
Tara's pov

Haylee was over with half sack and it was funny he followed her like a lost puppy. I don't think she noticed because she has been paying attention to Abel and the kids lately. She's very close to juice. Like every time his name is brought up she smiles. He walks into a room her face lights up. They bicker like a married couple and hours after their bicker they apologize. They are like best friends that like each other. Anyways the door was kicked in and Abel started crying. I backed away into the kitchen and Half sack went near Haylee and Abel.

"Don't move." Someone yelled and there was screaming and than a gun shut. I covered my mouth from screaming. Haylee screamed Kip. I ran in and and saw him on the ground bleeding out. I stood protectively in front of Abel and Haylee only to get punched and everything went black.

Haylee's pov

I was kidnapped with Abel and I was so scared right now. I didn't have my gun with me so I couldn't defend myself. It feels like its been months since we were taken. I was so scared for Abel. Cameron separated us. He gave Abel to some guy named Ashby. I was in some warehouse with Cameron. He let me roam free which was a bad move because I'm very dangerous. The second he was busy watching his football I strangled him. He shot my leg making me scream but I didn't let go. He stopped struggling and I let go. I checked his pulse and he was dead. I grabbed his gun and put it in my back waist band. I remember Chibs saying Fiona was in Belfast. Cameron and Ashby talked about being in Belfast. I tied something above my wound and grabbed his keys and oh one. I limped out to his car. I looked up Fiona and called her.


"Um no um he's dead. I'm um Haylee Lowman a friend of Chibs. Carmen kidnapped me. I need help."

"Honey where are you?" She asked panicking.

"Some warehouse. Fiona he shot me in the leg."

"Okay honey its going to be okay. I know what warehouse your at. Your near Sambel. Drive to the club house down the road. I'll call to let them know okay."

"Thank you Fiona I owe you one."

"Its alright honey drive safely." She said and we hung up. I sped down the road as I started to get dizzy. I passed the motorcycles and they all flipped me off. I swerved into the said clubhouse lot and killed the engine. The bikers pulled in and I waited till they got off their bikes. Someone came running out when everything went black.

Liam's pov

Seamus carried a girl in and laid her on the pull table. Our medic for the club rushed to him and cut the girls jeans.

"Fiona said she was kidnapped by Cameron. She killed him but he managed to shoot her." He said and we all waited for her to wake up. When she did she screamed and scooted away from our medic.

"You need stitches lass." He said and she had fear in her eyes.

"W-who k-knows C-Clay M-Morrow?" She stuttered and Keith said I do.

"Than he gives me the stitches. I ain't trusting no man after what happened to me." She said and the medic sighed and gave the needle to Keith. She reluctantly let him stitch her up.

"I'll get you some sweats lass." He said and she grabbed his hand.

"No send someone else please." She whispered and he nodded and sent me. I got her some sweats and she was helped to the bathroom by a sweetbutt. Paddy called Chibs.

Happy's pov

"Hey she's in Belfast. Sambel has her. She gave them everything about the kidnapping. Abel was separated from her. She killed Cameron. Right now she's trying to go out to look for him. I told Paddy to keep her there. Stubborn that one is even after being shot in the leg." Chibs said and I threw a glass at the wall. They understood why I was so angry. We all packed and we got tickets to Belfast.

Haylee's pov

"Give me something strong if your not going to let me fucking leave." I said to Keith and he sighed in relief. Paddy came over to me and gave me a glass with clear stuff in it.

"Everclear. Strongest thing." He said and I down it and didn't even flinch as it burned my throat.

"Samcro will be here in two days lass." He said and I looked at him and he smiled.

"Want to tell me why you were so afraid of us when you woke up?" He asked and I sighed running a hand through my hair.

"Couple of weeks after I moved in with my brother we went to this fun town carnival thing and I was with this rich kid and we both got raped by a clown. That's why I screamed and only trusted Keith." I said and down the refilled glass.


I woke up with a massive hang over. When I opened my eyes I saw I was on the pool table. My body hurt badly. I lifted my sore hand to my face and rubbed my face only to wince in pain. Well fuck I don't remember anything from last night. I got up and walked to the room they gave me. I walked in and went to the bathroom. I groaned when I saw my face was all bruised. I looked at my hands and they had cuts on them. I changed into a shirt and plopped on the bed and passed out. I woke up to Liam jumping on my bed. I groaned and scooted toward him and he laid my head on his lap.

"You lashed out on a few girls last night." He whispered softly and I grunted.

"I'm not the apology type of person munch." I said and he chuckled and moved so he could lay down. I laid my head on his chest and fell asleep again. I woke up to getting a kiss on my cheek. I opened my eyes to see Liam getting out of my bed.

"I want my cuddle buddy." I said and he chuckled at me.

"I got church lassie. I'll be back after I promise." He said and I nodded and he left. I snuggled back into the blankets and went into a deep sleep. Since I got here I felt close to Liam. He understood me. I woke up to the bed dipping in. I was pulled close to a warm body. I opened my eyes and looked up to see Liam. We stared at each other when he leaned down. His lips met mine and I kissed him back. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him on top of me. I want to forget everything that happened and he was perfect for it. He complied as I slipped my hands in his shirt. He broke the kiss and got off me. He locked the door and took his shirt off.

"Hot damn." I said as I stared at his abs. He jumped on me and started kissing me hungrily.


He collapsed on me panting and I kissed his neck and he pulled put and rolled off me. There was a knock on my door.

"Hays you hungry?" Paddy asked and I said be down in a bit. He said okay and I got out of bed and got dressed. I didn't feel like wearing pants so I kept Blackwells shirt on. It went to my knees. I walked out leaving Liam naked on my bed. I miss kip. He was my best friend. We told each other everything. He was the only one that knew about what happened when I was younger. Cameron killed him. I sat at the bar and Paddy gave me a plate. Liam came down and sat next me.

"Let's not make a big deal about what happened in the bedroom." He said and I busted out laughed.

"What did I say something funny?" He asked and I looked at him when I sobered up.

"The feelings mutual honey. Now let me eat." I said and he nodded and got up and walked off.

"You know he has an old lady right?" Paddy asked and I looked at him.

"The second I find Abel I'm gone Pads." I said and he chuckled and I turned around.

"Liam let's not mention that to my brother. Your like way older than I am and he will have a cow about it. And Happy Lowman is not friendly to guys that fuck his sister." I said and the guys chocked on their drinks.

"Your Happy Lowman's sister?" Liam asked and I smirked.

"Sure am honey and don't you forget. Now who can take me to the store. I'm done wearing sweats." I said and Paddy said he would. I went upstairs after eating and grabbed Cameroon's wallet that he left in the car. I slipped on th sweats and rolled them. They hung loose on my hips. I took the shirt off and pulled my crop top on and slipped my leather jacket and boots on. I touched my neck and my chains were there. I ran a hand through my hair and said perfect. I went downstairs and Paddy and I took Cameron's car.

Jax's pov

We got off the plan and someone yelled Happy. We looked and saw Haylee. She ran and jumped on him making him stumble back a bit. Her cries were muffled from his neck. We smiled because our little girl was safe. She got down and he let out a growl went he saw her face.

"Yeah I got shit faced my first night staying with Sambel and lashed out on some sweet butts. I may or may not have hurt them badly." She said and he calmed down knowing Cameron didn't beat her up.

"How did Cameron go out?" Chibs asked and she turned around.

"He was dumb enough to let me roam around the warehouse and dumb enough to let me keep my belt. I strangled him and he managed to shoot my leg." She said and shrugged. We all got in the van and left.
