
It's been a few weeks since that day. You and Yoriichi spend every day together, and at night while you're sleeping he leaves. He's been testing a few things and discovered that as long as he has your well-being in mind he's able to do and interact with things. This has made it easier for him to get needed things at night, such as food and clothing.

It's easier to do such things at night when the village is sleeping that way they don't see random floating items moving around. He's quite certain you're the only living person that can hear him, and that you'd be the only one capable of seeing him if your eyes weren't damaged.

Due to your sudden blindness, he's been considering teaching you different ways to get around. Perhaps sensing your environment in some way, or even sensing peoples auras. Something tells him that it'd be possible for you to learn how to move as if you could still see since there's something different about you. He just needs to figure out how to do so.

He's already been teaching you how to identify things based off of touch alone. Taking into consideration size, shape, and texture should make objects easy to identify. So far you've successfully identified cups, bowls, bandages, and different articles of clothing. Those are all quite simple but he'll move on to harder objects as you progress.

Next he plans on teaching you to visualize a persons features based off of how their face feels. This way you're able to get an idea on how certain people look. He's also curious to see if you can accurately depict what he looks like without ever having seen him. It's a great way to practice identifying sizes and shapes of something that isn't consistent. No two people look exactly the same, after all. Though, him and his brother did look quite similar until he became a demon.

After Yoriichi passed away, his spirit surprisingly reverted back to his younger twenty four year old self. He always wondered why but now he believes it's because of you. So he can be young and agile enough to teach you and guide you in life. He may never know why you're the one chosen to be the only one to know him now, but he won't question it. It's actually quite nice having someone around to talk to even if it's just a nine year old girl.

Kneeling down in front of you, Yoriichi begins his next lesson. "I want you to use touch to decipher what I look like. It's the same as we've been doing with objects but a bit more complicated."

You nod in understanding, shakily raising your hands as you wait for him to guide them. His much larger hands encompass yours before bringing them up to cup his cheeks. Right away you can tell that his skin is smooth and likely free of blemishes. Tracing your fingers down his jaw you deduce his face must be on the thinner side.

As your hands wander you describe everything that you're feeling. You even go as far as touching his ears, feeling the large earrings that dangle from his lobes. You had no idea his ears were pierced. It certainly wasn't something you imagined when trying to picture what he looked like.

"Wah~ I want my ears pierced too!" You giggle in awe, gently holding the earrings between your fingers.

"Maybe one day." Yoriichi carefully grabs your wrists as he pulls your hands away. "Well done. You were quite accurate with your descriptions. Now, you should have a general idea on what I look like."

He moves to get up only to pause when you call out to him in a soft voice. "Yoriichi-San?" For the first time since you've met you call him by his full name, catching him off guard. "Why do you carry a sword?"

He stares at you, a flicker of surprise going through his otherwise expressionless eyes. "How do you know I carry a sword?"

"I'm not sure." Your brows furrow beneath the bandages, thankfully not hurting from the scars. "Perhaps it's the sounds? Or maybe I can just... feel it? I can't really explain it."

Have your senses been growing on their own? If so, that's quite impressive.

"I carry it for my job." He finally answers, being vague.

"Are you a samurai?" You tilt your head curiously. Samurai's are the only people you know to carry swords around except for the knights in the stories your mother tells you.

"Not quite." He shakes his head before contemplating whether or not to tell you the full truth. It's not like you wouldn't figure it out eventually, anyways. Especially if you ask about your mothers whereabouts again. "I'm a demon slayer."

You pause as you register his words. "Huh? Are demons actually real, Yori?" Once he gives confirmation you continue. "Can I become a demon slayer?"

Now this was unexpected. Yoriichi didn't think you would ask to become a slayer, especially considering the fact that you're blind. However, with the right training you can certainly become talented enough to become one. It would probably take a few years to get to that point though. Especially since he has no clue how to train someone who cannot see.

"It takes a lot of training and discipline to become strong enough to slay demons. Are you sure you're up for such a task?"

"I want to be just like you, Yori!" You smile brightly, unknowingly bringing a small smile to the man's lips. "I promise to work super hard!"

"Very well." He pats your head as he stands up. Glancing outside, he sees that it's becoming dark outside. "We'll begin your training in the morning. For now you should rest."

"Goodnight Yori!" You stand up as well before darting off to your room, expertly dodging any obstacles in your way.

It didn't take you very long to memorize the layout of the house, and at this point you can visualize it all in your mind. You've been practicing things on your own and have gotten a lot better as the days have passed. You can only hope that you continue to improve until you're able to see even without sight.


🔅Yoriichi thinks it's cute you want to be like him, ear piercings and all

🔅You have no clue Yoriichi leaves at night much like you don't know he's dead
