lying on the ground shooting towards the targets reloading their ammunition and then fleeing, alternating between them in this matter as either the two women were careful to avoid the others from reloading or else to not miss, which was catching on a lot in the tactical knot.

" That one we're not missing Ursula! " Said Croix who was losing the water jets in her arms, then was disabled in her chest.

As soon as she got out of her robotic clothes she is surprised by the girls' shots that drench her and then she throws herself on the muddy ground, Ursula is surrounded by all the girls who are constantly shooting, the robot could no longer run away because she lost the movement of her legs, only her arms were missing.

" Now take that Ursula! " The Cavendish sisters say they went shooting precisely hidden against the arms, hiding among the trees, then coming out of there together with their sister, the two of them practically shooting and taking a few jets of water until the blue-haired one's arm was deactivated.

" Oh no now I am defeated! " Said Ursula who opened her robotic robes, falling into the mud as well, which with that was ending that water fight.

Then the landscape was devastated, the camp was soaked, all the girls were covered in mud on their clothes, on their bodies and in their hair, even Ursula and Croix were covered in mud, all the dirt that was made by the water was remarkable around that lagoon, but the girls didn't think it was bad, some of them were simply taking the mud in their hands, making little balls of mud and throwing them at each other, as if they were going to create another war, but soon one of them remembered things.

" Our bags! " Shouts Hannah in despair.

They all stop and try to find their bags. They notice that there was a huge tarpaulin near the bags that didn't let water in, which makes them breathe a sigh of relief, nothing had got wet, nothing had got muddy, just the girls.

" Now what? " Akko asks.

" Let's all get in the pond water and wash this dirt off," Hannah said.

" God, look at all the mud I've got on me " Barbara said.

" Seriously all this to get some.... " Said England who gets a mud ball in the face thrown at her by none other than Diana.

" Nuts, stop being grimy, let's have some fun before we go back to Luna Nova " Said the older Cavendish already picking up another ball of mud.

Which was already creating another all round mess, now the water gun war became a mud war, it was starting to fly into every corner mud, even the cordial and clean Hannah and Barbara gave in a bit to the war, mainly because one of them got hit.

" Now the fresh ones decide to get into it " Hellene said mockingly to the two who were joining in to throw mud balls at Diana.

" Now that's going to get really messy," said Amanda.

" It seems there was a war going on here, I don't know how we got to have all this disaster," Lotte said.

" A pretty dirty war haha " Said O'Neill half"heartedly to Lotte, until she gets hit in the forehead by Constanze who gets a few giggles, joined by Jasminka.

" Fire! " Said Akko who went running in front of the American throwing another ball of mud that was all over her face as she tried to clean it up.

" Ahhhhhh! You will all see one thing, I won't let you go unpunished, you wretches! " said the furious girl with the salmon hair that was getting muddy.

They were wars that were intensifying more, with Amanda's fury throwing it everywhere, not even Croix and Ursula escaped this, the two entered in the wave, they were throwing mud everywhere, practically dirtying even more where the camp was, a nature that was getting dirty with itself.
Minutes were passing of that game, the girls were getting exhausted of tiredness, after so much being in this wave of mud war, even the mud was not so humid as before, starting to harden because of the sun, besides the skin of some of them that was getting with the mud hardening.

" I think that's enough mud, isn't it? " Croix asks and they all nod their heads in agreement.

" Let's all jump in the water of the lagoon, let's clean this filth quickly " Ursula said, and with that she started running towards the lagoon.

Accompanied by her the other girls go, a crowd towards the waters, they go throwing themselves, the sun rays are reflected in the jumping drops, forming small rainbows, everyone was also taking advantage of that water to go for a swim and to throw themselves at each other in a more relaxed way.

" We told you we'd better leave some beachwear under your clothes, now we're all enjoying the natural water," said Croix as the other girls went swimming.

Time went by, all of them had cleaned themselves from the mud when they entered the water of the lake, taking the opportunity to take a rest, after jumping so much in the water, some good minutes refreshing from the hot sun of that August day, all of them were then leaving the water, soaked, with their clothes dripping, some were wringing them.

" Now that we've had enough fun, there comes that time. " said Croix.

" Ah, but we could come back to camp more often," said Hellene sulkily.

" We will come back, not this summer, but next time we can go several times, or maybe even in winter, although it would be very risky, it would be too cold for you to stay alive inside the tents, we don't want to make you all sick " Ursula said.

