15- Savior

A year ago, I would have never thought that this would be happening to me. I'm just a girl, not even 18 yet. I should not have to fear for my life everyday. I shouldn't have to wake up every morning and fear that somebody I love has been killed.

Lana was pulled from her thought by a voice.
"Well well well! Who do we have here!?"
Lana turned around to see Bellatrix. Draco slowly walked up behind her. He looked miserable. Lana grabbed out her wand.
"What do you want from me!?"
Bellatrix laughed maniacally and turned to Draco
"Kill the girl!" She screamed
"No... Draco no..." for the first time in years, Lana was crying.
Draco shakily grabbed out his wand and looked at his aunt
"Draco what are you waiting f-"
"EXPELIARMUS" Lana yelled, knocking Bellatrix's wand out of her hand, distracting her.
Draco looked at Lana. It was now or never. Lana ran and jumped down to the ground.
"GET HER" Bellatrix screamed
Lana apparated to the burrow. She fell to the ground and started sobbing while choking. She couldnt breathe, her love almost killed her.
"LANA!" Hermione yelled running over to the girl and bending over to hug her.
"What happened!?" Ginny asked
"Bellatrix.... she sent Draco on me... she tried to make him kill me. I distracted her and apparated here"
"Oh darling come in" Molly said while helping Lana in.
Lana couldnt believe it. He grabbed out his wand... He thought about it. How could he!? He has no right!

A few days later Lana was with Hermione at the empty Lovegood house when they saw Draco. Lana and Hermione grabbed out their wands
"Stay away Malfoy." Hermione hissed
"What do you want from us!?" Lana cried
"What do you want!?" Lana screamed
"Lana I'm so sorry... If I didn't, then Bellatrix would've had me killed. I didn't want to, I'm so glad you're okay. I love you please just listen to me"
Lana looked at Draco, then Hermione, then back at Draco.
"No. I can't. Not right now. I'm sorry Draco but you betrayed me. I love you but I just cant forgive you. Just leave, please."
Hermione looked at Lana surprised, she had never been like this.
