D- Day

Tine's pov

Tomorrow is the competition and here we're going for a movie date. What a confident couple. On the way, we discussed so many things about the competition even though we were head over heels for each other. You know we're a responsible couple.

At the cinema, we did so many naughty things like eating each other. You can guess whatever you want or you can be jealous of me because I got a hot boyfriend. I'm making you jealous, right?

Oops wait, he's not my boyfriend. But he'll be mine. But when God knows. Because I'm waiting for his confession. I trust him and am ready to give myself to him. I know that too much sweet is harmful to health but it's Wat. So I don't mind the result. But you need trust to begin a relationship right? I trust him very much. He has helped my mental health a lot of times. He has been a good tutor to me over these 20 days.

I grew closer to him. Yes, I know he's a perfect boy.
I love him a lot that sometimes I feel that I should squeeze his cheeks and butt cheeks. I know that you love his butt cheeks.😜 sorry it's mine to squeeze.

D-day/ Competition day

We're here on the location and I'm nervous as hell. Shit, I need my Vitamin Wat. Where is he? Aah. I see him talking with a girl. I don't know what he's speaking about with her. But I'm here nervous and jealous as well. I kinda want a big hug from him. Wat come faster or I'll find a boyfriend for myself now?

Maybe he heard it. He came faster than I thought. Hehe, bottom power right? Nope, I'm and you're wrong because he was asking for directions and we got to know where to go. So he came back. But still, I'm jealous because she was watching him very closely while only I can watch him that close. I want lots of kisses to heal me. God, please take us to the location, so I can have my way to Wat.

Author's pov,

Everyone reached the exact place and the Inaugural function(*I don't whether you're aware of the function if not I'll say it later in the comment section) will start at 10o clock.

Tine's pov,

We are here by 8 30. And we got nearly 1 and a half an hour. And guess what we got separate rooms for us to stay together because we are participating in many events. So we need more time for practice and blah blah. They don't need to know what happens behind the door. And now I can eat my Wat, peacefully.

We reached our room. Yes, our room. This feels so good. Maybe after confessing our feelings, we should move in together. I want to be with him always.

Sarawat's pov,

We reached our room. Okay, this feels good to hear. We should move in together after the competition. I want to squish him in bed. I want to know how it feels to wake up next to him.

Before my thoughts continued, I was pinned to the door. What's happening? Why I'm still thinking? Well to answer this my lips are eaten by this hungry bunny over here. I should be happy right that he takes the initiative. But still, I'm top and I should initiate it right. Who cares about what happens in our room? It's our secret. Tine can be anything.

This behavior makes me turn on very easily, and because of this, I need to take a cold shower. This is happening for the first time. Now I'm horny, who'll control this bunny now? Okay, enough with thinking. Now it's time to take action. "Wait bunny, listen to me. What happened to you?" I asked as I caressed his face.

"I'm nervous and I'm jealous of that girl." And he started eating my neck. Seriously, are we on honeymoon or what? Bunny don't do this, we have competitions to attend. Okay, this is my way of escape. But now I'm hungry for my bunny.

"Bunny enough. Now it's wolf's time to eat his bunny!" And I pushed him onto the bed.
After fifteen minutes of kissing, we were hard enough to see each other bulge in pants. Now we both need a cold shower. But my bunny had another Idea. He just gave me the best and first blowjob. I love him a lot. Without asking he gave me a lot.

I love him a lot. I wanted to say this. But it needs to wait. Because we're are here to participate in the competition. We need to win this. We don't distractions. Later we both took shower together. Took a lot of turns giving blowjobs to each other. Well, this is definitely our honeymoon.

Now half an hour to the competition. We're ready with our team.
"Saraleo". My baby called me. "I'm much more ready for the completion now. Let's win all the prizes"
He's eager to attend the completion, who am I to stop him?

Author's pov

Their team won most of all the prizes and it was after party. As they were students and had discipline they said no to alcohol. After the party, they went to their rooms. Since the program ended very late at night the contestants were asked to stay the night.

It was a great opportunity for Sarawat to try his luck and ask his bunny to be his life partner forever. Since they were in their final year they can easily get married after their graduation. You may think it's fast, but they believe in each other.

Tine went to shower after coming back to the room. Even though Sarawat wanted to join him, he stayed back so he can propose to him.
Tine came out from the bathroom and saw the lights off and only candlelight was spread in the room. It was written something. He read it out loud, "will you Marry me?"

Tine's eyes welled up. He was on the verge of crying. S He started to search Sarawat only to find him on his knees holding a ring. "Tine, will you be my boyfriend?" Tine said yes while crying. He couldn't trust his words so he just nodded to answer sarawat's question.

After they came back to their place. They moved in together with the help of their family. Yes, they met each other's family and both were happy to accept the boys. So they didn't need to wait till graduation. After graduation Sarawat became CEO of his father's company. Tine opted for art as his career. Sarawat has been part of an art exhibition that became an art fair because of Tine's creative arts.

They both achieved success. They both and their family were happy with each other and lived happily ever after.

*This is end of the story. I don't know if this story was good or not. I'm not good at writing. As already said in the first chapter I'm not good at this. I was just a reader. If in case I feel motivated I may try to write more.

More importantly, this story has only WatTine only because I love them excessively. I may like other ships but BW is someone that'll never leave you behind or something. I'm just simp for them.

I love brightwin and WatTine 🔆🐰

Thank you for reading. I love you all. Ignore my mistakes. 🔆🐰
