The Beginning

Kaylie uses the table napkin to wipe her tears away and hopefully, not do any damage to the mascara. She watches as her best friend and now husband do their first dance.

She leans back against her own lover, her last boyfriend and soon to be husband. He gently squeezes her hand as they watch their friends end their dance with a kiss. The whole room cheers for the newlyweds, Ian and Miranda.

Miranda looks over at her best friend and smiles. It's been three years since they graduated. So much has happened since then. She looks up at her husband, smiling at him. Ian looks back at her, their love for each other evident in their eyes.

It was three years ago to this day that they had their first date after 'love week.' And throughout those years, he kept pursuing her as if it was their first week together. They've been through many challenges but enjoyed so many victories and achievements too.

At the end of the event, the newlyweds walk through the crowd and to the white car that awaits them. As they get inside, Ian gives her a gentle kiss and she closes her eyes.

Her mom waves from outside, and Ian's parents do the same. Kaylie and her soon to be husband smile and wave at them. They'll all be joining them on the honeymoon, since Kaylie's wedding is two days away and they planned to do a big family honeymoon together, but for now, it's just Ian and Miranda.

The car takes them to their stop, their new house. They stare at the simple house, imagining the life they're going to build together. The driver helps them inside and they marvel at the interior. Kaylie and Ian's sister worked together to decorate the inside for them.

"It's perfect," Miranda says softly. Ian pulls her to him and smiles at her. "As Proverbs eighteen twenty-two says, he who finds a wife finds a good thing. I've found mine, and it's only the beginning."