" It's just using some special means of heating, some magical means " Said the redhead arching her eyebrow.

" Ah, I don't know about that, Hellene, I think we can use the magic of heating, but then the camp will lose all the fun of being something natural, so it's better to do it in the summer " said Meridies taking the tarps off, wrapping the girls' bags.

They were all taking suitcase by suitcase, still quite wet, they were putting them on their backs anyway, starting to follow Ursula and Croix through the trail of that forest, entering the trees, where they admired the creatures once again, one last time in the summer being close to nature.

" Now let's have a sing along just to liven things up a bit? " said Amanda.

" Oh no fucking way! " replies Sucy.

" Sucy what is that mouth? " Akko said.

" Hahaha, that's fine by me, what do you have there to sing on the way? " Ursula asks in a good mood.

Amanda was soon starting to sing some camp songs, sounding a lot like a soldier walking on the trail, the other girls were just joining in singing along, just like Croix and Ursula, taking it all very lightly.
For a good few minutes that trail that was very long of almost an hour was becoming something very fast, even too fast for these girls, who were singing all over the forest until they got back to the wall of Luna Nova. When they got there they were practically less soaked, still just a little bit of nothing, but the movement walking by the sun helped to dry most of it.

" Ahhh finally back home " Croix said opening her arms relieved.

" A relief to be able to get back to the comfort of our beds, to be able to go back to the warm room, to have a hotter bath, without waiting for hours for a shower, finally! " said Barbara celebrating.

" We had a lot of fun, even you two got into it," said Hellene shrugging her shoulders.

" Really, they were grumbling the whole way, but they had the most fun when they loosened up, as if they were in a wardrobe inside themselves, walk friends, loosen up " said Diana giggling, and with that the two of them only got a little bit sulky.

" Ah, that's just exaggeration on your part," Hannah said, turning around and Barbara turned around in a snobbish way, and they both headed towards Luna Nova's building, but just at that moment they stumbled together on a branch that suddenly appeared.

A few girls were giggling in an all silly way, only Akko noticed Marianne's finger slightly raised, doing what appeared to be a herbology spell, only she had noticed it so far, since they were standing next to each other, so much so that Kagari even gave a nod with her eyebrows to Leclerc who responds in the same way.

" Woah, what days, it was really cool camping outside, feeling the nature and everything else " Akko said excitedly.

" I found it really uncomfortable at the back, but it was nice to have a bit of fun, it gave me a nice break from the monotony," Amanda said.

" So what are we going to do now? " Kagari asks.

" I'm going to take a shower " Diana said heading towards Luna Nova's building.

" I also think I will, I still feel the mud inside places where I didn't even imagine there would be mud " Hellene said.

" Yeah Akko, I think we should go too, better wait your turn to go to the bathroom " said Sucy who was going too.

They all went their separate ways, as did Croix and Ursula, who went off to their rooms to bathe as well, leaving only Marianne there, so obviously the Japanese woman went to try to talk to her.

" And you Mari? I know, go to the bathroom and take a bath too " Akko said.

" I would say yes, but hey, since Lotte and Sucy are going to take their turn, come to my room, we can talk, also give you an idea of how the plan is going to look like " said Leclerc.

" Ohhhh, true, we have to plan how we are going to get the book.... That one there must have made... " Atsuko immediately covered her mouth so they wouldn't hear.

" No one will listen to us Akko, relax, but we'd better talk about it when we're in the room, but anyway, what about Diana? You've already thought of a way to move forward, she seems to like you Akko, just put these feelings forward, soon the summer will be over, she'll go back to Scotland and neither you nor she will have said what you feel for each other," said the Frenchwoman.

" I don't even know, I think I'll try a way to impress her into telling her these things when we complete the mission, so I have time to think of the best way to get to her," said the Japanese woman.

" I'll be rooting for you both.... And I'll miss you too Akko, thinking that summer will soon be over makes me think that I'll only ever see a friend like you again.... " Said the dark haired one half-headedly until the brown one put his hand on her shoulder.

" I'll see you in winter or at school, you'll end up being a classmate of mine " I smiled at the crimson-eyed one.

The three days of camp went off like a rocket, the girls of Luna Nova had the time of their lives, enjoying second by second with these activities, but it is still something that will precede a grander event, for which there is about to roll.

See you, comeback witches...
