
After 2 weeks
I was in the bathroom I was feeling dizzy
Tae : baby are you fine
Y/n: yeah
I came out and fainted in taehyungs arm

20 minutes later
I opened my eyes and saw tae and doctor

Tae : doctor is she fine
Doctor : yes and there is a good news
Y/n: what is that good news
Doctor : u r going to be parents
Tae : what? Really I'm so so happy
He hugged me
Doctor : OK Mr and Mrs Kim I'll be leaving now
Y/n: tq doctor
She left

Tae kissed my belly
Y/n: it's gonna be a boy
Tae : no girl
Y/n: let's see
Tae : OK .I'll make soul for you
Y/n: noooooooo
Tae : yeeeeeeesssss
Y/n: plssssssss
Tae : if you eat soup I'll give you chocolate
Y/n: by the way do you know how to cook
Tae : no .I called the members and they are coming. Jin hyung will teach me to make a slip now
*Ding dong *
Tae : I think they are here
Tae opened the door and I came to the living room

The silent house now became a kindergarten

Bts came inside

Jimin &jk :y/nnnn we missed you

They hugged me .I hugged them back

Y/n: me too
Tae : guys I have to tell you something
Suga : spill it fast I want to sleep
Jin : aish u have to sleep everywhere
Rm : K tell us tae
Tae : umm..... Y/n and I are going to....
JK : are you going somewhere
Jimin : without us
Jhope : yah let him finish
Tae : y/n and I are going to be parents
Jimin : are you changing your name from Kim to parents
Tae: aish u can't understand a simple thing .y/n tell them
Y/n: I'm pregnant
Bts expect tae :............................WHAAT!
JK &jimin : we are going to be uncles yayyyyyy
*ding dong *
Tae opened the door
Tae : Lisa, jisso?
Lisa : why what happened? Y/n called us
Y/n: oh u guys are here
Jisso : yess
Y/n: now come in and take care of these kids
Jimin : jisso
JK :lisa
Jisso : what did you guys do now
Lisa : did you irritate y/n.if u did kook u won't get banana milk
JK &jimin : we didn't do anything
Jimin :but tae and y/n did everything
JK : u guys are going to be aunty πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Jisso &Lissa : whatt?
Lisa : y/n u didn't tell us
Y/n: I was going to tell u but these kids mare my house a kindergarten
Lisa : I can understand πŸ˜‚
