Chapter 1: A New World!

"Read the Charges" Niles looks at a Smg0 beside him. Somewhere on a Ship out in Space, Many Super Meme Guardians reside, travelling from world to world to check on Avatars...Although right now, that was put on hold for now though as a Trial was being held

0 looked at the Papers "Smg1, you stand before this council accused of illegal genetic experimentation"

"How do you plead?"

"Not guilty! My experiments are only theoretical, completely within legal boundaries" Smg1 spoke calmly

"We believe you actually created something" 0 tells him

"Created something?! Ha! But that would be irresponsible and unethical. I would never, ever... make more than one"

"What is that monstrosity?" Niles questions

Inside a glass container was a Humanish looking boy, He wore a purple hoodie, wore a purple cap with a skull on it, and had a tail that looked like a Black Usb with a blue Arrow on it, he was looking around confused

"Monstrosity!? What you see before you is the first of a new species. I call it Experiment 003. He can do exactly the same as us Guardians and can think faster than a supercomputer!" 1 explains "He can see in the dark and move objects three thousand times his size. His only Instinct: To Protect! Exactly what we wanted!" 1 thought for a Moment "He looks almost like Meme Guardian 4"

Niles shook his head "He looks like a Monster..."

"But he's so little!" 0 swoons, a smile on his face "I think he looks cute!"

"Focus Zero..."

"R-Right..." His smile quickly fades

"It is an affront to nature. It must be destroyed!"

"What!? No!" 0 placed a hand on Niles' shoulder "Calm yourself, Captain Niles. Perhaps it can be reasoned with" He turns to 003 "Experiment 003, give us some sign you understand any of this. Show us that there is something inside you that is good!"

003 just swinging his arms wildly and screaming out, annoyed he was caught in cuffs that prevented much ability from him

The council gasped, muttering among each other

"How Rude!" 0 pouts

003 just starts laughing

"I didn't teach him that" 1 points at him

"Place this man under arrest" Niles puts simply "And as for that abomination, it is a flawed project of a deranged mind. It has no place among us. Smg10, take it away!"

"Niles..." 0 starts quietly

"Yes Sir" Smg10 says, going over to 003 and placing it in a glass container, trapping him inside

003 began banging wildly against the glass as he cried out, his hands still cuffed together

Smg10 chuckles "Uncomfortable? Aw... Good! The council has banished you to exile on a desert asteroid. So, relax... enjoy the trip and don't get any ideas. These guns are locked onto your genetic signature. They won't shoot anyone but you" He looks to the Cell Manager "Prepare the Cell!"

"Yes Captain!" The Manager says, opening the cell and 003 was put in

"Captain to the deck" A voice on the PA System spoke

Smg10 made his way up to the main cockpit, when he did, gunshots sounded

"Gunfire in the cell bay!" The first Pilot Smg spoke

"Open a channel. What's going on down there? Lieutenant, respond!"

003 growls and kicks the Cell manager and the guns fire

"He's loose on Deck C!" Smg9 responds

"Red alert. Seal off the deck" 10 shouts "Security, converge on door seven! Deadly force authorized. Fire on sight! I repeat: Fire on sight!"

"There it is! Security to Bridge. It's in the ventilation system." A security Smg reports

"He's headed for the power..." 10 was cut off when the power went out "...grid."

There then was a loud rumble

"What was that!?"

"I don't think it's on the Ship anymore" The second Pilot Smg spoke

The first nods "Confirmed. He's taken a police cruiser"

There was the sound much like a car alarm and 003 was seen driving the police cruiser  

"Yeah... he took the red one..."

"Yee-haw!" 003 cheers "Hmm?!"

"That's it! We got it. We got it!" A pursuit Smg reports

Hyperdrive activated. System charging. The computer said

"He's engaged his H-drive!" The first Pilot spoke again

Warning-- guidance is not functional.

"Pursuit Commander, that crazy trog is about to make a jump!" 10 reports quickly

The Pursuit Smg nods "Break formation! Get clear of that ship!"

Navigation failure. Do not engage hyper...

Just like that, the ship with 003 on it launched

10 sighed "Get me Smg Control..."

"Where is he?!" 0 questions in a panic

"He's still in hyperspace" An Smg spoke up

"Where will he exit?"

"Calculating now-- quadrant section-- area 64. A World called... Kushroom Mingdom?"

"I want an expert in this Word in here now!" Niles commands

"Where is that?"

"Water. Most of the planet is covered in it"

"He won't survive in water. His molecular density is too great. No... Of course. How much time do we have?"

"We have projected his landing at three hours, 42 minutes!"

"Oh, we have to gas the World"

"Hold it! Hold Everything!" A small, Yellow, Round headed Smg enters the room. Their name: Smg2 "The Mushroom Kingdom still has an Avatar on it. Yeah. Many of us have lost ours, but need I remind you, they are fragile and important species!"

Niles sighs "Am I to assume you are the expert?"

Smg2 chuckles "Oh, I don't know about expert... Smg2 at your service!"

"Can we not simply destroy the world?"

"Absolutely not! I'm sure you don't want that Universe to meet the same fate as all of ours, It's Protectors will surely try their hardest to protect it"

0 tilts his head "Are they intelligent? The Protectors?"

"No, but they're very delicate, not the same as the Avatar. In fact, every time an asteroid strikes their world they have to begin life all over. It's fascinating, isn't it? With this, I've been able to study..."

"What if our military forces just landed there?"

"Well, that'd be a bad idea! These are extremely simple creatures, sir. Landing there would create mass mayhem and world-wide panic!"

"A quiet capture would require an understanding of 003 that we do not possess! Who, then, Smg2, would you send for his extraction?"

"Does he have a brother? Close grandmother, perhaps? Friendly cousin? Neighbor with a beard?"


A newspaper titled 'IDIOT EXPERIMENTALIST SMG JAILED!!!' is seen. A furious 1 tears up the newspaper and tosses it to the ground. Niles, 0, and 2 approach his cell "He got away!?" 1 questions

"I'm sure this comes as no surprise to you." Niles tells him

"I designed this Smg for it to be unstoppable!"

"Which is precisely why you must now bring him back"

"What!? Me!?"

0 nods "And to reward you, we are willing to trade your freedom for his capture."

1 sighs "003 will not come easily. Maybe direct hit from plasma cannon might stun him long enough to...-"

"Plasma Cannon Granted" 0 smiles "Do we have a bargain, Smg1?"

"B-B-But that's a delicate world..." 2 spoke, then said in a singsong tone "Who's going to control him?"

Niles looks at them with a grin "You will."

"Of course, Niles" 2 smiles "I... I didn't quite..." Their smile quickly faded "Uh, you're not joking!"

1 looked at 2 "So, tell me, Smg2, on what poor, pitiful, defenseless world has my project been unleashed?"
