
The bell rang as Louis wandered further away from the bathroom, his next class was with Niall and there was no doubt about it that he was going to ask why he ditched.

He shoved his damp hands into his pockets and scrambled to the classroom he needed to be in. Niall smirked at him as Louis came though the door to sit down on his right.

"What?!" Louis huffed, chucking his backpack onto the floor.

"Did you go and save the poor, crying damsel in distress?" Niall stuck out his bottom lip and bounced his head from side to side on each syllable of his sarcastic remark.

Louis replied quickly and quietly, not wanting to talk to him, especially with how he made Harry feel. "No." Niall raised an eyebrow and kept pushing.

"Oh really? Didn't go to comfort him because you're meany-weany friends had a bit of a laugh with him?"

"No. Just shut up Niall."

"Then why did you run off half way through the lesson?" The blonde haired one almost started to become frustrated as Louis never keeps things away from him.

Louis thought for a second, "I got a boner over Eleanor."

An excuse he uses quite often, even though most of the time it is actually true so Niall didn't even batter an eyelid and left his friend alone.

They barely spoke during the rest of their class and just kept their heads down making notes about each fact the professor would explain.

The hour and a half dragged and the hand on the clock began to click slower and slower when Louis watched it, trying not to doze off as he'd zoned out so he couldn't even hear the teachers voice.

Just the


of that compulsory little clock on the wall.

He barely even noticed when everyone stood up to pack their highlighters, study books and notepads away in their bags.

"You're coming to the hall to eat right?"

Louis strained himself from not rolling his eyes too far into the back of his head or they would have been stuck there.

"Yeh, just need to go to the library to get a study book."

Niall didn't grin like usual so Louis guessed he understood that he was grumpy with him. Not another word was spoken or even muttered as Niall left Louis lonely in the room.

"Prick." The grumble came up his throat like acid.

Yes the two had been friends for as long as they could both remember but Niall still had his ways of getting under Louis' skin and causing chaos.

Louis crammed his stuff into his bag untidily as usual and made his way to the library with his head down


a l l

eye contact.

Hopefully him trying to dig for facts and knowledge about Harry styles will distract him for a least half an hour from the frustration.

Louis barged through a large gathering of students who were gagging to get a glimpse of the outside courts through the window of the hallway.

He didn't even consider it, it was probably just an argument or some pathetic fight.

He finally pushed himself to the library door and took a breath.

Harry will calm him down.
It'll be okay.

Louis entered and the space was practically empty, it was a nice day anyway so most students would be outside eating their lunch on the scattered benches dotted around the campus.

The table which is normally only occupied by one curly headed boy was completely empty, not a nervous head stuck in a book, not a little nerd pushing his glasses further into his face, not a shy little smile when realising someone wants to talk to him.

no one.

"""""He is going to get absolutely destroyed, good luck to him if he's attempting to walk away from that without a broken bone."""""

Louis tuned into a couple of boisterous guys a year younger than him, he knew them from his extended branch of friends.

"""""Tell me about it, Niall looked sooo mad! What did the kid even do?"""""


Louis turned in confusion to the boys strutting past him, "hey, what's happening?"

"Oh hey Lou, and Niall's been pushing this kid around outside, it's quite entertaining."

All boys are dicks then, not just Niall.

"What kid?"

The boys finger rose and pointed just past Louis, he gulped as his senses blurred.

"That     strange    one     that     sits     there."

Red. Red was all Louis could see.

He stormed past the boys that fed him the information and out of the library, back into the gathering at the window.


"Move out of my way!"

"Let me see!"

Because of Louis' size he jabbed and shoved his way right to the front so his hands slammed onto the window trying to witness absolutely anything that was happening.


The two boys were right.

Harry was the kid.
