Chapter 11

They were now alone , the room has been quiet for a while. "Do You think they are looking for us?" wonyoung finally said breaking the silence.

"Definitely, but I don't think they should , they would just put themselves in danger , and I think we can manage to survive on our own for a while" cheongsan responded .

"I agree , I really hope we will all make it out alive" she said as they both smiled.

"Well..." cheongsan wanted to say but he got caught off by something that sounded like someone was playing the piano.

"Hey , be careful, someone's here" cheongsan said as they were both inching forward to the piano just to realize that a zombie was stuck in there.

A drone was now watching them through the window and left seeing that wonyoung and cheongsan were okay , it was their friends , they have been looking for them for a while.

They went back to lay down on the cold floor , wonyoung laying on cheongsans lap.

"Wonyoung , I've been meaning to tell you this for a while , but I was trying to find the right time " he said as they have both stood up.

"Yeah ? What it is?" She asked him curiously.

"I , I like this girl" he said

"Really ? You like someone ? Who is she ? Tell me ! Do I know her?" Wonyoung kept on asking questions.

"Yeah , it's uhm , it's you" he said while keeping eye contact with the girl .

Wonyoung has always felt something for him but she didn't know what , was it true ? Did she love him also?

"And I wanted to tell you that you don't have to like me back , really. It was stupid of me to tell you , pretend like you never heared that." The boy said slowly changing his mind .

"Cheongsan" wonyoung said now holding his hands.
"I love you too" she said a bit unsure tho.

He looked at the girl not believing her words. Was it really happening? After years , did she finally like him back?

They both kept really strong eye contact with eachother not letting go of each other's hands .

He slowly started leaning forward to take the girls face inside his hands.

The eye contact was so strong that their eyes might've just popped out (like gwinams teehee, lol sorry I had to make a joke)

They were now both leaning forward reaching out for eachothers lips , their lips attaching to eachothers softly.

Cheongsan now grabbing wonyoungs waist to pull her closer to deepen the kiss now closing all the gaps between their bodies . She felt a smirk now forming onto cheongsans lips.

They both let go giving eachother a smile before wonyoung kissed him again but now a bit more harshly as he pinned her against the wall.

He started kissing her on her neck leaving a pretty visible hickey while she was playing with his hair.

The kiss was getting deeper and deeper, not wanting to let go of eachother for the rest of their lives.

They both stopped before they would've started doing anything else even tho they both wanted to but the fact that there was a zombie apocalypse going on they preferred to stop.

They were now laying on the floor again this time cuddling and giggling. "Promise me that whatever will happen , you won't risk your life again for anyone" wonyoung told cheongsan.

"I promise" he said moving her hair from her face behind her ear as he placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Thank you" he added "for what?" She asked a bit confused .

"For everything, you have done so much for me" he said while falling into the girls deep eyes . She smiled and hugged him . They were really perfect together , nothing could pull them apart.

They have been cuddling for a while until wonyoung fell asleep into cheongsans hands.

He felt something for her that he had never felt in his entire life. The boy was truly in love and so was wonyoung.

He wouldn't stop looking at how angelic and peaceful the girl was sleeping "I love you so much wonyoung" he whispered while she was still sleeping .

He was about to fall asleep next to her when he heared something which also caused for wonyoung to wake up.

"Hey cheongsan , wonyoung , we know where you guys are . We are coming for you okay , just stay there where you are at right now" one of the boys said.

"Oh no , what are they doing , they're going on a suicide mission again , aren't they?" Wonyoung said in a deep sleepy voice which made cheongsan get butterflies.

"Hey , guys I know you never listen to me but please do it now , trust us we know what we are doing, we have a plan". Onjo had now spoken .

"So we're not listening to her right , we're gonna go save them?" Wonyoung says as cheongsan nodded "yep , they are so stubborn , why can't they just stay there " he said half of it meaning that he wanted their friends to be safe but half of it that he wanted to spend more time alone with wonyoung .

Their friends have not put on some music that attracted all the zombies towards the speakers.

As the group was now coming towards the door cheongsan and wonyoung got out .

"Omg are you guys okay" they asked cheongsan and wonyoung .

"Yes , never felt better or happier" he said tilting his head to look at wonyoung as she smacked his shoulder while the others were really confused 'how is he happy when almost the whole students were zombies" most of them thought.

"Omg" said namra stepping closer to wonyoung pointing at her neck "are you okay , have you been bitten ?" The girl genuinely asked worried .
"Oh , I'm fine it's a scratch" she said .

Well that was obviously a lie , it was the hickey cheongsan made her earlier.

"Hey , where's suhyeok" wonyoung asked as they were all now getting inside the music room.

"Wait , she's right , where is he?" Onjo asked .

"You guys wait here , I'll check" wonyoung said when cheongsan grabbed her hand "please don't , it's not safe" "I'll be back , I promise" she said and she ran away towards the stairs where she saw suhyeok fighting with gwinam .

Gwinam was no on top of him trying to kill him .
Wonyoung pushed gwinam off of suhyeok.

"My love , isn't it nice to see me again?" He said as she stood there in shock 'how was he alive' she thought .

He pushed her into the wall now going to attack suhyeok again as wonyoung stood up and kicked gwinam.

Gwinam had not bitten her wrist with no hesitation. Causing the girl to scream in fear.

Suhyeok took gwinam and threw him off the window . He took wonyoungs hand it dragged her to the music room the girl being still in pain from that bite.
