Chapter 6

A month after Luchino got sent away, the manor owner disappeared and left many riches and money. Some of the survivors took some money, some didn't take anything, and some took things from the manor itself. Melly took some money, but it was for a reason. She plans to look for Luchino. It took her a little while until she heard from Kurt about a large humanoid lizard in a jungle near a village. Melly left immediately to go there and she's currently in said jungle.

She didn't care how long it took, she missed him. She would either find him or die trying. A few days later, Melly used a knife to slash through some vines. She gets to a clear. She walks to the center and soon hears a large hissing. She looks around and doesn't see anything in the jungle. She heard a rattle noise. Soon a cheetah into the clearing. Melly falls on her butt and drops her knife from a distance. She sees the cheetah walking towards her.

Before the cheetah could run towards her, something pounces onto the cheetah and claws it to shreds. Melly sees a large reptilian with green scales. Melly noticed its humanoid looking, they have shoulder-length orange hair, and are only wearing a loincloth. Melly looks shocked and she was thinking this was her Luchino. She noticed something off about him. He seemed like he wasn't there, he seemed very feral. His eyes are slit. He hisses at her. He gets closer to her.

"Luchi! It's me, Melly." Melly said. Luchino stopped moving. His eyes weren't slit and he looked at Melly. Melly took off her beekeeper mask and she looked worried.

"'s you." Luchino said. He crotches to her and she hugs him.

"I missed you so much." Melly said.

"I missed you too." Luchino said. Melly kissed his cheek and he blushed. He smiled and is happy to be with his soulmate again.

"Let's go home." Melly said. She grabbed Luchino's hand, but he didn't move. She looks back at him and she looks worried.

"I'm already home...I'm a wild animal after all." Luchino said with a frown.

"Who said that to you? Was it Vera and her friends?" Melly asked.

"Not just her.. the manor owner said that to me. They sent me here and said this is where a wild animal belongs. Even if I went back with you, there is no place for me. Just look at me." Luchino said. In the past, Luchino didn't mind his current form. Nowadays since he left the manor, his opinions have changed. Melly smiles sincerely at her lover.

"You said you were bitten and changed to this form? Maybe we could find a cure. Once we do, let's settle down in a nice little farm and continue researching things together." Melly said. Luchino wouldn't mind. Maybe settling down would be good for him and Melly.

"That sounds nice." Luchino said. He holds Melly's hand and the two walk away from the clearing.
